The Bragging Thread

<p>I won a tennis award when I was 8.</p>

<p>Jerry Seinfeld went to my HS. Alec Baldwin’s dad was our coach. Alec & his brothers went to a different school.</p>

<p>I too predicted Obama’s success after his speech at the Convention.</p>

<p>I loved to read to World Book encyclopedia, but I never finished it. We recently gave it to a 4th grade teacher to use in school.</p>

<p>I weighed 115 when I got married. I don’t anymore.</p>

<p>I’ll third on predicting Obama as prez after that speech.</p>

<p>Both of my kids have graduated from university, including the one who taught us when he was a sophomore in HS that it IS possible to get an F+ on a report card. really.
In fact, I am the only one at home without a college diploma.</p>

<p>I didn’t ever play with Barbie dolls because I was a tomboy, and yet, many of my current friends grew up playing with Barbie dolls. What a range I have!!! (huge brag)</p>

<p>In 1981 I threw a party at my very very crappy Hollywood apartment for U2. BTW this was BEFORE Bono started confusing himself with God.</p>

<p>mathmom: I remember thinking “That guy’s going to be president” when Obama gave the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic Convention, but I don’t think I told anyone either! </p>

<p>I was hooked on SNL after seeing the Purina Rat Chow commercial. :-)</p>

<p>We have a stuffed panda bear in our house that was a prop on Saturday night live. Was a gift to DD when she was little. We had a relative who worked for SNL and they were cleaning out the props closet.</p>

<p>A drunken Chris Noth pulled me onto his lap when I said hi to him on the way to the ladies room at a Manhattan restaurant. He asked me convince his friend that he should have a colonoscopy. Coincidentally, my friend, who accompanied me to the ladies room is married to a colorectal surgeon and so we appeared very knowledgeable on the subject. Damn, he is a good lookin fella. The Brag: my fabulous husband brags that his wife was pulled on to Chris Noth’s lap.</p>

<p>Some once-removed bragging: I have a friend who shared a house with (among others) Janis Joplin, in Texas in the early 1960’s.</p>

<p>McLean Stevenson kissed my SIL.</p>

<p>Wow, this is a fast moving thread! :)</p>

<p>I won Honorable mention in Roller Skating competitions when I was 10.
Also won 1st place in a Singer Sewing machine contest when I was 12 and got to model my creation in front of an audience! ;)</p>

<p>My H and I were in Washington DC when George Bush #1 was inagurated (sp?) and got to stand next to Maria Shriver & Arnold Schwartzneggar.</p>

<p>Also, got to meet John Elway, Gayle King (Oprah’s best friend), Dorothy Hamill, Donny & Marie, and Whitney Houston.</p>

<p>My grandfather owned a hotel in NYC in the 60’s that Fidel Castro stayed in and there were numerous newspaper, magazine and other articles about that event. Caused quite a stir in NYC at the time because Castro cooked live chickens in the hotel rooms.</p>

<p>Sat in David Leterman’s studio audience when Sharon Osbourne was the main guest, woo hoo! :D</p>

<p>My older sister & I were the first of our friends to get the Easy Bake oven! :cool:</p>

<p>I don’t think this is bragging BUT,…I have watched EVERY apprentice episode! :eek:</p>

<p>I never brag except for here.</p>

<p>My aunt by marriage is the late George Harrison’s first cousin.</p>

<p>I worked in Georgetown DC for 5 years and NEVER saw a celebrity.</p>

<p>No one I went to high school or college with became famous (yet).</p>

<p>My dog is very athletic - a pretty good frisbee dog and all-round excellent leaper.</p>

<p>I survived another week of work.</p>

<p>When I was 12, I competed with a sister 13, and two of my brothers, 11 and 10, in the CYO ping-pong championships in Chicago. In our age groups sis and I went 1-2, and the bros went 1-2 in their division. The following year we were all in different divisions and went 1,1,1 and 1. There was a pic of the four of us with Dad in the paper.</p>

<p>When D was a sophomore in hs and the following summer, she competed in Nationals for three different events-Quiz Bowl, fencing, and softball.</p>

<p>S in Spain has got some connections to get nice seats at Real Madrid games and over the years has met plenty of well-known soccer players. He said the nicest was Roberto Carlos.</p>

<p>I survived my boss being a bully to me and my subordinate today.</p>

<p>I protected one of my most important subordinates from having to take on yet another assignment, and she thanked me for it.</p>

<p>My husband’s first cousin’s son is a Very Famous Musician whom you all have heard of. Of course, my husband isn’t in touch with either first cousin or the son.</p>

<p>My best friend in HS had a leading role on the TV show 90210.</p>

<p>I have been quoted in both The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, regarding my profession.</p>

<p>Both my sons have normal hearing and vision, and ten fingers and ten toes. They’ve done other things as well, but I continue to be happy with the basics.</p>

<p>My 20 year old D, a college sophomore, is cooking dinner for the family tonight. (So here I sit at the computer, dinking about on CC.)</p>

<p>My chem lab partner in high school was the Rose Queen in the Rose Parade.<br>
She was very nice, and made me me feel very smart…</p>

<p>My nephew does NOT have ten fingers and ten toes. He has five fingers and ten toes. And he and my sister seem fine with it. He is 15. I remember that first call from the nursery, when folks always say “there are ten fingers and ten toes”. That’s when I think about it.</p>

<p>When I was a teenager, I could (and often did) eat 3 Big Macs at a time - and it usually took less than 5 minutes.</p>

<p>And I once ate 5 quarter-pounders. I lost, though - another guy ate 7.</p>