The Bragging Thread

I like your plan B, @BunsenBurner. I’m too impatient, and as a retired person, i don’t have any coworkers :))

The Model 3 will be a much more sensible car, and with options, can probably be what you want without paying for things you don’t want. I don’t want the doors, I don’t want insanely fast acceleration, etc.

“…I don’t have any coworkers…”

Awesome. Enjoy! You will love it. The test drive was so much fun.

(Mr. is already making plans for a solar panel farm in our backyard. Yay!!! Less weeding for me!!)

I just got word that my first solo-authored paper has been accepted for presentation at the American Studies conference (the big one for my field). I’m so happy! My advisor said this is very unusual for a first year grad student (which makes me very nervous lol).


Both my kids have research opportunities this summer! Yay!

(A little sad, they won’t be home, but happy for their opportunities)

One relative just got engaged to a fabulous guy she’s been dating for two years. Another just got into his 1st choice of med school–instate at our local U. 3rd relative will be having her 2nd child in about 6 more weeks!

It’s been a great time lately for the extended family!

My three adult children have been an amazing support for their dad and grandma since their grandpa died last week. I’m so proud of them.

S1 just learned that he matched to an accredited internship for his Psy.D. The site wasn’t his first choice – or his second, third, fourth [I’ll stop here --] so he’s a bit down about it, BUT HE MATCHED!!

He’ll be in North Dakota. :open_mouth:

I have to brag to someone about my 5th grader. She finished another perfect season in gymnastics–1st all-around at every meet, and first in her entire level (not just age group/division) at the state championship. (Exactly the same as last year, but different level). She is entirely humble/clueless about it–the big thrill for her was staying in a hotel for the state meet, and stopping for a sundae on the way home. Every meet, I thought, “surely this winning streak cannot go on forever. . .” but she kept it going for two whole seasons. Super proud of her!

Husband and I will spend about a month in the mid-west when we drop D off for pre-season training for her first year in college. During, we will travel to nearby states while she is at training and will return to watch her games in and out of state.

Instead of staying in some hotels checking in and out, I decided to rent someone’s beautiful and spacious basement for a month. Turn out, I get a place to store her belongings between the time living in the temporary dorm with the athletes and the permanent dorm with her future roommate. Also, I will be able to order some hard-to-carry items and have them ship to the address. Cherry on top - I SAVED MORE THAN A THOUSAND DOLLARS BY DOING SO! I am proud of myself by willing to think out of the box.


That sounds awesome @kchendds!

My sophomore son had a summer job program interview yesterday, and will have another later this week. Finally, One out of three of our kids is taking advantage of career services at his college.

So proud of DS16 for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout this evening.

Welcome to the eagle scout family

Thanks @jym626

My West Point cadet says that earning Eagle was and still is the greatest achievement of his life.

Made my last college tuition payment!

Oh wait, there will be law school tuitions soon.

@VeryHappy Congrats to your son, there aren’t nearly enough psych internships available to meet demand so that fact that he got one is no small thing. Even if it’s North Dakota.

And congrats to everyone else too!

@NorthernMom61: Thank you – we are thrilled that he matched. It’s no small feat. With your screen name, I thought you were going to tell me that you’re in ND and were offering your services!

Not in ND, but been there done that internship matching many moons ago. There was a shortage of pre-doctoral internships then and the problem remains a big one in the profession. Best of luck to your son.

I’m not sure this is rightfully a brag since all I did was show up. My wife and I went to the symphony last night to see Scheherezade. Packed house, full stage, great seats dead center and ears level with the soloists. What we got first, before the intermission, though, was stunning.

We have been lucky to see some of the best ever, Itzhak Perlman, Sarah Chang, Yo-Yo Ma. Last night, watching Augustin Hadelich play Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto in D Major, it became immediately apparent we were hearing something special. He is a young man with a lot of talent and he was on his game. I, like many others there, watched it with tears in my eyes.

I wasn’t sure if I was just in an especially sentimental mood or if most people felt the same. After the concert, I bumped into a couple of people I know who attend every concert, big supporters of the arts, have their names on the wall. They were saying the same thing: “Best performance ever in Benaroya Hall.” It’s like going to a baseball game to get a beer and a burger, but you end up seeing Sandy Koufax pitch a perfect game, or dropping by a piano bar and having Franz Liszt show up. Transcendent. Not to be forgotten. Glad to have shared it with someone I love.