The Bragging Thread

<p>VH–My cousin’s kids are my first cousins once removed.</p>

<p>They and my kids are second cousins.</p>

<p>If you have the same parents, you are siblings.
If you have the same gparents, you are first cousins.
If you have the same ggparents, you are second cousins.
And so forth.</p>

<p>First, second, third cousins are the same generation distance from their common ancestors.</p>

<p>A cousin removed is one level “down.”</p>

<p>So, my first cousin’s children are my first cousins once removed. Her grandchildren are my first cousins twice removed.</p>

<p>However, my children and my first cousin’s children are second cousins to one another, as they share the same great-grandparents (the same grandparents that my first cousin and I share).</p>


So if we take advantage of PG’s negotion skills & musicmom’s online bargains, we could score some SWEET deals!</p>

<p>"I hope I didn’t offend anyone with my comment regarding “ten fingers and ten toes.” </p>

<p>If you mean me, no! I was bragging about my nephew and my sister.</p>

<p>Alfred Dreyfus was my great-grandfather’s cousin.</p>

<p>I ran into John F. Kennedy, Jr. twice, a couple of weeks apart in the same location. He was on a bike in NYC and I was a pedestrian. Before I even realized who he was, he took my breath way.</p>

<p>Thank you Pizzagirl for the cousins explanation. I always wanted to know.</p>

<p>I went to high school with a McArthur fellow.</p>

<p>I had lunch in college with another McArthur fellow. (Who struck me even then as the most brilliant person I had ever met and had already made quite a splash on campus for theatrical events he directed.)</p>

<p>My roommate was good friends with Yo Yo Ma sophomore year. She took a leave of absence at the end of the semester so I didn’t see him after that except in concerts.</p>

<p>I had lunch with Tom Lehrer (and several other people) in college. I have never laughed so hard.</p>

<p>I convinced my high school to let girls play donkey basketball.</p>

<p>i come from one of the wealthiest families in the country</p>

<p>I once got a free upgrade to first class.</p>

<p>Did not feel guilty at all leaving the family back in coach.</p>

<p>This thread is a lot of fun so I will brag that I am a fluent hubby dubby speaker.</p>

<p>Back in the day, I baked 6 loaves of bread a week, with the whole family involved in kneading. I fed my family of 4 on $50 a week.<br>
I won a $500 gift certificate from J.C. Penny about 15 years ago… walked up to the man doing the announcing and told him I had won. He said, “I haven’t announced the winner yet.” I had seen him mouth the name to another employee. Yup, it was me! ;)</p>

<p>I just remembered (thanks to anxiousmom’s post) … I won a 2-minute shopping spree at a local supermarket years ago. There were a lot of steaks in my freezer that summer!</p>

<li>Had a lunch at a Mexican restaurant in East Austin in the summer of 1992 and saw then Governor of Texas (GW) eating at the next table.</li>
<li>Involved in rollover accidents twice. Once in 1986 and once in 2008. Totaled both cars but not even a scratch on me. Both like a roller coaster ride. And a bit expensive one at that.</li>

<p>I was on a shuttle flight from DC to NY with Jenna Bush.</p>

<p>I saw Al Sharpton at the airport in DC while I was waiting for that flight.</p>

<p>If you google my name, you get about 450 hits on me – all based on books I edited way back in the early 1970s. Apparently books that are in a library’s on-line catalogue pop up when they’re catalogued with my name as editor.</p>

<p>I’m playing Mahler’s Das Lied von der Erde tonight, and I don’t mean a recording of it.</p>

<p>Back in the day, my husband was life guard in the summer and a ski instructor in the winter. Since all the girls are usually in love with the life guard or the ski instructor, I’m clearly living the dream :D.</p>

<p>When my boss went out on emergency medical leave for 4 months with no prior warning, I did her job AND mine and no one outside the department could tell the difference - and I only worked 1 extra hour per day. She earned 4 times as much as I did. Six months after she returned to work I left to take another job. It took her 2 months to convince the superiors to hire someone to replace me - they said if I could do both jobs, why couldn’t she?</p>

<p>My son got a 4.0 last semester, has made Deans List every semester and will graduate Magna Cum Laude (just like his dear old mom). Now all he needs is a JOB…</p>

<p>At age 8, S spotted an error in a NYT crossword puzzle (something about the moons of Endor), wrote the puzzle editor (Will Schortz) who promptly wrote him back a handwritten note (nice guy). We were unable to convince S to mention this on his college apps.</p>

<p>D and a friend won a national competition for a class project when she was 7, and was invited to the WH to meet the prez (your tax dollars at work). Their photo shaking hands was on the home page of the relevant gov’t agency for a couple of months. </p>

<p>I almost always guess right on the quizzes for Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me.</p>

<p>At age 50, I overcame a decades-long fear of flying (after being on a flight that lost engine power) so I could take on a cool new role in my job. Travelled over 100K miles to 5 continents last year and met some amazing people. (OK, there may have been some pharmaceuticals involved on some of those flights.)</p>

<p>After more than 30 years together my pupils still dialate when I see my husband start to unbutton his shirt.</p>

<p>One of my dogs brings in the paper every morning.</p>

<p>I bought a $3 purse at a Goodwill store and later found diamond earrings (quarter carat) inside a zipper pocket of the purse. </p>

<p>I won two free tickets to a Lori McKenna concert. I had to write in four lines or less why I deserved the tickets and send it to the entertainment editor of our big city newspaper. It was a great concert.</p>