The Bragging Thread

<p>^^I bought D2 a cheap camera case from a thrift shop and she found an ipod in it! We tried to find the owner, to no avail. Check those zipper compartments!</p>

<p>I once won a radio station contest. The prize was front row tickets to see Neil Diamond. Awesome!</p>

<p>My SIL won a trip for 4 to Disney World by submitting the funniest family vacation story. </p>

<p>She told how they went skiing, and her father insisted on wearing snow pants that were way too tight (he had to unzip the hip pockets to zip the fly and snap the waist). Too tight for long johns underneath, so he was just wearing boxers. Sure enough, they split down the crotch and down one inseam as he was skiing. He stopped in a mid-station lodge, went to the mens room, stuffed the loose/open area with paper towels (to stop the snow from blowing in on his bare legs), borrowed some duct tape, wrapped it around the thighs, and took off skiing again. The duct tape didnā€™t work, and the paper towels began blowing out one by one and leaving a trail behind him. My MIL, a non-skier, was in the lodge when people came in laughing their heads off about this idiot on the slopes with paper towels blowing out of his torn ski pants. Without even seeing him, she knew it was her H. She was mortified.</p>

<p>(The brag is my SILā€™s winning the trip to Disneyā€¦ not my embarassing FIL. :rolleyes:)</p>

<p>Your SIL earned that trip for travelling with your FIL (what could the man have been thinking?!?!?!?)! Only D seems to be a skier in this household. H & S get altitude sickness & I think actually D sometimes does as well. Oh well, at least there isnā€™t that much temptation in HI for skiiing. :slight_smile: Never won such a trip that depending on actual SKILL (like submitting a funny story).</p>

<p>I have been having a really hard time- but that story has me literally rolling on the floor.
Thanks for sharing!</p>

<p>HImom, we do the same thing with the free ELOC each time my H is deployed - just in case. Good safety.</p>

<p>My brag: Both of my girls HS Jr and Freshman are number one in their respective classes. That could always change by next report card, but I can claim it right now! So proud of them!!!</p>

<p>Oh and 3Trees, please post pics of husband. ;-)</p>

<p>At the end of each performance of American Idiot on Broadway, actor Gerard Canonico throws the drumsticks way out into the audience. I saw him begin the toss. I didnā€™t look up because I already knew it was going to end up in my hand. Without raising my eyes I reached my arm way up, and there it was. I swept it straight down into my daughterā€™s hands. It was just a weird little ā€˜moment of zenā€™ kind of thing, but for some reason it made me very happy :slight_smile: And she was happy to have the drumstick.</p>

<p>So, if thereā€™s a competition for <em>least</em> impressive bragā€¦</p>

<p>I am not a socialite but my picture was in the Style Section of the NYTimes. I heard from so many people that I hadnā€™t spoken to in years. It was 15 minutes of fame. I enjoyed it.</p>

<p>Dā€™s high school drill team is one of 12 performing in the Super Bowl half time showā€¦</p>

<p>Ohhhā€¦moreā€¦ DD was in a high school class with Governor good hairā€™s son (Gov.of Texas), and both my kids attended the public high school that the twins - President Bushā€™s girls attended. The twins left the year before DD first attended the school - so close to fame, and yet so far. I went to elementary school, and some high school, with ex-movie star, Sean Youngā€¦ (of Blade Runner fame)</p>

<p>OMG, Lafalum84, tks for the laugh (post #323)!!!</p>

<p>My dad managed the refurbishment of the plane Linda Finch used to recreate Amelia Earhartā€™s round-the-world flight in 1997 for the 60th anniversary of her disappearance.</p>

<p>As a result of that, I was in a newspaper ad for Pratt & Whitney when I was 12. </p>

<p>My grandfather played chess with Winston Churchill.</p>

<p>Dang, I canā€™t think of anything to brag about. I need to get busy and accomplish something.</p>

<p>Just read #323. Still laughing. Thanks, Lafalum.</p>

<p>I got to hug Michael Franti at a Spearhead concert. (actually not that big a bragā€“I think by the time it was over, heā€™d hugged half the crowd.)</p>

<p>I played pinball next to Southside Johnny, twice (which shows how much time I spent in pinball joints in Asbury Park when i was young.) Never ran into Bruce, though, which is odd, because having a ā€œran into Bruceā€ story is practically a requirement of growing up on the northernest part of the Jersey shore.</p>

<p>Garland-- I dated a guy in Bruceā€™s road crew. Once we went to the Stone Pony in Asbury Park so he could fix something in their sound system while I waited in the office. In walked-you know whoā€“who was returning from an Elvis concert in Philly. It actually took a few minutes to figure out that it was actually Bruce i was having an Elvis conversation with. Thatā€™s how normal he was.</p>

<p>Vitracā€“Seeā€“Iā€™m the only one! (met Danny Federiciā€™s ex-wife, knew someone who almost ran bruce down with a delivery truck, someone else whose grandmother sat on a bench in Marine Park chatting with ā€œthat nice Bruce Springstein boyā€, went to HS with Miami STeveā€™s brotherā€¦on and onā€¦never got closer to Bruce than when he went by me in the aisle of the Carleton in Red BAnk at a concert in 76).</p>

<p>We have a 17 year old cat who still chases her tail! :)</p>

<p>This 49-year-old made it through the night without getting up to go to the bathroom. :)</p>

<p>Woo hoo, Splashmomā€“always a triumph!</p>