The Bragging Thread

Congrats to your son, VH!

Congrats to your son, VH. S1 invited us to his defense, and it brought back all sorts of nervous memories for me of my own defense, especially waiting in the hall to hear the verdict.

Oh wow, Shellfell. We werenā€™t invited ā€“ Iā€™m not sure that is part of their deal, and Iā€™m not sure son would have wanted us there. And Iā€™m not sure I could have stomached it!

S1 went to grad school only 1.5 hours away, so it was an easy trip. We were surprised he wanted us there, but when he invited us there was no question that weā€™d attend. We didnā€™t understand most of what he had done (heā€™s a physicist), so I could only tell that he was poised, seemed to have good command of his material, and looked very professional. It was a proud, if nerve-racking, experience.

Three of my sons signed up today for the bone marrow registry and we donā€™t even know anyone who needs a transplant.

After D2ā€™s first grad school application notification was a rejection, she has received 7 acceptances, including H, Y, and P. Itā€™s mind blowing, and Iā€™m so proud.

Wow!! ^^^

What is her field?

Thank you! Her area is economics. Sheā€™s great at math, too; Iā€™m sure that has contributed much to her academic success in economics.

Woohoo! awesome @rosered55 !

S1 got 97% or higher on his midterms!

Dā€™s kickstarter 85% funded! Yea! So close!

Kickstarter fully funded!!! YEA!!!

D will graduate and has a job lined upā€¦S now has an internship lined up for summer. Both jobs pay very well and both will be living at home for the summer! Woo Hoo!

S1 received four job offers, out of four interviews.

Heā€™s taking the one in the worst location, because they are offering him and his fiancee gazillions of dollars more than any of the other positions. Both happy and sad.

After YEARS of putting it off, I finally got the wood rot repaired on my house today!!!

S just spoke with us yesterday. He surprised us by telling us that his net worth is high enough that heā€™s seriously looking into buying the condo heā€™s been living in for the past several years. 1/2 of it is in tax-advantaged retirement accounts (in index funds) while the other 1/2 is invested in index funds and inventory for his online business.

Iā€™m done saving for my 2 kids college!! Hooray!! Next up, a ranch in Texas where we can take in horses, cats and dogs. ā€œBlack Cat Ranchā€ here I comeā€¦(in 10 years or so!)

Not exactly a brag, but an expression of vast relief: On Friday, D1 mentioned that her tooth has been hurting a lot. I had forgotten that she lost a filling several months ago. She said, ā€œIā€™m afraid Iā€™ll need a root canal!ā€ I promised to make her a dental appointment (me, in the midwest; her, in NYC) and was thrilled to find a dentist within walking distance of her apartment and even more thrilled to discover the office was open Saturday morning. So I made her an appointment for today, she had it, and she doesnā€™t need a root canal! Just a new filling.

Congrats @HRSMom. I wish you luck with your ranch objective. Donā€™t forget about retirement too :slight_smile:

I had an energy burst last night. After literally a year of being completely fatigued, I had energy. I didnā€™t know what to do with it. I cried a few tears of joy because I barely remember what itā€™s like to have actual, real energy. I was so, so happy even if it only lasted for a little while.

Brag 2: I have my committee in place for my prelim exams! I needed to petition my department for an exception to department rules (I wanted 2 outside of the department people to lead my lists and the usual rule is only 1) and they approved it. Huge weight off my shoulders!

Strange brag but my son went to the Logan premier tonight and just texted me a picture of him with Hugh Jackman!