The Bragging Thread

<p>My husband and I successfully ruined my 18 year old daughter’s life, at least for last night, for not allowing her to go somewhere we were uncomfortable with. We got the, so and so’s mom and dad are letting her go, kids from my school go there all the time, I’m 18 years old, you should let me make my own decisions and a few more compelling, at least in her eyes, arguments. The answer was still no. </p>

<p>And she is still speaking to us this morning, imagine that!</p>

<p>I was in Time Magazine my senior year of HS. This did not prompt me to apply to an Ivy.</p>

<p>My H was voted “Greek God of the Year” his senior year in college, when we were dating (Greek as in the fraternity system, not as in coming-from-Greece).</p>

<p>I remember watchin’ Art Fleming even when he wasn’t in style
Oh, I was Jeopardy when Jeopardy wasn’t cool…

<p>My sister learned a few years ago that her friend’s roommate – the guy who was standing stark naked at the stove boiling water for macaroni and cheese when she met him 40 years ago – was Steve Tyler. [Should I have saved that for the “Naked Famous People You or a Close Relative Have Met” thread??]</p>

<p>Oh, and to calmom: Sadly, no. Cutest and most charming has already been awarded in a three-way tie to my grand-daughter (4) and two grandsons (2 and 6 months). Your grandson can have second place all to himself, though.</p>

<p>I know someone who dated Robert Smith of the Cure.</p>

<p>And John Cusack is a family friend of a close friend of ours.</p>

<p>I won a case of Girl Scout cookies when I was in college. I was very popular.</p>

<p>I won tickets to a Tori Amos concert. I also won tickets to the inaugural game at the Safe :cool:</p>

<p>I won a trip for 2 in a raffle for people who attended local travel presentations by a tour operator(Globus).They picked a national winner randomly from all the entires from all the local shows. I could pick anywhere Globus went,just had to pay any airfare. I took the award letter to a local travel agency to get help with the airfare(this was almost 20 years ago when agencies were still doing more of the ticketing). The travel agent looked at the letter and told me it was probably a scam. It was not and my sister and I enjoyed a wonderful trip to Scandinavia while my husband stayed home with my sons!</p>

<p>My first dance class was taught by Goldie Hawn before she left to find her fame. Bonnie Raitt visited our family home, along with John Denver. John also borrowed my parent’s golf clubs. I went to a Birds’ Concert and met Roger McGuinn backstage. Won front row seats to the Moody Blues. On another note, my daughter just got into UNC Chapel Hill OOS. Oh, yes, and she wasn’t allowed to quit French for Spanish, she speaks fluent French now. (I was a nice tiger mom) I was orphaned my senior year of high school so everything my daughter has is a huge accomplishment. People with far more money and education in my office haven’t been able to get their kid in UNC and actually thought I was crazy to let her try. Yes, the joke is on them and I do love to brag about it.</p>

<p>I made eye contact with John Entwhistle as he was playing when we had front row seats for a Who concert.</p>

<p>*I also won tickets to the inaugural game at the Safe *
[Interested in a Mike McCready bobblehead?](<a href=“”>;/a&gt;)</p>

<p>( Last year I won tickets to the game where Mike got his very own jersey!)</p>

<p>My great-uncle first introduced Seabiscuit’s jockey to Seabiscuit’s owner, as described in the book.:slight_smile: Not portrayed in the movie :(</p>

<p>This is a great, great thread! </p>

<p>I didn’t get a math problem wrong in middle school for more than 2 1/2 years. Unfortunately, that says as much about my school as it does for my talent. It was actually a relief to miss one finally.</p>

<p>My son has played school tennis and tournament tennis for three years and has never thrown a racquet, yelled or said anything remotely considered bad while doing so. I know this because I have seen every match but two (both of which he won decisively, so he would have had no reason to suddenly start doing those things).</p>

<p>This is someone else’s boast, but he’s not on this board, so: A non-medical co-worker of mine saved my life at lunch one day by using the Heimlich Manuever when I was choking on a piece of chicken. I looked at him, he looked at me and I could see that he knew that I was choking and that he was going to save me. (Obviously, I couldn’t talk). So I calmly stood up and turned my back to him so he could do it. And here is the amazing thing: about 18 years later I ran in to him and his wife, I told her (while reminiscing) that he had saved my life, and HE HAD NEVER TOLD HER!</p>

<p>I once caught a 12 1/2 inch bass in a lake in 2 feet of water under a pontoon while using a piece of grass as bait! I was on a dock next to the pontoon. </p>

<p>I have a beautiful 4 foot long icicle hanging on my house!</p>

<p>Harry Chapin kissed me…on the cheek :)</p>

<p>Schokolade,Great story about your co-worker. Sounds like a humble guy!</p>

<p>I made pasta by hand today for the first time ever! And it was edible! Actually, it was really good. See for yourself: [Saved</a> Photos-4 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!](<a href=“http://www.■■■■■■■■■■/photos/kochsusan/5403062062/]Saved”>Handmade Orecchiette | First pasta attempt | Susan Koch | Flickr)</p>

<p>My husband and I attended a charity gala where he won $10K at a raffle held that
night–it was one of those split-the-pot raffles–half went to the charity and the other half went to the person whose ticket was picked by the MC. My H gave his winnings back to the charity.</p>

<p>Going back a generation or two, my parents’ wedding announcement was printed in the New York Times. Pretty good for a penniless Jewish couple, one of whom was an immigrant. </p>

<p>My father’s parents didn’t make the Times but had their wedding announcement printed in the New York Tribune.</p>

<p>My ex and I didn’t rate – just as well, considering how it turned out!</p>

<p>In 1936, when he was a senior in high school, my father had the second highest overall Regents exam score in all of New York State. </p>

<p>My mother was one of only 3 women in her class at Columbia Law School, where she met my father.</p>

<p>My father’s mother had a letter to the New York Times published in 1913.</p>

<p>My great grandparents,Quakers who owned a large farm in the south, had nine children born from the late 1880’s to 1905. Each of the nine (including girls) attended college.
The youngest,a girl, graduated in 1926.</p>