The Bragging Thread

<p>My great-grandfather was a leading member of the Socialist Labor Party of NYC.</p>

<p>(doesn’t surprise anyone, now does it?;))</p>

<p>I sent a phrase I saw to Bill Griffith (“pole mount squirrel baffle”) and he used it in his “Zippy the Pinhead” comic strip–he gave me a “tip o’ the pin” but misspelled my name.</p>

<p>I passed Nate Berkus walking down the street in Greenwich Village. </p>

<p>When I saw Conan O’Brien on tour I was two rows in front of Al Franken. Poor guy was getting requests to take pictures and he was just seeing an old friend. </p>

<p>My brother is currently serving our country in Afghanistan. (IMO I brag for it because he has enough courage to do it.)</p>

<p>I used to know someone who worked at Camp David. Of course it was during the Bush administration but it was still pretty awesome.</p>

<p>When I was in Girl Scouts and we walked far enough into the woods we would get stopped by Secret Service or the police. GS Camp was located very closely to Camp David.</p>

<p>^I went to the same Girl Scout Camp you did, but I think many, many years earlier!</p>

<p>Hunt–my H sent a funny newspaper article to Dave Barry and got an “Alert Reader” award back from him. Not sure that his article made it into a Barry column or not, though.</p>

<p>Loved reading your posts!!!</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone with some great accomplishments!!! :)</p>

<p>BTW…just so you know…I have the cutest pets… LOL</p>

<p>I have a mouse that can lick the peanut butter off of a trap without triggering it.</p>

<p>^^^we apparently have squirrels in our attic that can do that kind of thing. not sure it’s brag-worthy.</p>

<p>notrichenough, his cousin is visiting us!</p>

<p>Our mice just know to walk around the traps, though perhaps they were licking at the pb on the way.</p>

<p>At age 3, while perched on top of his Dad’s shoulders, S-1 shook hands with Elie Wiesel. At 20, same son went with his college class to NYC to shake hands with Nelson Mandela. These thoughts thrill me.</p>

<p>A couple of months ago YouTube contacted DD and told her she would be featured on their Tuesday Music Spotlight. In one day she had over 1.5 million views!</p>

<p>I saw Tim Gunn in the Phoenix airport. He was impeccably dressed and very polite to all the travelers who spoke to him.</p>

<p>One of my high school classmates married a member of Duran Duran. Nice midwestern girl. She has not made an appearance at any of our reunions.</p>

<p>S was approached by a scout for Abercrombie who asked him to model for their catalogue (for real, he gave him a card and we called the corporate office to check). Son was mortified but tempted by the $$. Still waiting in vain for someone to remark that he takes after his good-looking ma.</p>

<p>D is both talented and unflinching in removing ticks and other insects from our dogs.</p>

<p>People I have flown on the same plane with. Except for some of the pro wrestlers, I didn’t sit next to any of these people on the plane:</p>

<p>Ronald Reagan (in 1972 when he was unsuccessfully running for pres)
Walter Mondale
Olympic gold medalist Carl Lewis
Boxing champion Roy Jones
A whole plane load of World Wrestling Federation professional wrestlers on tour.</p>


Way to burst my bubble. :(</p>

<p>raccoons are way worse! dh was really getting riled trying to outsmart the critter that would get the food out of the trap without tripping…we resorted to twist tying down corn cobs with peanut butter smeared on them.</p>

<p>I retract my brag about my mouse.</p>

<p>Licked three traps clean last night, but ran out of luck on #4.</p>

<p>How do you know it was the SAME mouse that got caught in trap #4?? :)</p>

<p>his peanut butter breath…</p>

<p>^^^ That’s a good point, I better set the traps out again tonight.</p>

<p>For some reason, DW and DD didn’t want to see the mouse I caught. I don’t get it. :confused:</p>