The Bragging Thread

<p>violadad - I’ll see your draining Germany breweries…and raise you several New Zealand and South African wineries!!!</p>

<p>I won $12 at Keeneland last spring. That’s right … I’m rolling in it!</p>

<p>Oh, and corgis are adorable … mine is currently napping on the couch with her head on DH’s lap.</p>

<p>My DH cooked dinner AND did the dishes tonight ;)</p>

<p>lilmom…you win. Best I ever got was the dishwasher unloaded.</p>

<p>Love those Pem Corgis! We just saw “The Kings Speech” which had prominent placement of Corgis whenever Elizabeth (as a child) was in a scene. Our male Pem gets many compliments at the dog park.</p>

<p>Let see, hmm … Oh, at a college state debate/speaking tournament I brought home four trophies and single handedly brought the team a first place trophy. Strangely enough, as I am somewhat introverted, many years later I was elected to public office as a City Treasurer.</p>

<p>I can burp the alphabet.</p>

<p><<i can=“” burp=“” the=“” alphabet.=“”>></i></p><i can=“” burp=“” the=“” alphabet.=“”>

<p>I can say the alphabet backwards…even after visiting various NZ and SA wineries! </p>

<p>(I could be wrong, but I think it’s a “New Orleans” thing!!! :wink: )</p>

<p>I can name all 50 states in alphabetical order.</p>

<p>Pizzagirl - but can you do it intoxicated??? THAT is the REAL test!!! ;)</p>



<p>but can you name the USNews top 50 universities and LACs? This is CClandia after all. ;)</p>

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<p>My grandson is the cutest and most charming baby in the entire world.</p>

<p>xiggi - GOOD POINT!!!</p>

<p>I’ve lost 23 lbs in 3 months, and have less than 10 lbs before I’m merely “overweight” instead of “clinically obese!”</p>




<p>It’s easier to burp the alphabet after visiting the wineries, but even easier after visiting 12rmh18 at the brewery.</p>

<p>I haven’t made anyone cry yet at work this year.
I have travelled 30k miles already this year.
D1 is graduating from college this year (4 years) with a job.
D2 has a ballet solo at her new dance studio recital.
My masseuse told me that my skin has very good elasticity for someone of my age.
I am still married to my first husband (haven’t killed him yet).</p>

<p>I could have been on Jeopardy. I passed the preliminary test, and a few weeks later they called to tell me the date they wanted me to fly out to CA and be on the show. However, it turned out to be just a couple of days before S’s bar mitzvah, so I declined. I’d probably have been really nervous and done terribly, so this way I can have illusions of how brilliant I would have been!</p>

<p>College-query, very nice…</p>

<p>Good luck…</p>

<p>A good friend of mine was on jeopardy. He started out on our HS college bowl (where a very lovely head shot of me in the audience was prominently displayed during the lightening round). A few years ago he won $10K college scholarship in a trivia contest at some shopping mall (I forget who sponsored it but they travelled around the country doing these contests). He has NO KIDS. I volunteered my kids for his scholarship $, but he declined-- gave it to his nephew instead, the louse.</p>

<p>Top this one-- a very good friend of mine from college’s great great (dont ask me how many greats) grandfather was the first settler to be arrested for fornicating with the indians. I kid you not. I had a great uncle who played the first human dummy (ventriloquist type) on Broadway. Save all the jokes. Heard them all before.</p>

<p>I so like that these brags are so normal.</p>

<p><<i could=“” have=“” been=“” on=“” jeopardy.=“”>></i></p><i could=“” have=“” been=“” on=“” jeopardy.=“”>

<p>Actually, my mother WAS on Jeopardy! Won the Seniors tourny, got to the quater finals of the Tournament of Champions, and was invited back for the prime time show.</p>

<p>To this day…NO ONE who knows my mother calls her during Jeopardy time!!!</p>