The Bragging Thread

<p>Analysis of DNA in the saliva traces left on the mousetraps indicated that the traps have been licked clean by the same mouse :)</p>

<p>I once caught a mouse in my kitchen island drawer with my own hand (wrapped in a plastic grocery bag)!</p>

<p>I once outsmarted a skunk but it took me 48 hours to do it. He (or she?) came into our mudroom and camped out behind the couch. I left both doors open thinking the hint would be enough. The next day I went into the room and made loud noises but that did not make an impression. </p>

<p>When my wife mentioned she would pay someone to come and get the skunk removed, I decided to get serious. I checked the fridge and found an old piece of steak that should have been thrown out already. I tied a string around it and walked out into the mudroom with it. Once I saw the critter eyeing me and the treat, I tossed the steak onto the floor by the couch. I pulled on the string while the skunk began inching closer to the bait. Suddenly it grabbed hold of the steak and tried to wrestle it away from me. Carefully I backed up into the kitchen and swung the skunk and his steak towards the back door. I dropped the string and closed the door and looked out the window to watch my guest heading into the woods with it’s supper. It never came back.</p>

<p>BunsenBurner, I would have moved and left the mouse the keys.</p>



<p>Your cat would commiserate with you. Nobody wanted to see the mouse that it caught either.</p>

<p>our pest control service caught one of the attic squirrels in a trap set on the roof near their entry point
the squirrel fought so much in the trap on the pitched roof it fell to the ground, a raccoon decided it wanted the bait in the trap (and the squirrel) for dinner - dd was home on winter break and when she heard the raccoon dragging the trap up the driveway to the backyard she went out with a broom to do battle. (after all - it was OUR squirrel, not the raccoon’s
?) </p>

<p>the guy from the pest control service said he couldn’t wait to share this story - the poor dead squirrel had no tail, no feet 

<p>in retaliation for not getting the squirrel, the raccoon has made a royal mess of my yard.</p>

<p>TIME FOR WAR!</p>

<p>so: guess I am bragging about my dd fighting off a murderous raccoon.</p>

<p>Raccoons eat squirrels!!!</p>

<p>I’m feeling woozy in a not-good way from the raccoon story.</p>

We clearly have gifted mice! :D</p>


If I had a cat, I wouldn’t be bragging about my mice! :cool:</p>

<p>Traps are set, we’ll see if any more varmints are crawling around my house.</p>

<p>Our mice can lick peanut butter off a spring trap and remove any piece of food in the middle of a glue trap. I think we finally got them with Decon though. They can also get out of those humane traps where you just catch and release them.</p>

<p>omg, I came hear to brag about a yoga pose
but reading all these stories about poor dismembered squirrels and monster carnivore raccoons, I’ll just come back later.</p>

<p>Yoga pose? Brag away! I can do a headstand, but that’s pretty much it when it comes to my yoga skills.</p>

<p>Speaking of raccoons
 I once defended a tree full of Rainier cherries from a raccoon who just did not want to leave it. I had to toss rocks, sticks, old rebar and whatnot at him until he decided to move and fell into the neighbor’s yard to the delight of the neighbor’s dogs. :slight_smile: Those were MY cherries!</p>

<p>Ok then, I can do the kukkutasana pose (rooster pose) and stay there for 5 minutes, and I can do a fine one legged king pigeon and getting up into a bird of paradise from the sitting position.</p>

<p>I can’t stand on my head yet though, scared to break my neck
weak neck.</p>

poor raccoon
couldn’t you have just offered a bowl of cherries and be done with it?</p>

<p>Bonnie Raitt once dedicated “Angel From Montgomery” to “those girls from Penn State.” We had left a big floppy straw hat for her backstage and she came out wearing it.</p>

<p>I’m sending my invoice for my second paid consultancy this week, and I applied for another job and am applying for another one now. :smiley: Plus I finished my taxes, the FAFSA, am studying for the GRE, and my kids have been in bed all time all week, all while my husband is deployed. I freaking rock the Casbah, people. AND my sink is bleached.</p>

<p>I think staying off Facebook is going to have to be a permanent thing. :P</p>



but you are HERE instead!!!</p>

<p>would a squirrel with cherries be “Squirrels Jubilee”?</p>


<p>Snagged another one last night.</p>



<p>I’m really good at savasana. I could probably hold that pose for hours :)</p>

<p>*'m really good at savasana. I could probably hold that pose for hours *</p>

<p>I’m there with you.</p>

<p>I don’t do headstands.</p>