The Bragging Thread

<p>Bwahaha, that’s true, but not as much. I’ve cut down from four message boards (including FB as a message board of sorts) to one, and I’m going to get off here… soon. :D</p>

<p>I’m not on Facebook and I do not have a Linkedin account either :)</p>

<p>We must have too many cats around, I barely see squirrels let alone mice. However we do have a lot of crows & when my H took the hummingbird feeders into the house for filling- he apparently wasn’t fast enough, because they buzzed him to show their displeasure.</p>

<p>Never tried the rooster post, I have done bird of paradise, but it is not pretty, very awkward!
Pigeon, no problem; half moon, easy; headstands & dolphin, easy, but I get dizzy afterwards!</p>

<p>My son is playing in Carnegie Hall later this month–as part of the same college band that I was in–and we played in Carnegie Hall too. My daughter got a Scholastic writing award last year–presented at Carnegie Hall. And my wife played in the band for her high school’s graduation–at Carnegie Hall. 4 for 4.</p>

<p>My son was supposed to play a solo at Carnegie Hall with his high school but it was a day like today…snow…and the trip was canceled. It’s ok…he’s played plenty of solos since!!</p>

<p>I saw Rick Springfield in concert 4 times.</p>

<p>While pregnant with my oldest D I was able to pilot the Goodyear Blimp, my dad’s BF’s cousin was the pilot. I am terrified of heights, makes me gaggy.</p>

<p>D2, a D1 swimmer/diver dives off towers and cliffs. Makes me gaggy.</p>

<p>S1 had a few flights in fighter jets last summer, made me gaggy.</p>

<p>Oldest D loves to share her stories about her animal surgeries, REALLY makes me gaggy.</p>

<p>And my best brag, middle son (the one that makes me INSANE) who failed science in 4th, 5th, 6th and SEVENTH grade science just had his interview with harvard medical school. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO gaggy while he was gone.</p>

my christmas tree is still up, my 8 animals are STILL all here, and the kittens are all grown</p>

<p>Kat–when are you going to write a book??? Never mind Tiger mom–the one we all need to emulate is Kat mom! I love hearing about your kittens.</p>

<p>did the Rick Springfield concerts make you gaggy?
(I really like Jesse’s Girl…just teasing)</p>

<p>My S1 can swim (a lot of laps) with both his hands and feet bound.</p>

<p>The first concert I ever saw was Pablo Cruise.</p>

<p>I have a Doors album autographed by the members of The Doors.</p>

<p>I made it home! I’m not going tomorrow even if we don’t get a snow day. That’s my brag.</p>

<p>DW has seen Barenaked Ladies in concert 23 times.</p>

<p>It’s a bit of an obsession.</p>



<p>I hope he won’t have to make use of that skill ever in his life, packmom!</p>

<p>I just snowblew my entire 50 foot long, two-car-wide driveway and my sidewalk all by myself. I am woman, hear my snowblower roar! </p>

<p>(Hadn’t done that since the kids were little and H traveled. But today H is traveling again, and my good-for-nothing-kids have gone off to college hundreds of miles away to make Deans List, instead of staying home to dig their mom out of the snow. :p)</p>

<p>^Lafalum: Good job! :slight_smile: (I’m in New England too!) My kids are at sleepovers tonight since school has already been cancelled AGAIN for tomorrow. Make that now 6 snow days to make up, whoo hoo!</p>

<p>Katw: Your post is too funny! How does a kid who flunks Science so many times end up at Harvard Med. School?! Congrats!</p>

<p>Nothin I can think of right now to brag about! I’ll get back to you on that!</p>

<p>ellemenope. He’s in Navy Special Operations (is that another brag?) … so you never know. But yeah, I hope not too.</p>

<p>One of my babysitters was eventually profiled on America’s Most Wanted as a double murderer (he was caught 2 days after it aired). Not exactly something to <em>brag</em> about, but it’s unusual enough to stop most “can you top this” discussions at cocktail parties. </p>

<p>Oh! And I won the 1972 Northside OKC YMCA wrestling tournament. My wife has spent the last 25 years trying to remove the trophy from the family room bookcase, but I always notice and find out where she stashed it and return it to its rightful place. Sad but true.</p>

<p>I have one along Iderochi’s lines. When I was in high school, there was this really good looking, rich 23 year old guy who owned a sports store in our area. My friend started working for him, and we got to know him very well. Several years later, he was busted for running an international drug ring (he didn’t use, though). He was sentenced to life, then broke out of prison after a couple years (really!). He ran off to Canada, where he was eventually caught running a numbers ring. Not sure where he is now … </p>

<p>Not exactly a brag … unless my brag is that I was naive in my youth! I had no clue whatsoever about his side business.</p>

<p>The first rock concert I ever went to was The Jimi Hendrix Experience. What a way to start!</p>