The Bragging Thread

<p>The orthodontist told me today that my son is an outlier. He has latent jaw growth which has caused his teeth which had been made perfect, thanks to years of orthodontia, to no longer meet, etc. Details are not interesting to the masses, but involve more orthodontia, possible surgery, etc. Who cares? He’s an outlier, and as a CC parent I could not be more proud. AND the guy who said it went to dental school at Harvard. Bonus points.</p>



<p>Dare I ask how you discovered this talent?</p>

<p>Oh, the navy. Wow. I had no idea!</p>

<p>Don’t you think Kristin Wiig from Saturday Night Live could do a great dramatic reading of this thread? She does that one-uppy sigh thing so well.</p>

<p>My oldest is in the medical books for tying her umbilical cord in three true knots!</p>

<p>My first concert was the Monkees! Alas Jimi didn’t open for them in Seattle.

<p>I went out with Ann Wilsons ex boyfriend once.
He was really nice-unlike his brother who was in Heart. ( I hope he has gotten wiser with age- he was a snot)</p>

<p>My youngest pierced her own ears when she was 7!
& she took off her own braces the same day they were put on!
( on the way back to school- they had let her observe with a hand mirror, she must have been paying close attention)
( She also took off her own cast when she was 7, for a wrist fracture, but luckily it was healed- I made her put the cast back on to go to the dr to have it taken off)</p>

<p>My poinsettia from Christmas is still going strong! & I don’t even like them!

<p>My first concert was Boz Scaggs. Then Boston. eh.</p>

<p>But better things followed, incl. Springsteen, The Police, Roy Orbison, Patti Smith, Michael Hedges, Elvis Costello and Green Day :slight_smile: Great live music is truly exhilarating.</p>

<p>And my border collie/newfoundland/dalmation mix is the top pupil (oh all right, one of the top TWO) in our obedience class. That doesn’t translate to good behavior at home, necessarily, but he enjoys being teacher’s pet and class demo dog.</p>

<p>Wow, my S who had no cavities for many years just had FIVE plus impacted wisdom teeth! It has put the fear of non-flossing into both kids now; hope they will remember it & keep their dental health! We had thought that all the floride in their vitamens would protect their teeth but apparently not when they don’t floss. :frowning: Oh well, he will get fillings tomorrow & then on to find an oral surgeon. So glad he’s still home & we can get this done before he goes off to start his job.</p>

<p>After hearing Andy Rooney say something condescending about moms of young kids on 60 Minutes, I decided to call his office the next morning. I expected to reach a secretary or something. Shockingly!..He answered the phone! LOL He let me complain and then he confessed that his daughter had already called him with a similar beef.</p>

<p>Wow, EK. Your daughter. Wow. lol. Must have been an adventure raising her. Good thing she was your youngest and you had some time to come into your own as as a parent. Some qualitites ( being goal oriented, creative, tenacious, fearless) are great adult qualities but in a kid can be… ummm… challenging!?</p>

<p>Swimming with hands and feet bound are just one of the fun activities one learns in Navy Dive School. The instructors make it more fun by constantly yelling and pointing out your,ummm… deficiencies. They have underwater bullhorn/speaker things…there is no escape unless you start to drown which sometimes happens and they pull you out. Then you just have to start over again.</p>

<p>My first concert was the Eagles. Linda Ronstandt was the opening act.</p>

<p>Still haven’t seen Jimmy Buffett in concert, but that’s a bucket list item.</p>

<p>m2ck- I like your Andy Rooney story. Good for you for calling him.</p>

<p>My first concert was The Rolling Stones. Opening act was LITTLE Stevie Wonder</p>

<p>We have two feet of snow in our yard!</p>


One of my first concerts was also the Eagles–but Fleetwood Mac was the opening act.</p>

<p>Wow Hunt, those were my two first favorite bands when I was old enough to have a turntable. It was an awful turntable, from sears or someting, and I used to have to stack nickles on top of the stylus to get it to play after a little while. </p>

<p>I saw the Eagles. Never saw Fleetwood Mac.</p>

<p>And Fleetwood Mac (in my opinion) put on a much better show than the Eagles. I was also a big fan of Linda Ronstadt, but I was disappointed when I saw her in concert–she just boringly stood there and sang. Johnny Cash may have been the best I ever saw.</p>

<p>I was a bigger Fleetwood Mac fan than Eagles fan, though “Hotel California” was the first song I ever memorized the lyrics for. I was 11 or 12 and had no idea what they meant, but I thought I was very cool knowing the song. :rolleyes: I practiced looking nonchallant about it in the mirror.</p>

<p>I love Johnny Cash, now. But I didn’t really “get” him until I was in my 30’s. Serious genius.</p>

<p>Finally, something I can brag about! </p>

<p>My first concert was the Monkees, too. But the next one was BOBBY SHERMAN! Dreamy, even if my mother sat with us. (I was 10)</p>

<p>And my poinsettia from 2 Christmases is still alive and has beautiful red leaves again.</p>

<p>My first concert was David Cassidy and I don’t admit that to too many people. But I have the best big brother! My parents wouldn’t let me go with just my friends, I was only 12. So my brother, who was 16, agreed to take me and 3 of my friends. I owed him bigtime for that one, haha. And my first concert that I admit to was Stevie Wonder, although he had dropped the “Little” by then!</p>

<p>My daughter has her signing ceremony for her National Letter of Intent today! Her signing will be greatly overshadowed by the high profile football recruits that are signing with big time SEC powerhouse football schools. And a very famous golfer’s grandson is signing also, should be a media frenzy!</p>

<p>OMG, eggmom! We had an absolute divide in middle school, the Bobby Sherman fans vs the David Cassidy fans. My best friend LOVED Bobby, used send him care packages all the time. I wasn’t that wild about DC, I just liked his hair, haha.</p>

<p>I honestly don’t remember my first concert…but it might have been the Four Seasons…and they were dynamite. When I saw Jersey Boys a couple of years ago, it brought back great memories!!</p>