The Bragging Thread

Glad that dishwasher talk inspired you! Do you hire out??! :wink:


ā€œPlumbing analystā€ - I love that!

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Sounds expensive.

Not bragging. Iā€™m sure Iā€™m the ONLY person who is excited about this. My family thinks Iā€™m weird to be excited about it.

Iā€™m a terrible housekeeper:
I prefer to do other stuff: cook, yoga, work, play with the dog, etc. But once in a blue moon, I do deep cleaning.

Finally cleaned out our all-freezer.

  • threw out 3 bags of expired/old stuff
  • bought these Container Store drawers, so we can access stuff deep inside (pull out drawers)
  • weā€™re ā€œalmostā€ vegetarians: less than 20% of the freezer is meat stuff :slight_smile:
  • and less than 25% of the stuff are pre-made/processed food

Iā€™m just happy I made space for my obsession:

  • NJ Hot Bagels Abroad bagels (bought 2 doz on Friday): itā€™s almost 5hrs from our house; dragged family out of the way from the college tour


I think a nosy but fun thread would be ā€œpost a pic of the inside of your refrig or freezerā€!!! One magazine used to do that - on the last page of the magazine (Real Simple?) they would post a pic of a celebs refrigerator.

Good job - looks like you donā€™t need to grocery shop for awhile!!!


I almost never brag about myself but Iā€™m going to say this here (since I really canā€™t say it elsewhere).

After over two years of very hard work and putting my needs first at times (a new concept for me) ā€“ lots of diet and exercise (no surgery, no meds), I have reached my goal weight. I am literally half the weight I used to be. And Iā€™m in better shape than Iā€™ve been in for decades.

Now I am starting to transition to a new phase ā€“ maintenance-- and this is actually a bit scary. My hope is that I can learn to balance what Iā€™ve been doing with the occasional splurge. Wish me luck.


This is something to definitely celebrate! Your health and wellness thanks you.



Did some much needed declutter in my kitchen. Guests were coming, and Iā€™ve been prioritizing other things in nice weather (gardening, running, cycling, walking, traveling). But it was time. I bet the kids wonā€™t recognize the kitchen desk area.


Iā€™m going to turn my kitchen desk area into a coffee stationā€¦as soon as I clear it offšŸ™„


Congratulations! :tada:

When I lost 50 pounds (about 15 years ago) I realized that almost all of us can lose the weight with dedication but keeping it off was the real work. Things that worked for me - not having a flexible wardrobe (meaning one size of clothes, if things get snug, I know what I need to do and buying new clothes isnā€™t it!) - continue measuring ā€œproblemā€ foods (for me thatā€™s cereal, I cannot not measure a bowl of cereal) - keep moving (as soon as I hear myself say ā€œI donā€™t feel like itā€ or, ā€œtomorrowā€ I get right up and take my walk, do my yoga, or whatever other physical activity Iā€™m thinking about putting off), and mostly I am accountable to myself (if I badly blow a meal, I donā€™t punish myself or berate myself, nor do I blow the rest of the day, I simply begin fresh at next meal.)

Enjoy the new you!


Wow!! That is an awesome accomplishment! Congratulations!


Thanks for that advice. Iā€™ve just started some buying nicer, well-fitting clothing for myself so hopefully I can follow your lead. (And as a bonus my grown D is going shopping with me in a few weeks ā€“ kind of a nice role reversal LOL).


Congratulations, @happy1, thatā€™s a big accomplishment. :tada:

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My good friend lost about half her body weight a couple years ago. She has been able to keep it off, even when foot surgery kept her sidelined from walking for a period of time over the summer. It can be done, and Iā€™m sure that the changes you made in your life to get where you are will stick with you for the long term.


Need to brag again about my HS senior. Despite earning 2 C+'s last year in 11th grade and 2 Cā€™s in 9th grade (back in the COVID days of online schooling, what a train wreck THAT was!), so far, sheā€™s been accepted to 4 of the 7 colleges sheā€™s applied to (waiting to hear back from the other 3). And yesterday at school, she learned that sheā€™s received an AP Scholar with Honor award, plus a school award for integrity.

I no longer care about the Cā€™s. I am so dang thrilled about her integrity award. Iā€™ve always known that my kid is a good egg. Other people (her teachers, school administration) see it, too. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :slight_smile:

Today, she sent emails to the 3 LACs that she applied to in order to inform their admissions departments of these 2 awards.

Canā€™t wait to see where she ends up at college.


My freshman son is still figuring out a few things about where he fits at his college, but the Chair of his (major) department asked him to be her research assistant this spring doing medical research. Iā€™m proud and excited that she saw his potential and he is being given this opportunity so soon after arriving on campus.


My oldest got a degree in English Lit from one of the seven sisters colleges. After a few temp jobs, she decided to try teaching middle school language arts and social studies. A few days ago, she sent us an email where her principal congratulated her on having the highest SGP (student growth percentage) in the department last year! As a first year teacher!

She has all the qualities that make a good teacher and has really connected with some of her students. One of her last yearā€™s students just sent her an essay he wrote just for her: the ā€œgarbagenessā€ of Little Women compared to the brilliance of Jimmy Buffetā€™s Tales From Margaritaville, lol.


I was reading your list of local fresh foods and was instantly reminded of home, now I know why :slight_smile:

A+ on that essay from this English major who disregarded some of the writing for the hilarity. Students like that make your day.


Thanksgiving coming up. S flying in from San Jose will be here in a few hours. D flying in from Baltimore arrives tomorrow. Iā€™m so happy we will all be together soon!