The Bragging Thread

<p>I can make REALLY GOOD popcorn…on the stove with melted butter and salt. No microwave popcorn in my house. And I have taught H and Kids to do the same. (hint: it’s a great way for a college freshman to make new friends!!)</p>

<p>I went to high school with former CNN anchor Paula Zahn, but the bragging part is that I remember her competing in Miss Teenage America-- hosted that year by ex-Monkee Davy Jones.</p>

<p>I dated actor Dermot Mulroney in college. But he dumped me (and that’s the part I should be bragging about cause later that semester I met future hubby!)</p>

<p>I’m ace at putting nervous highschool seniors at ease. I know this because at the end of most alumna interviews I’ve conducted, the interviewee gives a big sigh of relief and says ‘Whew, I was dreading that but it was really kind of fun.” Or words to that effect!
Danny Kaye asked me to marry him. I was 14 at the time. On second thought, that sounds kind of weird.</p>

<p>I survived another week at work. That’s a repeat brag from last week.</p>

<p>This week I let you know that tomorrow H and I celebrate 34 years of marriage.</p>

<p>^^congrats gloworm…on both brags</p>

<p>I too survived another week at work. </p>

<p>And I have a plan now to survive it until the end: I’m planning to quit right after April 4 (I have to be there that date to get my bonus), get my house ready to sell, and downsize.</p>

<p>I’m proud that I have a plan that is allowing me to keep my sanity. It’s been very tough lately.</p>


<p>VH - Good for you! I have quit miserable jobs in the past and it was worth it. Congrats!</p>

<p>Good luck veryhappy! I worked at a job that I initially thought was “ok” then I disliked it and by the end I HATED it. I was there for 6 years. It was 25-30 hours per week during the school year, which is the only thing that made it tolerable.</p>

<p>Like you, the only thing that kept me going was knowing that I was looking elsewhere and the thought of handing over my letter of resignation.</p>

<p>Last fall it happened - a friend clued me in to an opening where she works. The job is a great fit for me and I LOVE the people I work with and the atmosphere. I cannot tell you how good it feels not to absolutely dread Monday morning. It is full-time and my boss keeps me very busy, so I can feel my stress level slowly beginning to rise as I adjust to the lower level of “free” time and the expectations of the new job, but I wouldn’t return to the old job for all the tea in china. Working in a positive atmosphere with people who are both professional and moral helps to keep everything in perspective. </p>

<p>So here’s my brag for the day - it came from an email from a co-worker:

:smiley: </p>

<p>This came from a co-worker who can be a bit brisk at times, and I had just sent her an email apologizing because I had mis-read a time for a proposed meeting. There ARE workplaces where people tell each other stuff like this on a regular basis!</p>

<p>Samuck–how do you put a nervous high school senior at his or her ease?</p>

<p>My husband just cleaned off some ice from our porch and part of our roof…and did NOT fall off the ladder or get hurt. Does that count as a brag?</p>

<p>Ellemenope, this is purely in an interview scenario (I don’t accost nervous looking seniors at random) but I am very low key, very relaxed and begin by telling them we’re going to work together to screen them IN to the school, I’m their advocate etc etc. I always start with easy questions – best thing about your school? What would you change about your school? People like talking about themselves to someone who is obviously interested and listening carefully. We then work up to questions some of them find tough but by that time they’re comfortable and know they don’t have to rush out an answer. Once they realize they can take their time, we end up having a discussion rather than a Q&A session. I always ask them to allow about an hour for an interview purely because I want to leave enough time for them to relax. But that doesn’t mean all interviews have been great from my perspective – check out my ‘disastrous interview moments – from an interviewer’s perspective’ thread on the main parents forum.</p>



<p>This is great, because I am sure that the kids think that all interviewers are just waiting for them to screw up so that the interviewers can put a big, fat, red deny mark on their interview notes!</p>

<p>I’m going to send this to my D who just started interviewing for her college this year. Thanks, samuck.</p>

<p>I balanced the checkbook, updated my mom’s quicken report AND cut the grass today. Now I am having a beer.</p>


Cut the grass!?!</p>

<p>Shoot me now.</p>



<p>Those of us in New England and the midwest MIGHT be able to brag about this in…well…July maybe.</p>

<p>I was smart enough to plan a solo trip to Sanibel this last week since my husband would be out of town taking care of his 93 year old mother - his second long trip in a month. My trip was from Monday evening to last night - so I completely missed the Chicago blizzard! I made my plans three weeks ago so I think that shows tremendous foresight.</p>

<p>And the neighbor plowed our driveway - he said we had some very impressive drifts. So I’m also smart enough to live next door to someone who loves his snowblower.</p>

<p>The other day, a collegue/acquaintance and I were chatting at a reception. I mentioned that H was planning to retire emminently and he was surprised that H was old enough. I remarked that he has been with his firm for over 40 years and was greeted with great surprise and astonishment. I asked how old he thought H was & he though H was about his age when H is actually about 20 years older! H was pretty amused and pleased to hear this. :slight_smile: (Actually, I figured the guy was about H’s age–he is married but they don’t even have any kids; was wondering if/when he was considering retiring, but maybe not if he’s only inhis 40s now.)</p>

<p>H has been cutting the grass and trimming our hedges AND trees and those of the neighbors! He has also not fallen off any ladders, tho my mom frets about the possibility. </p>

<p>S is considering himself very fortunate that his security clearance has not yet materialized and he hopes it won’t until the weather improves and he gets his cavities filled & wisdom teeth extracted. ;)</p>

<p>I spent the night at a homeless shelter a couple weeks ago. It is really nothing to brag about, but the men & women in the shelter thanked me profusely. When I told them that they really did not need to thank me … it was my privilege to spend time with them … they told me that without the volunteers, they would be out in the cold (6 degrees that particular night). So I guess I can brag about that. </p>

<p>But I sure felt bad as I passed them in my warm car while they wandered back out into the elements for the day.</p>

<p>How about this one–I once sold a gag to Bob Thaves, who used it in one of his “Frank & Ernest” cartoons, and it even appears in a book collection of his cartoons.</p>