The Bragging Thread

<p>I saw Dwight D Eisenhower get off the Pirate Ship with David, his grandson, who was older than I was. At Disneyland at the right place at the right moment. There was a little cluster of families who recognized them and we were waiting on “shore.” I was on my father’s shoulders and they greeted us. Then we went to see the Babes in Toyland parade. That is how long ago this was…that was a “new release” film.</p>

<p>On a date with a really nice Plebe who I see now via google is involved with Space engineering things in Houston, I attended graduation 1974 at the Naval Academy. Watergate was killing the Nixon Presidency and we found getting to the ceremony to see Kissinger as speaker to be absolute gridlock. A helicopter landed on the field and Nixon got out, replacing Kissinger as the speaker. Resignation was weeks away. Guess he was looking for a day of positive spin on the evening news.</p>

<p>Faline, I’ve seen only two Presidents in person in my life. Well, glimpsed them, anyway. In 1976, during the Bicentennial celebrations in New York City, I saw President Ford from a very great distance, standing on the deck of a ship in the Hudson. I was so far away that I would never have known it was him if I hadn’t been told.</p>

<p>The only other time was in 1961; I was either 5 or 6 depending on what month it was. JFK was riding in a motorcade up Park Avenue, and my father lifted me up so I could see his car go by. It was an open car, of course, and all I really remember seeing, for that brief moment, is what looked to me like his bright red hair, blazing in the sunlight.</p>

<p>I saw my cousin get married in the first mass wedding that Rev. Moon held in Madison Square Garden. Couldn’t exactly spot him though. And they’re still married.</p>

<p>The best part? Hanging out with my Dad and sister beforehand at the Blarney Stone even though I was underage.</p>

<p>I saw George Bush Senior lifting weights at the Rec Center on Texas A&M campus. He came out and greeted the kids who were at DS’s tournament. This was probably 5-6 years ago. We were told that George Sr keeps a nearby apartment because his presidential library is there.</p>

<p>greenwitch, my cousin was also married at that mass Rev Moon wedding at Madison Square Garden. She had never met her husband till the day before, when they were assigned to each other. And yes, they too are still married.</p>

<p>^maybe they are married to each other.</p>

<p>My parents heard on the evening news that President Kennedy was going to land at Los Angeles Int’l Airport. So they hustled us out to the station wagon and sped down the freeway to see him get off the plane. My Dad saw some TV news vans parked along a chain link fence at the east end of the airport, so he figured that would be a good place for us to wait. We got out and went over to the fence. Pretty soon, Air Force One landed, and taxied right next to where we were standing! And when JFK stepped out of the plane and waved, I was stunned, not just by the fact that I was seeing him in person, but also by the fact that he had reddish hair! I had only seen him in “black and white” on TV, and therefore thought that he had black hair. We were the only little kids at that fence, and President Kennedy smiled at us, and gave us a special wave. Then my Dad piled us all back in the car and we sped home to watch it again on our black and white TV.</p>

<p>I saw my cousin get married in the first mass wedding that Rev. Moon held in Madison Square Garden.</p>


<p>When I was in junior high, my mom & I went to the mall. We split up to shop & agreed to meet at a certain time. I was finished early, so I sat in our designated meeting spot by myself. After awhile, a young woman sat next to me and started chatting. She invited me to a gathering of Moonies, telling me how amazing it would be. When I later asked my mom if I could go, she about had a stroke. I think she was convinced I had been <em>this close</em> to be swept away into a cult. :)</p>

<p>@Laflum84, my cousin’s bride was from New Zealand and they eventually settled there. They visited a few years ago and no one asked them if they were still Moonies. It seemed so shocking at the time, but pretty unnoticeable all those years later. Their kids walked around, amazed by squirrels, which they had never seen before. </p>

<p>I just think it’s cool that I have a cousin in New Zealand!</p>

<p>So, I was going to wait until Friday and post this with my weekly “I survived another week at work” statement, but I’m too excited.</p>

<p>D found out tonight she made PBK.</p>

<p>gloworm, congrats to your daughter. I am sure she worked very hard for the PBK invitation.</p>

<p>Thanks! I think all PBK people worked hard for that honor. I have said in the past that she really is my hero. Diabetes, college athlete, double major, triple minor, jobs.</p>

<p>And I now get an extra weekend in SA to boot.</p>

<p>It’s Friday, so time for me to post that I survived another week at work. This week also included brutal cold!</p>

<p>Great Gloworm…another survived week. Congrats to your daughter too!!</p>

<p>I too survived another week at work. Seven more to go before I give my two weeks’ notice.</p>

<p>I have one more tuition payment for D1 this month, and then I am done with one child.</p>

<p>Thanks, thumper!</p>


<p>I know you can’t wait to get out of there. I am really hoping I can make it until June of 2014.</p>

<p>oldfort, you may be finished paying, but you know you never be done with her!</p>

<p>Wow – June of 2014 is three and a half more years.</p>

<p>Yes, and I know it’s going to be lonnnggg.</p>

<p>Oh and also…</p>

<p>Right before Christmas, I finally got my $5,800 refund from the hospital, and just Wednesday another refund check, this from a doctor. Both are from the same overbilling mistake from June of 2008.</p>

<p>gloworm, you are on a roll!!! PBK is a great honor. And money doesn’t hurt either. :slight_smile: Congrats to both of you.</p>