The Bragging Thread

<p>Nice Grcxx…what is your mom’s phone number? ;)</p>

<p>LOL, dstark!!!</p>

<p>I am not taking the bait of some ■■■■■ in another thread. That deserves bragging!!</p>

<p>I won the grade-wide spelling bee in the second grade. And I only learned to speak English in the first grade!</p>

<p>I was the fastest 6th grader in my city … faster than the boys, even.</p>

<p>I went to high school with Madonna (and Joe Henry, if you like real music …).</p>

<p>My D is going to graduate magna cum laude from a top 20 school.</p>

<p>My S is almost done with his transfer essays … and I didn’t even have to push him (this time around).</p>

<p>My H plays in a rock band (in local bars).</p>

<p>I was a staff writer on “Jeopardy!” :)</p>

<p>My sister was on Jeopardy. And my daughter can wiggle her ears.</p>

<p>Madbean, that is AWESOME!!! :)</p>

<p>Not to be outdone by all you Jeopardy people, my kids have always wanted to send me to do Letterman’s Stupid Human Tricks because I can spell long words, even sentences, backwards.
One son is out of college and gainfully employed at a job and in a city he enjoys. Other son graduates in May (4 years) and will one day get a job. They both remembered my birthday!
I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue.</p>


When I was in 6th grade, that expression wasn’t something to brag about ;)</p>



<p>Did you learn this from the Animaniacs song? (That’s how my DS learned to do that!)</p>

<p>I walked on the D1 tennis team sophomore year of college (played the outdoor season… which in Chicago is very short… and even shorter when you are on the quarter system and don’t get to school till mid-September!). Still playing regularly… although it is more painful now!</p>

<p>Hubby & I are still married and still have very close friends from our respective grade school years! Kids look to be following our tradition, as both have some amazingly loyal friends who have already stuck with them through considerable adversity. Can’t wait to see how things evolve.</p>

<p>I just managed to take out a mortgage from a bank :eek: Don’t laugh, it’s easier to get blood out of stone. Among other things, the bank wanted us to fix up the house we don’t own yet before they will give us the loan.</p>

<p>eta : Almost forgot this : D is graduating magna cum laude.</p>

<p>Congrats–that’s pretty outrageous that they want you to fix something you don’t even own yet! Today, I applied for a free Home Equity Line of Credit with NO fees, no annual fee, no closing costs, no appraisal and no obligation. It seems like a pretty good thing to have “just in case.”</p>

<p>I still keep in touch with 75 of my friends I’ve known since elementary school.</p>

<p>My folks are still alive & going strong with all their original parts in their 80s with no signs of trouble in the near horizon!</p>

<p>I’ve watched Jeopardy!</p>

<p>Love this thread… makes me laugh, makes me proud of all (y)our kids.</p>

<p>S was on the way to Magna Cum Laude after the first 2 years, but got distracted by a wonderful girl and his grades have slipped a bit. I don’t really care, as I am so thrilled that my geeky, quirky, shy kid has found someone special.</p>

<p>What a wonderful thread!</p>

<p>I consider it an accomplishment that I not only graduated from college, but got a MA to boot. I’m one of 10 siblings, four of whom got the GED, but none of the other nine went to college. </p>

<p>Many here probably know that in the UK, papers are graded by someone other than the stuudent’s prof. Last year when studying abroad, D got a FIRST on a research paper, and in the course. Among the many wonderful comments on the paper was “The finest undergrad research paper I have seen in ten years”. The grader was an author of many books in that topic, so it was indeed wonderful. She also got a FIRST in the course, we’re told a real rarity for a SA student. At this point she is boarderline between Magma and Summa, but had her SA grades counted, she would be Summa.</p>

<p>She is really my hero. Keeps her diabetes under control, grades up, works and plays a college sport.</p>

<p>I love Jeopardy!</p>

<p>DH and I DVR Jeopardy and watch it together without fail.</p>

<p>Great, fun bonding for old married folks like us!</p>



<p>So funny…my husband can do that too…AND he can touch the tip of his nose with his tongue (both genetic skills!).</p>