The Bragging Thread

<p>I can touch my tongue with my nose!!</p>

<p>And my son can wiggle his ears…I know this because I asked him how his voice lessons were coming along, and he said “Great! I can wiggle my ears now.” And then he did.</p>

<p>Next, I hope he learns to chuckle warmly, and say “Hee Hee” and “Ho Ho” (direct quote, there, did you catch it?)</p>

<p>I can raise one eyebrow like Spock. I taught myself as a child.</p>

<p>The ears are hopeless though.</p>

<p>My great uncle installed the lights in the Lincoln Tunnel AND he could wiggle his ears!</p>

<p>I am a very good public speaker. Took every speech class my HS offered (4) and have received many complements on my ability to speak in front of people.</p>

<p>H&I put 2 kids through college and we occasionally had money left over to go out to eat or go to the movies. Said children are both happily employed, living on their own, and off the family cell phone plan. They also wrote thank you notes to their grandmother for their Christmas gifts, unprompted.</p>

<p>Also…after H’s recent colonoscopy, he was told he had a textbook colon.</p>

<p>My father computerized the taxi system of NYC.</p>

<p>Although my son has some “Gordon Gekko” tendencies he is generally one of the most sensible and mature 19 year olds I know.</p>

<p>I throw fabulous parties, dinner parties, galas, tea parties whatever. I love throwing parties.</p>

<p>I have an 75-80 mile an hour tennis serve.</p>

<p>I was feeling kind of lousy about myself lately, it was nice to try and think about something positive for a change, thank you.</p>

<p><<when i=“” was=“” in=“” 6th=“” grade,=“” that=“” expression=“” wasn’t=“” something=“” to=“” brag=“” about=“”>></when></p>

<p>LOL! Exactly what I was thinking.</p>

<p>Sadly, I can’t wiggle my ears. :(</p>

<p>Wow, we are a talented bunch! And with absolutely fabulous offspring. My son might actually graduate with an engineering degree within the ten years I predicted! He is a a really great kid, just walks to his own beat. My daughter, who was homeschooled prior to high school, will likely graduate in the top 5 of her hs class of 451 in May. She will attend a school that she loves, in a city that she loves more and on scholarship for a sport she loves the most. She is also a great kid, but I could do without the mouth sometimes!</p>

<p>So my latest brag is this, somehow I managed to not totally screw up my kids!</p>

<p>During an ultrasound, the tech told me several times that my liver was pretty. Now if only beauty wasn’t just skin deep…</p>


Brag 1: I haven’t cried yet at work this year! It’s only January 26th, but still.</p>

<p>madbean - wow!!! Staff writer on Jeopardy is one cool job. Brag 2: I can beat my husband (who has no interest in anything beyond 4 well-defined categories, one of which is never on the show) at Jeopardy every single time. :)</p>

<p>Enjoying this thread – thanks for the laughs! I’ll put on my “thinking cap” to come up with something new to brag about – but in the mean time, suggest we all head to anothercrazymom’s for a Bragging Party. We can watch displays of ear wiggling, eyebrow raising, Jeopardy knowledge, tennis serves, etc.</p>

<p>I’ll bring the beer.</p>

<p>One of my long-distant ancestors rode with Paul Revere and finished the ride. Another said “don’t shoot till you see the whites of their eyes.”</p>

<p>I have had two stories published in the last couple years–the latest in one that Huffington Post listed as one of Fifteen Top On-line Literary Magazines.</p>

<p>I used to walk on walls four stories above the ground and on the edge of cliffs, just for fun.</p>

<p>My kids are both gainfully employed and nice people.</p>

<p>My neighbor slowblowed our driveway! I used coupons and made bread in the bread maker.</p>

<p>None of my kids have flunked a class (yet!)</p>

<p>I’m sorry. SLUMOM wins.</p>

<p>(And my grandpa taught me how to wiggle my ears and I have an awesome single eyebrow arch on both sides, although my right side is better.)</p>

<p>I’ll be testing for my black belt in Aikido next month.</p>

<p>My husband makes coffee for me each morning and puts in the right amount of cream every single time.</p>



<p>I’m multi-talented. I WAS on Jeopardy myself <em>and</em> I can wiggle my ears. Although I did not to my knowledge wiggle my ears during the Jeopardy broadcasts.</p>

<p>I was a five-time champion back in the 1990s and made it to the semi-finals of the Tournament of Champions that year. I’m also pretty sure I know who Grcxx3’s mother is, since I remember a champion fitting that description who played a year or two before me.</p>

<p>I ran my first marathon at age 50 in 4:50. Started running five years ago…and was not at all athletic before.</p>

<p>I am not only the first in my family (on both sides) to go to college, but was the only in my family of six growing up to graduate from highschool. </p>

<p>After the first degree, I collected a masters and PhD. I listened to my dad who told me to stay in school, but follow my passion. </p>

<p>I just calculated that by March 12, I will have earned as much as my father did in a whole year.</p>