The Bragging Thread

<p>I got my car inspected this year… before last year’s inspection sticker expired.</p>

<p>I’ve never been on the Maury Povich “Are you the Father?” Show.</p>

<p>I have only 4 cavities.</p>

<p>I once saw the Philly Phanatic playing beach volleyball at Venice Beach on the day of a Dodgers game.</p>

<p>[I had my picture taken with Dan Wilson & Detlef Schrempf](<a href=“”>;/a&gt;)</p>

<p>Plus I have 7,824 posts!</p>

<p>Do I win?


I learned this in a song in 3rd grade music class. I can still sing the song.</p>

<p>D can pump her own gas.</p>

<p>S successfully cleaned off about 10% of his desk before returning to school a few weeks ago.</p>

<p>S shoveled the driveway this morning without being asked.</p>

<p>S shoveled the driveway this morning without being asked.</p>

It’s sunny & 60 here.</p>

<p>I used to be a great athlete. Played shortstop on competitive co-ed softball teams. (Yes, I’m female so this was a big deal.:D)</p>

<p>After a year of trying to get my older, adopted dog to shake hands she finally taught me that she knew how to “high five”.</p>

<p>I love pulling up to destination with my Hubby, getting off my own motorcycle, taking my helmet off and having my hair fall down my back. It never fails, that someone passing by says, “wow…you’re a girl.” I learned to ride at age 43! And we dual sport/off road and I LOVE IT!</p>

<p>My D received a job offer yesterday. She is no longer one of the more highly educated restaurant hostesses in DC. Now she is one of the more highly educated receptionists but at least it’s regular business hours.</p>

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<p>im an all american football player</p>


Now we are talkin’! WooHoo!! P.M. me where ya been and where ya goin’. Maybe I’ve been or maybe I want to go there soon. We’ll commiserate. </p>

<p>A great hobby if I do say so myself.</p>

<p>jym, it took me a few seconds of pondering … but I figured it out! ;)</p>

<p>cbreeze, I don’t think I had that many friends WHEN I was in elementary school!</p>

<p>I once sang back up for Bruce Sprinsteen at a charity event. I am not a good singer.</p>

<p>I’m the most normal one in my family (sister, brothers, parents)… and that’s a scary thing.</p>

<p>At the 2009 pre-superbowl flag football game, I was tackled while standing on the sidelines by Sidney Rice, of the Minnesota Vikings. I was taking a picture of the action before I realized just how close he was getting. I have a <em>lovely</em> close-up photo of his… shorts :slight_smile: Email me if you want to see it. Its on my home computer.</p>

<p>Back when I was a fairly recent college graduate, I was gainfully employed but didn’t have a doctor where I was living in NY. I was back in my hometown visiting my parents when I needed to see a doc for something minor. Their doc was a good family friend so I was able to get an appointment at the last minute. When I got to the office, Bill Cosby was in the waiting room. He looked terrible – as in really sick.</p>

<p>My brother had his picture on the front page of the NY Times, along with my cousin and her husband. They (cousin & H) are the parents of the first in vitro baby in the US. My brother was their attorney. His main job was to keep all the oddballs away, including the National Enquirer.</p>

<p>Has everyone here been on Jeopardy! I won Jeopardy too. One game. The next day I was fouled up by baseball questions. I blame madbean for writing them. </p>

<p>My daughter is a Regent’s Scholar at a top UC. She also scored the top math grade and the top grade in Honors Chemistry out of hundreds of students in both. </p>

<p>I still have all my own teeth.</p>



<p>I got a kiss from the Phanatic in Veteran’s Stadium.</p>

<p>My D became toilet trained in 5 minutes when she was 18 months. I showed her the potty and that was it. She also learned to tie her shoe (the proper way) after I showed her ONCE. When she was two. And no, she is not an Ivy grad!</p>