The Bragging Thread

<p>woody, that’s very very cool. What a day!</p>

<p>Wow Woody that is great! Being in the right place at the right time and saving a life.</p>

<p>Kelsmom - what a great feeling it must be to see that young man be successful</p>

<p>Woody, that is so awesome! When my S was in grade school, his friend’s grandfather died when he choked on a piece of steak in a restaurant. You were the child’s “angel.”</p>

<p>Woody, congratulations. Go reward yourself with something.</p>

<p>(As if the good feeling you have isn’t enough.)</p>

<p>glad you were there Woody</p>

<p>Woody, as someone who had a full cardiac arrest at home and lived to tell the tale because six years ago, a camp director thought the teenage counselors should have CPR training “just in case,” I want to say THANK YOU for saving that little girl. That family will NEVER forget you.</p>

<p>Woody, that is great! Wow.</p>

<p>Woody, you are a true angel.</p>

<p>Oldfort’s, I think Cornell is lucky to have all the 'Forts.</p>

<p>so wonderful that you were there woody!</p>

<p>Almost embarrassed to add my little news, after woody’s quick thinking and knowledge.</p>

<p>I was interviewed for local news today, and hope I did some good for mental health and aspergers</p>

<p>Terrific Bookworm…and I see you have five green blocks here! I only have two…oh well.</p>

<p>Thumper, I added to you and a few others,then told out of greenies. </p>

<p>So, I tried to tape me on tv. I got the 5:30 interview, but didn’t record the 6:30 news, when I spoke about mental health and aspergers, and the new coding. This is my 4th time on tv. I have so much to say, and a 45 minute interview gets cut to 10 minutes at best. I read what all the CC parents say about their sons with aspergers or other issues, and research. I truly hope that I can do local health centers and parents some good.</p>

<p>bookworm, thank you.</p>

<p>VeryHappy, thanks so much. When I mention specific programs and schools, I so,hope that the audience hears and acts. I mentioned how the state cut the foster care program, and the TV station went and reported back from people in that department. I spoke of teachers using their own money For supplies, and school psychologists spending all their time doing testing, rather than being able to run groups on various issues. We speculated about the Conn. mom, but none of that got on air. We also spoke of the violence on computer games and movies, and the young kids who reach out for someone to listen. The camera man spoke of all the young kids who text him, on the group sites, how they appreciate his listening to them. That can be another topic for a TV interview. The local audience is about 6,000, and I pray I can be of some help.</p>

<p>I pray that attention will be paid to mental health resources and support as well. The violence is a symptom of many things broken and I’m sure your talk will help with the conversation.</p>

<p>I remember my mom saving my life once when I was choking on a piece of meat as well. I never realized that you wouldn’t be able to talk when you are choking. Fortunately, she was able to catch me & turn me upside down and whack me between the shoulder blades or I would have died. My sister thought I was hysterically funny, not knowing why I was so aggitated. This was long before the heimlich manuver was taught, but thankfully mom had presence of mind and was much bigger and stronger than I was.</p>

<p>Woody–you are a lifesaver! :cool:</p>

<p>Bookworm–thanks for spreading your knowledge. </p>

<p>My good news is that DS2 passed his behind the wheel driving test! I’m happy for him. Now he has to finish driver’s ed and then he will get his license.</p>

<p>My good news will happen in less than a week. Our daughter will be HOME for Christmas…first time since 2009. She is currently on a five week trip having completed a two year plus appointment in the Peace Corps.</p>

<p>That is wonderful, thumper! </p>

<p>My good news - D wrote a perfect final exam for her e-commerce class. Yay for her!</p>

<p>So proud of my son for sticking with a very difficult class this semester. After the first test, over half the class dropped the class. Many in the class were taking it for the second, even third time. But he struggled on. Waited with baited breath for the grades to be posted, and thank goodness, he passed! He will not have to take the class again! And with good grades in his other classes, he did not do too much damage to his GPA. I am so proud of him for sticking to it, and for having the humility to accept a less than stellar grade. He worked so hard, and understood the material, and he’s so glad to have that class behind him.</p>

<p>With 3 of my 4 grades so far, I have a perfect 4.0. I’m really, really hoping I pulled out the other one because I’ve never had a perfect semester. </p>

<p>I finally got my SOPHAS app processed and my upper class classes GPA is a 3.9! I was so happy to see that. </p>

<p>Hopefully within the next few months, I’ll have a few brags for getting in to MPH programs. <em>fingers crossed</em>!</p>

<p>I felt in a braggy mood because U of M makes you write about your journey to get to the point you’re at today and I realized I’ve done pretty darn well considering where I came from! I’ve managed to pull out a 3.8+ GPA while going to work almost full time to over full time throughout college, piling on an internship and a study abroad, as well as still managing to volunteer for the first few years. </p>

<p>And now that I’ve had my moment of chest puffing, it’s back to my application essays which make me feel like I’ve done absolutely nothing up until this point lol.</p>