The Bragging Thread

<p>Now I will OFFICIALLY have health insurance on May first!! :D</p>

<p>I’m also all set to go on my first real family vacation. </p>

<p>Not a brag for me but my partner has been invited to two Americorps interviews for Detroit based programs this fall. He’s very excited about one which works with special needs children :)</p>

<p>Excellent Romani!</p>

<p>My DD accepted her acceptance from Stanford for her PhD. </p>

<p>I don’t mean to brag when I say it was a toss up between MIT and Stanford but mean to note that I am tired of her being on the east coast when we are west coast (and really close to Stanford…she learned to bike on that campus!). The fact she is coming HERE is the brag!</p>

<p>Awesome, esobay! Enjoy having her close to you.</p>

<p>Congrats esobay. S1 also moved closer to home for grad school. Unfortunately, the rigors and demands of grad school mean we don’t necessarily see him more often, but it is now possible for DH and I to just drive up to see him for an afternoon. We just did that this weekend. (Ironically, he’s at MIT).</p>

<p>D has been chosen by her MD specialist to be his case of the year and he’s devoting a lot of time and attention to improving her health. This is great news for us who have been searching for such a partner for over a decade!</p>

<p>HI, that’s wonderful. I hope that he’s able to help!!</p>

<p>Thanks. We are keeping our fingers crossed. He’s pleased that she has great insurance. She’s happy we sent her some Kona coffe she now plans to share with him and his staff. They love coffee. ;)</p>

<p>Just made college senior D’s last tuition payment!!! Had to tell SOMEONE!</p>

<p>Doesn’t it feel great?!?! Will you try to keep saving that amount and put it toward your retirement now?</p>

<p>LOL–that’s only “2 down, 5 to go. . .” </p>

<p>(Actually, #3 has a full-ride, and #4 expects one. So we have a little break to save for 5, 6, & 7. But #2 is applying to dental school. So this could be a very short break. Definitely need to save more for retirement, get home repairs done, H needs new car soon, always something.)</p>

<p>Some folks I know had the great fortune of having their kids admitted to very reasonably priced programs at dental schools. One who was out of state got to pay 50% more than resident tuition for dental school instead of out-of-state tuition through a WUE program. One got a fabulous scholarship after being rejected the first time he applied to dental schools. Their folks are quite relieved.</p>

<p>Glad you can catch a slight breather in tuitions. One of the reasons we stopped at 2 kids was thinking about the costs of their educations, especially colleges. ;)</p>

<p>We weren’t thinking much about that, apparently :)</p>

<p>(Just hoping we’ll have more options in retirement with seven kids–maybe they’ll all take turns keeping US in THEIR basements. . .)</p>

<p>We were older when we met and married. H originally wanted three kids but I pointed out that we’d already be working forever trying to out the two thru whatever college and possibly grad schools. I am one of 7 kids and tho 5 of us went to flagship instate Us and only 2 of us went out of state for undergrad, my folks helped all of us get out of state grad/professional degrees and graduate debt free, which we all found pretty amazing, even back then. </p>

<p>Great that several on your kids sound like excellent scholars and able to get significant merit awards! Somehow, things do workout. Who knows, perhaps some of the older kids who get good jobs can help with costs of younger sibs.</p>

<p>Wednesday, we closed the sale of our home! We went under contract in less than a week after listing and closed 30 days later. Not a hiccup in the process. We met the new owners who seem like a lovely couple and feel that we are leaving the house in good hands. </p>

<p>The closing took place on an absolutely glorious spring day, and H and I took an early morning walk along the 3 mile loop through our neighborhood. It was the perfect way to see the place we called home for the last time!</p>

<p>What smooth sailing, my-3-sons! Where are you headed?</p>

<p>That’s great, my-3-sons. What’s your secret for selling and closing so quickly and easily? May we all be so fortunate when the time comes.</p>

<p>We’re relocating to SC and had closed on our house down there last fall. I think we just hit the market at the right time and priced it fairly. There was very low inventory for our price/size/style. As soon as our “Sale Pending” sign went up, two others in the neighborhood listed.</p>

<p>D1 sent me an invite for mother’s day. She and D2 are taking me (and H) to a ballet in NYC and dinner beforehand. I have been so used in planning for mother’s day because of my mother, and H used to do all the planning for me that I feel table is kind of turned. I guess my kids are growing up, or we are getting old.</p>

<p>Wow, oldfort - sounds like you’ve graduated! Congratulations on having two such thoughtful daughters.</p>