The Bragging Thread

<p>^^ Late bloomers rule. ;)</p>

<p>Proud of my senior! At the awards ceremony last night she received two unexpected scholarships. :D. Exciting times.</p>

<p>Congrats,Cromette and D! Arenā€™t the unexpected goodies just the best?</p>

<p>Am SO thrilled. D has confirmed with her Uā€“she DID get her degree and is an official graduate in her field! Yippee!!! Weā€™re done with tuitions for now! Sheā€™s very pleased and will be spending two months hanging out with us! She had a lot of health challenges throughout the past 10 years, so we are very happy sheā€™s been able to weather through all of them and get her degree after only an extra two terms.</p>

<p>Now, on to explore options of what she might want to do with that precious degree. :slight_smile: There are a few possibilities she is kicking around and will be exploring now that sheā€™s finished most of the coursework.</p>

<p>I have never visited this thread before and now I am wondering why. Congratulations to everyone for all the stellar achievements!</p>

<p>With all the difficulties in my family right now I am trying to focus on the good things and this month there have been several great things. Having completed his masterā€™s last May, S2 is now gainfully employed; we will be visiting him this weekend (and taking him a load of stuff). S1, four years into his doctoral program, just won his departmentā€™s Award for Excellence in Teaching. And, last but not least, his fianc</p>

<p>Congrats to your S2 and S1 and financee! That is wonderful for them! This is such a happy thread.</p>

<p>I am hoping D can concentrate on improving her health by working with the docs who specialize on her condition and hopefully get it under control while sheā€™s still under 26 and remains under Hā€™s health plan.</p>

<p>S2, is home from college for the summer. Last night I let him know heā€™d be in charge of planning and cooking dinner for tonight. He shopped for the groceries, chose the recipe (and improvised a bit to make a tasty sauce), and made a most excellent tasty and healthy meal for us. AND then he did the dishes, and delivered a hot cup of coffee to me while I sat with my feet up! :)</p>

<p>My sweet son wants to plan a surprise for his dad for his birthday and fatherā€™s day. Iā€™m sworn to secrecy, but so proud of him for wanting to do something special for his dad!</p>

<p>Congratulations to all those graduating and their parents.</p>

<p>ShawSon is a very bright, severely dyslexic kid who attends one of the elite LACs. Heā€™s graduating summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, with a triple major. He won a prize this year for academic excellence in one of his majors. He also won a prize for entrepreneurial spirit from a local foundation for co-founding a software company this fall with three other kids. He is CEO of the new company and has been working on it all spring (while turning in a summa thesis and receiving an A+ average in the spring semester). Like Romani, he made it through the last semester basically by not sleeping. Given that he couldnā€™t read at all in 3rd grade and hand copying a paragraph in 4th grade took an hour and gave him a splitting headache for the rest of the day and even in 9th grade, his writing was very weak, this level of performance is worth celebrating.</p>

<p>I suppose the next brag will be when he closes the first round of seed funding.</p>

<p>As usual, kudos to all for the wonderful accomplishments.</p>

<p>I have only 4 days before the school year ends. Then next year I retire. Yay!!</p>

<p>Daughter found out that her research this summer will be credited in the authorā€™s book.</p>

<p>2+ weeks before I get to go to Spain to play grandmother for the summer.</p>

<p>I successfully recovered three kitchen stools, using a Phillips screwdriver, a pair of scissors, and a staple gun.</p>

<p>^ That is something I donā€™t think could do. Congrats!</p>

<p>Nice, VeryHappy. </p>

<p>I suspect youā€™ll appreciate my pride recently when I asked D2 if she had seen my roll of spade bits. ā€œSure, theyā€™re on the shelf under my rock collection in the attic. I needed one to hang my hammock.ā€ How many 16-year-old girls know what a spade bit is and know how to use one? Now if only sheā€™d learn to return my tools!</p>

<p>I teach preschool. Itā€™s been a very trying year. 12 two year olds in a room for four hours(including feeding them a snack and lunch) is not for the faint of heart.
Today was the last day of school. Iā€™m still alive. Thatā€™s my brag!</p>

<p>Also ran a personal best 5K today (28:23)</p>

<p>Both achievements are brag-worthy, PackMom!</p>

<p>Congrats Shaw! You must be very proud!
And congrats to everyone else! :D</p>

<p>We had a lovely 60th anniversary party for my folks tonite. All 7 of us kids, all 6 of our spouses, 15 grand kids and 1 great grand kid attended and the honorees seemed to be having a wonderful time. It was a large gathering which filled the entire restaurant and all of us are still speaking to one another. The grand kids of the honorees worked hard and each of us kids pitched in wherever we could. Great times! Several of the guests and grand kids flew in from all over.</p>

<p>^ ā€œā€¦all of us are still speaking to one another.ā€ Now that alone is worth a brag. Congrats!</p>

<p>Yes, thanks! It was a very joyous event and we all survived it, including the 340 attendees! So fun to watch our kids and nieces and nephews grow! There were some times with a bit of temper but it was nice how everyone pulled together for the common good.</p>

<p>My husband and his brother worked hard together all week to clean out their mom and dadā€™s house. Iā€™m amazed at how much they were able to accomplish. And as the above poster noted, not a cross word between them the whole week. So proud of both of them!</p>