The Bragging Thread

<p>I babysat Seamus Heaney’s kids (Nobel Laureate Irish Poet).</p>

<p>My MIL grew up good friends with George Carlin.</p>

<p>My Dad danced with Marlene Dietrich once during World War 2 when he was playing piano in an Army band.</p>

<p>(Maybe we should have a whole separate “brushes with famous people” thread!)</p>

<p>I just snow blowed my driveway all by myself…again!!</p>

<p>D1 started sleeping through the night when she was only 6 weeks old. I didn’t understand that was worth bragging about until D2 came along and took more than a year.</p>

<p>^^Actually, D2 didn’t sleep through the night until age 3…</p>

<p><to dstark–that=“” you=“” know=“” of?=“”></to></p>

<p>I do crossword puzzles in ink.</p>

<p>Ellemenope–that’s a dad for you–they *think *they’re sleeping through the night because *they *don’t hear them. :)</p>

<p>I know where Shaquille O’Neal’s house is.</p>

<p>The catalytic converter of my S’s car went up at 7 yrs 10 mos and 79,500 miles. They are warrantied by federal law for 8 years/80,000 miles. You never saw a happier kid.</p>

<p>The air conditioning compressor in another car blew up at 99,700 miles, I had a 100,000 mile warranty. I had to stop driving it until I could get it to the shop or I would have been out of warranty when I finally got there.</p>

<p>My dad never did anything famous that I know of, but he did eat the <em>exact</em> same thing for lunch for 20+ years.</p>



<p>Me too…but can you complete the NY Times Saturday puzzle? I have few problems with the Sunday puzzle, but the Saturday ones kill me.</p>

<p>My sister was nanny for Jacob Dylan.</p>

<p>My oldest slept through the night at 1 week (my birthday was the first time he slept thorugh the night) and my second slept through the night from the day he was born. However, now they stay up all night and sleep all day.</p>

<p>Your second child slept through the night?? Mine didn’t and still doesn’t. I guess I can brag that <em>I</em> do sleep through the night despite her not doing so.</p>

<p>My second child was a dream baby. He came after less then 4 hours of labor, he slept from about 10 pm to 6 am from the day he was born, he took a three hour nap every afternoon until he started school. He would eat anything, except fruit, and he was a sunny happy baby. Love that boy.</p>

<p>“<to dstark–that=”" you=“” know=“” of?=“”> "</to></p>


<p>My S did not sleep through the night for months and had colic, making the hours from 6-9 pm at our house hell. However he was a wonderful toddler and–here’s the big, CC style brag–went on to score a perfect 800 on his math SAT :)</p>

<p>My D was not a dream baby.
She did not score an 800 on anything
… and yet I love(d) her anyway.</p>

<p>I completely hated a dress I was sewing on yesterday, but had to keep going even after throwing the entire thing in the trash . . . daughter’s dance is coming up. Today I’m determined to remake and finish it so we can both be proud.</p>

<p>S did NOT sleep through the night until well after his sister was born two years later & still is a rotten sleeper, but a great person. D slept through the night from 5 weeks & even had H pondering another kiddo (but I vetoed). She’s still a great sleeper and can even chat briefly, give you a hug & kiss & keep sleeping! Great person too!</p>



<p>My D2 also slept through the night consistently starting at 5 weeks old. Also, on her second birthday, she went from wearing diapers at the party to never wearing them again 24 hours/day. This all was so easy that I would never admit it to any other parents because it seemed unfair. But now that the kid is 22 and you mentioned your D and none of us have babies any longer, I can admit it. :D</p>

<p>I still know all the lyrics to the Partridge Family albums and anything that Bobby Sherman ever sang.</p>

<p>I live around the corner from where O.J. Simpson lived with his first wife when he played for the Buffalo Bills. Actually, that’s more for a “creepy” thread than a brag thread.</p>

<p>So, to stay on topic and brag: At age 11, my D danced on top of Little RIchard’s piano at The Concord (before it was torn down) during a blizzard in the Catskill Mountains. He played, “Good Golly, Miss Molly.” I didn’t see it but I sure heard about it - wooooooh!!</p>