The BS Class of 2016 Thread

Getting back to @GMTplus7 for a quick second. ( Forgive me @charger78 ! :slight_smile: ) … My husband took me out to dinner recently and this woman walked in wearing a very revealing ( left nothing to the imagination ) dress. Even though this woman was extremely attractive…it was ( without question ) the most awful dress I have ever seen… in my life. After she was seated, my dear husband turned to me and said ( without a hint of sarcasm ), I can definitely see you wearing that dress.

After my head exploded… I realized ( too late … again ) that I fall for it every. single . time . and he got exactly what he wanted…

Dinner and a Show.

I rest my case.

How are ED peeps holding up? The end is near… :slight_smile:

Some resistance to the notion that all the regular decision supplemental essays should be written over the week here, before he goes back to school next Monday evening. His ED result should come out on the 15th, and the BS wants to have everything on their end sent out by the 16th. Professional advice is not to write those regular essays after getting a deferral or rejection, or bumping up to Christmas itself. One course in particular helped to drag down the first marking period GPA from the fine form of spring 2015, and this second marking period is the time to track upward again. Ergo, seems best to space out the essays this week, not after returning to the grinder (albeit without the distractions of football season). Not the suggested demand that he wanted to hear the first Sunday back home. I’m not sure what he did while we were at work today, but we’ve set the deadline of Wednesday for another two app submittals, one for merit consideration and another for EA.

It’s tantalizing to play around with the numbers and to get hopeful. But the numbers are daunting, nevertheless, as a strictly objective matter. When I realize how much the worded portrait must count, and other intangibles, I begin to feel ridiculous for bothering to give the subject any more time. The reassurance is in the list, a balanced one, and that if it goes to April, there should be handful of fine choices, with the possibility that the real best fit sits there, rather than what’s currently been enshrined. The sacrifices made for BS have many compensations. A growing sense of contentment as the senior year hits the middle third feels right. ~O)

I can hear Chimneykid’s footsteps over my head and it’s past midnight so my guess is she is checking her subject test scores which are due to be released today. I am going to refrain from asking the results. She applied ED to a “far reach” on her CC’s advice and she was told the AO called her CC about her on Friday so I think maybe she is not a no there yet? That 0% a few posts up is hanging over my head now. She also applied EA to 3 schools and has to file 2 more applicatuons on 12/1 so I am hoping if the ED doesn’t pan out, a “likely” acceptance or 2 will soften the blow. She has at least started most of her RA supplements for her remaining schools. I have such a clear memory of her coming downstairs 3 years ago devastated by a wait list. This time around actually feels a little easier because we are all in it together now! Thanks CC pals. May the odds be ever in our favor.


Private college counselors are not necessarily the best people who can read and help with your essays. You know, they can help with college list but they don’t necessarily have the right skills and experience with English writing. I think the best people to ask is your English teachers. Secondly, don’t expect anyone to help you with creative essay writing. They can help you with logic, grammar and general tones. They can also give you a guidance on general direction of the essays, but they cannot help with the content itself. They shouldn’t and won’t. It should come from yourself. Thirdly, a creative essay is not always a good one. What is more important in essay writing is being truthful and authentic. Applicants can fall into the trap of ‘creative writing’ too much/too easily and often neglect the importance of showing the “authentic themselves” on their essays. Lastly, I would recommend you to read “The elements of style.” by Wililam Strunk Jr. It is the classic book for better writing. Best of luck!

Chimneykid’s first acceptance arrived today! It’s an EA decision at a school that she loves in a place that we will love to visit. It’s a great fit for her too. Hope some of my CC kiddos are hearing good news as well in the next 2 weeks. Fun fact: Chimneykid’s BS reported that 70% of the senior class applied EA or ED to at least one school.

Congratulations to ChimneyKid! It’s great to hear happy news! :slight_smile:

Congratulations to chemmchimney family! :x

Do any other schools have exams on the 14th-16th when the bulk of the EA and ED decisions are released? Ugh. Advised ChimneyKid to stay far away from those portals until after her exams are over 8-|

My kids isnt even thinking about when his results might come in and its like pulling teeth trying to get him to finish other apps with these two outstanding. He is so entrenched in the here and now and writes his app essays on the fly. Top schools could be within reach but given the competition, and his effort w his essays, probs not gonna happen. Its not over til its over but waiting to hear from the first one in a week will be a long week for me if not for him.

No exams, but plenty of papers and work due before the Winter Break begins Dec. 16. Of course, the ED result arrives “on” the 15th, so our boy is not really working on the handful of unfinished supplementals, figuring it might be good news, and his school work is more pressing. Four apps are in, and five are hanging in various states of completion. Belatedly thought of a really intriguing tenth school but it appears a case of too little too late, and the nine are mostly thought of as “first choices” which would all do fine.

Has the Common Application really been a service to the school kids? More and more I see its upside stacked in favor of the colleges. Ditto on the new Coalition for Access, Affordability and Success’ joint application portal. I would prefer an admission environment in which we took a closer look at the schools first and then felt that if we applied to five or so, there’d be a decent chance of doing fine with three acceptances or so. As opposed to knowing that there are thousands upon thousands of applicants to each of the top three hundred schools and that something closer to ten applications is required to gain favorable odds. I recognize that my fantasy is idiotic because of the very existence of technology and the surplus of students who wish to attend the top 100-300 beyond the beds available.

$1M Question of the Week: I’m applying to top colleges with good stats. How much of a difference applying to financial aid would make? Supposedly many of these colleges are need-blind. Are they really? My parents are willing to tighten their belts and pay in full, if necessary. What are your thoughts and prior experiences with your older kids applying to colleges with or without FA?

@Optimyst, your question is an important one, but I’m not sure this is the place to post it. You might want to start a new thread… I could be wrong, but I believe this thread was begun for parents of kids graduating next spring to share their experiences during this final year of BS. It feels (to me) like the thread would go in a different direction once people start answering your question… it’s a big issue.

PS By ‘big issue’, I meant the whole full pay/FA/need blind issue… not the fact that you posted here! : )

@cameo43, This is a Class of 2016 thread and my question will be relevant to the students and parents here and hence the post. I just want to get a few opinions here, so I don’t want to create a separate thread for a lengthy discussion. Also, a key component of final year BS experience is applying to colleges.

has what you are looking for.

Hope every family of '16 class will have a positive result for ED!

My son is a junior now and will go through the same process next year. Time really flies!

Fingers crossed that we will all have some good news soon. Christmas will definitely be a little merrier if she doesn’t have more supplements to finish. Brown, Harvard and a few others released decisions today. Applications are being reported as up this year at many popular schools.

@Optimyst At one need blind school’s info session they specifically said that the AOs do not know who is applying for financial aid when they review your file. Schools accept you before they determine how much, if any, $$ you need and it should have zero impact on your results. At need aware schools, the need for FA may work against you if you are on the cusp of being admitted, but if your demonstrated financial need is small or zero, they are likely to also admit you but not offer you any financial aid or perhaps just offer a small loan. Your family can then decide if they want to pay full tuition so that you can attend. Hope this helps.

No more news for us until Tuesday evening, but the cc boards are buzzing. :(( Luckily Chimneykid does not go on CC - her favorite schools applications are up (ranging from 20%-9% among those who have reported) However, some schools are flat or down so I hope that helps some of the BS CC offspring. Chimneykid is not HYP-tastic but she is hyper if that counts for anything.

:-w [-O<