The BS Class of 2016 Thread

^^^^ this!

Word via another hs counselor is that our ED school is releasing at 3:00 EST. Can imagine many teens and their parents – me – just like this!! The official line, however, is “by the 15th”, so we’ll see. @chemmchimney , maybe a virtual toast tonight, yes? Good luck to you and the others out there! Will stay tuned. ~O)

Five minutes to go — fingers crossed for Charger78 and Chimney kids!

End of this particular journey for Charger #1. He’s relieved, and swamped with work before coming home on Wednesday. Our Winter Break plans will be altered some to include a visit to the city he’ll be living in the next four years. And so we get to turn our attention now to Charger #2!! Too early to start the Class of 2017 thread??

@Charger78: Congrats to ChargerSon!

Class of 2017? Heck, I’m 'bout ready to start the Class of 2018 thread!

Chimneykid has another 24 hours to go before we know anything. Congrats to Charger #1! I also have a class of 2019 @Sevendad if you are on a roll…

A toast to Chargerkid #1! \m/

What wonderful news and a relief for the holiday break for you all! Congrats to ChargerSon ! =D>

^^^ #165; am headed home now for that!! Will have a second one for the entire Class of '16, who are all going to come out of this strong and blessed, whatever their path may be. Read Bruni’s book this fall and recommend it.

Congratulations to Charger family!
Good luck to chemchimmney family and all BS2016 families!! :slight_smile:

Please do start 2017 thread.
At the moment the issues may be how class of 2017 is being impacted by college board ;(

Ugh … 2 deferrals, one from the far reach ED school (the RD numbers are looking brutal hovering around 10% acceptance. Filled over half the class ED - most applications ever.) 2nd deferral was from an EA school high on Chimneykid’s wish list. So many amazing kids with 2300+ SATS and 4.0s applying to schools that a few years ago would not have been on their radar AND getting rejected/deferred- trickle down admissions very much in evidence this year imho. Luckily, first decision last week was an acceptance at a great school where Chimneyparents feel Chimneykid would be very happy, but of course Chimneykid was hoping for better news today.

Moms Choatie and gus on the bourbon detail, please. This process has become so extreme with the number of applications needed to cast a wide net and the length that start to finish often entails. Hope that Chimneykid’s deferrals will ultimately bear fruit, and glad there’s one already in the bag. About 8000-9000 kids score 2300 and over, as I counted it many months ago.

DD is in at her ED school and we are done! Very happy and I think she made a fantastic decision for herself. Everyone is congratulating me but as far as I’m concerned I did nothing, it was all her!!

Lots of others in her class didn’t get in (deferred or rejected) but all that means is that their options have stayed open and they’ll get the great news a few months from now. Not much rhyme or reason to who gets in and who doesn’t, much as we all try to speculate.

Good luck Class of 2016!

Congratulations friendlyfamily on the excellent news!

Congrats to the Friendlyfamily! Chimneykid has 2 more acceptances so total is now 3 accept, 2 defer and no more news till late March so keeping fingers crossed that RD will seal the deal. It has been a tough season so far for many but I am also hearing reports of some nice NMH ED/EA acceptances (2 to Brown, 1 to Wesleyan, 1 to Penn, 2 to Northeastern, 3-4 to Tulane, 3+ to BU just among Chimneykid friends)

Here is a link to Ivywise for some admission stats to date at some popular schools. This process is not for the faint of heart!:
2015 accept rates: http://www.■■■■■■■■■■■/admission_statistics.html
2016/class of 2020 early ED stats:http://blog.■■■■■■■■■■■/blog-0/class-of-2020-early-admission-rates

DD is home on spring break, cool as a cucumber, while I hang out here refreshing college threads to see if decisions are out. I think parents need their own freaking out thread. #:-S

How did the Class of 2016 fare in college admissions this year? Did you son/daughter get into his/her top choice?

I’m sure its still too early to tell as many admissions decisions aren’t out yet.

@Optimyst It seems our school as a whole is faring well this year? However, similar to the BSs, applications are way up at many colleges, as much as 30% at a few popular places. Some colleges filled over 50% of their seats with ED applicants this year which helps them to protect their yield when faced with so many qualified applicants. Expressing interest is becoming more and more important as schools are trying to accept only students who will likely attend. My dd’s classmates so far are going to Duke, Brown, UPenn, BU, Wesleyan, Pitzer etc. - all solid schools.

I know Choate maintained “first choice” lists for schools that wanted to know where they stood with applicants, so the CC would be able to communicate that interest to AOs.

I think something upwards of 75% of NMH class applied ED, SCEA or EA to at least one school