The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@BloomingGirl I hear you! My D has no MT acceptances- only 2 waitlists and 2 acting acceptances AND no Montclair Socks!! Still holding out hope because she is still waiting on 6 more and one more audition this weekend. And missing school is crazy!

@AnxiousNovice YAY!!! SCAD sounds amazing ? now wish that was on our radar!!

@AnxiousNovice - I posted this in the other room too, but just as an FYI. SCAD is our our list too and I’ve done a lot of research. Admission is not based on auditions, and all students start the first few weeks without a major. Your D can then ‘declare’ her major as BFA Theatre Performance. However, the auditions are for scholarship consideration [which most need given how pricey the school is]. I believe they are announcing scholarships this Friday (3/6), so stay tuned. What’s funny is that your scholarship application doesn’t have to be in your major, and you can have several. Since my D has been a writer and filmmaker for years, she actually submitted a couple of short films in addition to her audition for scholarship consideration.

One ‘watchout’ I heard about SCAD is ‘scholarship renewal.’ Meaning that SCAD is good with scholarships the first year, but the hurdles in ‘keeping them’ in subsequent years isn’t easy. Won’t deter us at all, but thought you should at least benefit from all the things I’ve heard / read. Congrats!

Last year we had a “vibes chain” going for all the board members waiting for that first yes. @AbigCurveBall @BloomingGirl and @IStressSoDWont - sending ~~~ positive vibes for acceptances! We’re all pulling for your kids!!!

@CaMom13 That’s very sweet! Thank you!!

One of the new MT people at SCAD is an alum of ours and a really great person. His name is Jay Jaski and I know he’d be happy to answer questions if you reached out.

hang in there @BloomingGirl … great sense of humor…reminds me of this infamous clip…

@CaMom13 Thank you! Honestly, that’s why I singed up for the CC. ? Vibes chain!

@AnxiousNovice - I know 3 kids at SCAD right now from our my D’s Visual and Performing Arts high school. All 3 did MT in HS, but each went to SCAD with a different focus. They are all enjoying the school. They have to take a variety of classes, and as I understand it, everyone has to take 3 semesters of Design Class - even if you are majoring in Theatre Performance.

I have heard the same caution about scholarship renewal - but it seemed like you just needed to stay on top of the requirements.

One family I spoke with recently said they were having challenges with housing for the sophomore year, as after freshman year, on campus priority goes to graduate students on down.

@NYYFanNowMTdad - sports fan and Caddyshack quotes? We totally would have hung out at Unifieds

And then there were six…Pace (D’s first choice), NYU, Miami, UArizona, Marymount Manhattan, and Boston Conservatory. Only three are schools we could hear from at any moment (Pace, Arizona, and MMC). I can’t wait to get those three off the table.

After her Molloy/CAP21 waitlist, she is feeling more content with attending UArts if she doesn’t get any more options (technically she has options but they were her “safety” schools). I really hope she gets one more yes so she can feel like she had a true choice between her desired schools. (I know those of you waiting for your first yes are probably rolling your eyes at me, but I still can’t help but want that for her!)

On another note, we booked flights to visit UArts and CAP21 in April, and left a day open for another school in case the heavens part and grant her Pace or MMC. The chronic stress of waiting on these “any day now” decisions is wearing on me and at this point I just can’t wait for it to be over!

@MAmun1234 Just a heads up regarding the University of Utah… 4 years ago my older daughter was accepted and we did some research and learned that while is definitely true that the dance program at the University of Utah is world renowned, the MT’s had their own dance faculty and were not permitted to dance with the dance department. Not sure if things have changed since then but definitely do your research. There are several schools with exceptional dance that have zero crossover with the MTs.

@All4FSU – thanks for the update on FSU. Really helpful. BTW, I heard Willie Taggert didn’t make it past the second year jury. :slight_smile: (highly obscure joke)

I am a first time poster, so I apologize if this has been asked before, but does anyone have any experience with the BFA at Rockford? My daughter auditioned this last Saturday and we really enjoyed our experience there. She was officially accepted into the program yesterday and we are thrilled! It is a small program and I haven’t been able to find much information about it outside of their website and what we were told at the audition.


Too soon…WAY too soon…

ok somewhat tongue in cheek but im just happy that I beat @vvnstar who is guru of all things OCU. but if you are considering OCU ( like my D) or you have upcoming audition this was exciting to see…too bad OCU couldnt crack this years onstage blog top 30…maybe next year LOL :

I cant post a link but OCU announced that Kristin Chenowith will be a visiting professor for the foreseeable future…maybe that will help their ranking or I should have put this in that " top 10" thread…hang in there all pulling for all those waiting for a YES…

Since pop culture references are now fair game, this whole process reminds me of this classic punk/new wave song from 1982:

@NYYFanNowMTdad and @StanfordAI2019 And there it is. I have long said that Middle Aged Dads will find a way to make Caddyshack relevant to any topic or conversation.

My heart is bursting for you and your D this morning @AnxiousNovice! Savannah is absolutely beautiful. Fingers crossed this is just the beginning.

Adding to the vibes chain for the rest still waiting on that 1st yes!

@CaMom13 xoxo - soooo appreciate the positive vibes chain…

I recently asked a group of (non theater) friends, as we were waiting on Molloy, to send good vibes, positive energy, call on their spirit guides, to put in a good word with whatever faith they belong to and keep all 10 fingers and 10 toes crossed. About an hour later, it 1/2 worked and the waitlist came in (not a no!)…so more positivity the better!!

@NeensMom one suggestion when you visit NY, if time permits, is to see both the campus at 50 Broadway & on Long Island, so your D gets the experience of both places she will spend her time if she attends Cap21. We are local, so we were able to do it in two separate trips, but I thought it was important to go to LI to see the dorms, dining hall, library, theater, classrooms, etc.

Hi Everyone! I’ve been lurking since December, and thank you all for the source of support, information and laughter. So — what has prompted me to break my silence you might wonder . . . the MONTCLAIR SOCKS!!! My D auditioned at NY Unifieds and since then radio silence. I have been devastated about the socks. Well, guess what arrived yesterday in all their glory. Totally worth the wait. They were quickly followed by an email this morning to check her portal. I don’t know what the answer is, but I’m assuming a “no.” But YEA, we got the socks!!!