The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

It’s on the point park MT website. I’d share a link but I’m mobile at the moment :slight_smile:

Just whenever you have a moment. Thank you very much. I cannot seem to see it

Here you go @Notmath1

Thank you very much @vvnstar If I am reading that right, the prescreen is only required for the on campus audition. So for Unifieds, it is not required? I guess we will know more when the details are made available later in the summer as they state. Prescreens are beginning to be the norm!

@Notmath1 - The way I read it, it says it is required of all applicants to acting, musical theater and theater arts programs. I don’t think the location of your audition matters.

You probably already know this, but just want to make sure you know that Unified auditions are considered in-person auditions. You may be thinking on-campus versus Unified auditions? But I believe both are considered to be in-person auditions

I guess if they have a video submission option perhaps a prescreen is not required to review your video. But I think for any other audition it looks to me like a prescreen video will be required.

@vvnstar thats how i read it as well. @Notmath1 sorry for the delay

its just in different tabs under the audition sections

@NYYFanNowMTdad and @vvnstar Some schools, like Coastal Carolina only require a prescreen for their on campus auditions. Guess we will know later this summer or I could email and ask! Thanks for your help

@Notmath1 I’m pretty sure Coastal requires a prescreen no matter where you audition. My D was accepted there last year. She passed prescreens and auditioned at Unifieds. Looking back at the emails she wasn’t offered an audition timeslot until she passed her prescreen.

You might be thinking of walk-in auditions which do not require a prescreen, but are not guaranteed and are only offered on an “as-available” basis. They are a great option, but if Coastal is high on your list I’d recommend the prescreen for a reserved timeslot at Unifieds.
"After you have submitted your screening audition, you will be contacted as to your status. If passed through you will be invited to attend an on-campus audition or meet with our faculty at the regional audition in Chicago. "

edit - Just realized I said last year. March, she got accepted in March. 3-4 months ago. This process warps all sense of time.

@Notmath1 -Coastal requires prescreens for ALL applicants. Not just on campus. The only time they don’t require a “separate” prescreen is if someone is attending a regional audition (like Moonifieds). Then that is considered their prescreen.
Good news on common prescreen requirements.

One of the things I loved about CC is that I could always tell what I had not read so far compared to what I had previously read because unviewed entries were highlighted; after this update, previously viewed entries and new ones seem to look the same. I fear a great feature (at least for me) of CC has been lost. Does anyone else feel the same way?

@Twelfthman - When I came on to the forum this eve, the string that had new items I had yet to read was still highlighted (white instead of grey) so I knew what to look at- have you had a different experience? This new layout will take time for me to adjust to as well.

Class of 2024 y’all are so lucky. Common Musical Theatre Pre Screen App just announced. That will make the experience easier. 20 MT schools participating. Finally a bit of a reprieve in this crazy & expensive college audition process. Break legs!

Hmmmm…I agree that the Common MT prescreen app is a step in the right direction and will be helpful. I’m not sure however, that, with so many options to choose from, that this really makes it ‘common’. It’s more of a summarization, and clarification of the various requirements, which will still be beneficial. I still think it’s a good collaboration of schools moving in the right direction, and will definitely help clarify moving forward.

Break Legs to all starting this MT journey!

For each set of submissions, one option is a subset of the other. So even though there are options, the schools are trying to keep those as efficient as possible. Also, some of the technical requirements of the submissions (video length; slate requirements; framing of student) are standard across the options. All of these could be variables in the past that would require additional editing and/or filming. Big step.

What is the common mt pre screen? Like I’ve been seeing this a lot around social media, and I even read the website! Can someone please explain to me what it is?

@MuTh2024 the common MT pre-screen is an attempt by the Universities (in conjunction with the Paper Mill Playhouse and Acceptd) to streamline the pre-screen process by agreeing to standards for the monologue, song and eventually dance submissions. It’s akin to the Common App as it relates to college applications but applies to pre-screens for acting / drama / theater / musical theater programs.

@stagedoormama I was first looking at the page with my screen having a lot of natural light / sunshine and I couldn’t make out the difference between read and unread. Today, with the blinds drawn, I can make it out, but I guess I preferred the way it was before… along the lines of if it wasn’t broke… I would have preferred that they added back this functionality to the Musical Theater Schools section, which used to exist but no longer does.

@flippedout in regards to carrying APs during audition year. My D talked to all her AP teachers first week of school to educate them on the college audition process & it’s demands and absences. Every AP teacher supported her & worked with her audition travel. So talk & communicate with teachers. They can be amazingly supportive of kids doing this crazy audition process if you clue them in on the competitiveness. Also she attended a huge public HS where counselors & teachers have way too many students. Communication was key.