The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@onotte thanks for sharing about Utah. I found the same while researching them a bit last night. We had the school on our radar for my younger D who is a ballet dancer however my MT D did a walk in at NY unifieds and was very impressed with Denny Berry. In state tuition would be amazing. We are going to plan a trip out there to check it out. My ballet D is going to Ballet West SI this summer ironically.

@BloomingGirl @LurkerMTMom As I recall you have to apply for the BA and submit an essay. The one thing I do know about FSU is that all can do the musicals so if that was someplace they wanted to be it may be a great option. Maybe the FSU person @All4FSU on the thread can comment on what classes you can and cannot take with the Theater BA.

In search of 2 threads… don’t know if they exist. 1. A class of 2023 Final Decision by SCHOOL only (there’s a 2022 but it’s incomplete) and/or 2. A “What I LOVE/HATE about my MT program” thread… I’m ISO details about MT programs that participants/parents are willing to share that you can’t learn on the school’s website. Anyone know if anything like this exists?? As we are headed into decision making phase these would provide helpful information!

@LurkerMTMom @BloomingGirl I feel your pain. FSU was a top choice for my D and being in limbo has been brutal, along with the rest of this process!

Does anyone have any insight on the BFA MT program at Southeast Missouri State (SEMO)?

Penn State is notifying today:) At least for BFA Acting. Straight to portal, no email notification, so check your portals!!

Carnegie decisions are out! Still no acceptances… three chances left… ?? Congrats to everyone who got the yes!

Thank you @DivaStageMom
@chipmunkmom it helps (a little) to be in this with others who understand!

@onette @modanbsmt001
I looked into the ability to become a Utah resident for my S when he was accepted there last year, and they did talk about how simple it was at a discussion session UUtah held an Chi Uni last year.

In the end, S was lucky to have options, and chose another school, however, I’m pretty sure it can be done, and done very easily in Utah.

@SingerDancerMom - so from memory - for every year there’s usually a final decision story thread and an acceptances by school thread. Someone tried to start a final decision by school thread but it never caught on - there’s only so many times people want to repost the same info. The final decision story threads are usually awesome reading but more about the audition process than the school experience.

From my experience parents get very enthusiastic about their child’s program and you won’t get a real “inside scoop” here or most places online. You’ll do best getting in contact with parents whose kids attend the schools you are researching and asking them open-ended questions privately.

D just got her waitlist notification from Marymount Manhattan! Feeling good considering it was a video audition. Hopefully when we visit in April they will like her even more and it will turn into an acceptance!

@NeensMom fingers crossed!! I’ve heard good things about staying in touch with them and it moving you off the list. We are following your journey and wishing your daughter and you the best of luck!!

@NeensMom – good luck! My D had gotten on the WL at MMC after a video audition, but then got a ‘no’ a few weeks later. Hope you have better luck!

Oh so very few get that yes from Carnegie… they are the .5%-1% school. Yikes! But yes, a huge congrats to those yesses and best of luck with your last three!! Wishing you the best news!

@CaMom13 thank you. Yes, I am aware of those threads. I just was hoping for a more efficient way to privately message people who are currently attending the schools that are on my daughter’s short list to get their true impressions of their programs. Fishing through the final decisions stories is going to take time. Not a lot of that available these days. I really like the idea of the final decision by school thread. It’s just like the accepted by school thread. It’s short… just put your name under the school once you’ve decided! I may start that one in a couple of weeks for this year if no one else does. Maybe it will catch on this time.

@StanfordAI2019 wow that is surpirisng! Thanks for the heads up!

@SingerDancerMom @CaMom13 Last year wasn’t there a list of acceptances by CC Member and then people color coded the school their D or S chose to attend? That would give the info you’re seeking, I would think.

Thank you @mtparent321!

Thank you @Loganator ! ill look for that.

So CMU decisions are out (beyond the MT phone calls)? Hmmm…I wonder if my Tech D has heard anything or if the Design & Production side has its own timeline there, too. She usually texts as soon as she finds out something.

A Yes from there would certainly make that trip to Chicago Unifieds for only the CMU 30-minute interview (that really could have been done via Skype) worth it!

Edited to add: Texted my D and no update for her. Bummer.