The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@SingerDancerMom and others looking for school info: some of the schools on the Musical Theater School list have active threads where parents of students attending these schools are available to answer questions. Are there any schools in particular you are looking into? I am sure that parents with students at those programs would be happy to help! Maybe ask them to PM you? I remember last year the time of waiting and uncertainty from the end of February to mid-April was HORRIBLE! Congrats to all that have received acceptances and good vibes to all those still waiting!

@SingerDancerMom Is this one of the threads you were looking for? (edit — maybe not, since it’s not final decision but it would give you a place to start asking questions)

I really wish I had found this group before my D’s auditions. I find myself getting excited for everyone as they report acceptances. My D got a waitlist notification today from Marymount. She submitted a video audition late in January. We were hoping for waitlist from FSU but now hope is fading after hearing about the delayed emails. She still has 4 more she’s waiting to hear from that will come later in the month. This waiting process is excruciating!! Congratulations to everyone on their children’s acceptances!

JMU has updated portals today !! My D is so excited to have been accepted to MT!

@DramaLove2020 Congratulations!!! Excellent news!!!

@DramaLove2020 - congratulations - I hear that is an amazing program!!

@DramaLlama18 thank you! Im actually looking for the final choices. My daughter is fortunate to have some wonderful offers so we wanted to try to get insight from current students/parents to help with the final decision making. I thought I’d PM some of the folks that attend those programs.

@DramaLove2020 Congratulations!!!

@DramaLove2020 Congratz!!!

@LurkerMTMom my D also auditioned at NY Unifieds for Montclair. Go the “no” a month ago, but still no socks… sigh.

First Acceptance in, not for MT but it’s an option, UHartt in CT.

Does anyone have a student at Hartt for BFA in ACTING? Looking for more detailed info on the program and opportunities for Dance/Voice training. I can not wait until the waiting is over – we still have 3 more auditions to attend! *sigh.

Kindly worded NO email from CMU at 9AM EST today

@MAmum1234 & @onette - I don’t have too many details on Utah. But I can confirm that more than one person that I know was able to satisfy the residency requirements to be able to get in-state tuition after the first year. Basically I think you just have to stay in Utah for your first summer after Freshman year.

meant 12 noon- on west coast for biz.

@Rocketwoman37 - congrats to your D! @actorparent1 has a daughter at Hartt in their BFA Acting program and I know she’ll fill you in!

@chipmunkmom, I have a friend whose daughter is a Junior at SEMO @momtojoss - I just messaged her that you were asking. She loves it!

@MTmom2017 Thanks! That’s good to hear. We visited in the fall and my D has been accepted into their BFA MT program. We liked what we saw. There’s just not a lot of chatter about them.

Shenandoah is making calls tonight

Is there a difference between priority waitlist and waitlist??

Just lurking here (as my S is in his 2nd year in a BFA program).

The auditors are already overwhelmed by so many kids auditioning. They probably have their own shorthand, etc. Providing feedback would be an overwhelming task – and slow down the work of getting acceptances out even more!

I’ve never really thought about this until tonight. Can you imagine being the auditor and having to tell so many applicants no? By nature, most educators want students to succeed. I’m sure most are silently cheering every applicant on. – It has to be a hard job to reject applicants. Who likes to share bad news?

Best of Luck to everyone!!!