The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@jasklo ~ That list is by school. In past years it was also by member.

@NeensMom @PNWdrama @MTMamoo My daughter was accepted to Arizona and they said they would reach back out with accepted student information once all of their offers have been made. They haven’t done that yet so I assume they’re still hard at work trying to pick their freshman class. Since they have given out some No’s it’s probably a good sign that you haven’t heard anything yet. ; )

@BloomingGirl thank you! I hope so too!

Oh my gosh… NO worries! I hope my comment didn’t come off rude!!!
Tone is impossible on these formats.

Still waiting on both Arizona and Ball State also

Also waiting on Arizona!

@SoMuchDrama - I wonder that too - honestly I do think it depends on the school. D did have really solid recommendations - and I don’t think it moved the needle. But one funny story - We were really behind the ball on setting up some auditions - and I called around to some schools where we had missed the deadline to see if I could get one - Texas State agreed if we submitted everything that day pre-screen etc - so D scrambled to do her personal narrative that was a requirement - and we both wondered - who even reads these things. Well, I will tell you who - Kaitlyn Hopkins - the head of the program- reads it to you at the audition! So D gets to the audition, finds this out and we are like OMG - what did she write - it wasn’t that bad - sort of poorly written - but this is Texas State, not Harvard. She ended up getting her rejection letter last week - but I don’t think it had anything to do with the narrative or the recommendations - that Kaitlyn also read because she mentioned something about that during the audition too. But she was the only one that I know of that really does her homework before every audition. I think most of it is pre-screen video, dance call and that 10-15 minutes in the room. Oh and if you do audition for Texas State Kaitlyn owns the company that makes Fontus Losengers - she asked if anyone heard of them - and of course, everyone raised their hands except my d - completely unprepared - the perils of a last-minute audition :).

A few months ago, I wrote " Forget about the dream school. Follow the Dream!"

Now that results are coming in from all over, we all need to take that to heart. So many of these schools are essentially lottery picks. For academic programs it’s like HYP, Stanford. Perfect 1600s and 4.0s don’t get you in because you’re up against tons of others with the same.

Here you’re up against sooo many talented kids it’s incredible. And the randomness of who passes what prescreen or gets accepted where is hard to comprehend. Other than for a few very fortunate kids, this has been a complete roller coaster for most.

Remember why your kid is doing this. They LOVE the arts, are super talented and want to pursue a career in theater. All of these schools will help them forward that agenda with excellent training and opportunities. It’s not about the name brand as no casting director will even care about that. It’s about what they do with there opportunity.

I completely get the appeal of some schools vs. others but the dream is really what matters. Be happy with your choices.

For those that haven’t received that yes yet, keep the faith. Most importantly, understand that a no is not a statement of your talent. It’s just a snapshot in time. The schools have to pick a class based on whatever they determine is most important. Today that is X, tomorrow it’s Y. Don’t beat yourself up.

More importantly, regardless of results, keep doing what you do. Keep the fire lit. keep the passion alive. You’ll fulfill your dreams one way or another.

Here’s to an extra special wish for those without choices to get that first yes.

Hey guys… College Confidential question…despite regularly participating on this site, I still don’t really get how the threads work. If you start one and just throw a question out there who would even see it if they don’t know to look for it? Also I’m wondering if I’m missing any already established threads for our class. I’ve bookmarked and have been following these below. Are there any others? TIA

The Class of 2024 – Sharing, venting, discussing! MT
Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where
MT Acceptances by School for the class of 2024
Prescreen results list for the class of 2024 (no longer any activity of course)

@SingerDancerMom - when you are signed in, you can click majors on the home page. Then scroll down to Musical Theatre Majors. When you click on that it shows ALL the threads that are going on in Musical Theatre. It also highlights which threads have new comments. Hope that helps!

@stagedoormama almost through with this process for the second time and I didn’t know that! Thank you!

My D is a BFA Acting/Musical Theatre major at NWU. She is a sophomore. I would love to answer any questions you may have.

@sarahsmom02 My D is a BFA Acting/Musicla Theatre major at NWU. She is a sophomore. I would love to answer any questions you may have. I am going to assume the comments about a transfer student would be my D. However, she was not really “unhappy” with the other school but realized it was not the right fit. Please reach out and I can help you from a parents perspective.

Major VENT for this vent thread!!!

My D has come to a place of acceptance around her rejections and decided to be really excited about her UArts acceptance. Phew! We just booked a trip to Philly to visit the campus and make sure it feels like home, and today her full financial package came in. She has been awarded $23,000 in grants and scholarships for the upcoming year but the grand total owed is still (drumroll please)… over $46,000! So we are looking at 185k (only IF tuition doesn’t go up a penny over the next four years). So we are more realistically looking at 200k for a bachelor’s degree. Is this standard?? Parents with kids already in BFA programs… is this really the kind of debt people are taking on for an undergraduate degree?

Sticker shock doesn’t begin to cover it.

@NeensMom I investigated tuition rates when my D was applying last year (on recommendation from a friend who had been through this and knew our circumstances)… While I wouldn’t say that it’s standard I definitely saw multiple schools in that range and a few that we higher to which I discouraged my daughter from applying. We are on the lower middle class side of income. Most of the schools we ended up with were more in the rage of $15-20K after scholarships. But I will also say delve into what is included in the estimate. Because some schools included everything in there and we found reality might be less. And sometimes you can ask for more money. Sorry about the sticker shock. Hope it works out in the end!

@NeensMom it’s crazy, right??? All of the schools, my S applied to were in the $60-70K/yr range, and our EFC falls right in that range as well, so we were not eligible for any need money, but he’s been getting decent merit money bringing the net for the schools he has been accepted to down to $34,000-$53,000/yr - not sure if I would call it the standard, but it does seem to be the norm unfortunately when not attending a state school :frowning: My husband is adament that our S take out the stafford loans each year, so his debt will be $27K when he graduates - he says it will give him “skin in the game”, but be managable at graduation; but the remainder of $28K-$48K/yr is our cross the bear…but I’m taking the attitude, one thing at a time - let’s make a decision first; then I will cry about the money and coming to terms of never retiring…LOL. Is there a way to appeal at UArts?

@Neensmom I think it’s like every major. Some kids spend $200 K on an engineering degree. Some kids get the degree for $40 K from a state school (that also happens to be a top engineering school). I would caution talking about scholarship money for specific schools since not everyone gets the same talent offer.

@NeensMom some are, but I’m not. Love my daughter, love her talent, but no. We talked money up front with my daughter, told her she could apply anywhere, plus 3 state schools, but there would be a limit on what we spent based on acceptances. I did promise to cover NYU as it was her long-time dream school and she wanted to apply ED.

Unfortunately she did not get in. Luckily she has two in-state theatre acceptances so far (one BFA MT, one Theatre Performance BA) and we still need to hear from 5 programs. These are difficult conservations to have based on all of the years of work the kids have invested and how much we want them to succeed. Good luck to you as you navigate this part of the journey.

@StewNChelle, thanks -I sent you a private message


Yeah. ‘Sticker shock’ doesn’t even come close. The private schools can give you a lot of aid and you could still buy a big-a%^ house in 90% of the country for what they want over 4 years.

When I just googled “university of the arts cost of attendance” it popped up not only with the 2019-20 ‘full price’ but also the net price by income bracket. While it’s not the cheeriest news, the net price ranged from $32-39K depending on income.

I would definitely arrange a meeting with FinAid while you’re there and bring up this info as well as comps for the area (Drexel, Temple, etc.) and the major.

The good news is it seems possible that you can reduce your net cost by ~20% from their initial proposal. The bad news is that’s still quite expensive.

BAL with this portion of the process as well! There are independent people to guide you on the pro’s and con’s of different ways of paying, as well as a lot of free information on the web.