The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@flippedout a 29 ACT will work at Michigan. Likely not at USC or Northwestern. A 2023 MT Michigan accepted kid had a 27. But Michigan wants way too many essays. So it’s a lengthy application. Work on prescreens & apps. Unless USC & Norhwestern are the dream schools. And if anyway to pass prescreens prior to doing a college’s regular application take that option. These application fees add up fast. Only Indiana refunded fee our year.

I know someone who got accepted to Michigan with a 26 on the ACT. On the website it says for SMTD the minimum ACT is a 24. I’m really trying to work on my ACT because I really want to be able to audition for Michigan??.

Does anyone have a kiddo at ITF this week? My D20 is there. She completed in solo musical theatre and then did the college audition. She got 16 call backs (which meant various things from “come visit us at our booth and let’s chat” to an invitation to a master class to an additional audition). She was really leaning toward vocal performance instead of musical theatre as a major, but her experience this week may have changed her mind. Several of the smaller colleges were offering artistic acceptances there. Mind blowing but also a big confidence boost. This child (my third) needed the experience of auditioning and hustling around. She even went to schools who did not call her back and asked them for notes. I am also wondering if she should retake the SAT. She got a 1360 the first time (took it cold) but we just learned a few months ago that she has ADD. When she took the ACT, she didn’t even finish it. This college process is going to do me in. Oldest kid was so easy (engineering major). She got a full tuition offer at her first choice school in January of her senior year, so it was a no-brainer…Buckle up, folks!

Woo hoo!!! I just got my AP scores… I got a 5, two 4s and a 3! I am so excited! Does anyone know if many schools will accept APs ? I feel like this wouldn’t be dependent on MT but just in general!

@DramaLove2020 congratulations!!

The best way to see which schools will accept your scores is by looking at the online catalog for each school. For example, they should have a chart like this (scroll down for the chart):
Depending on how General Education works at a school an AP may be accepted for credit, but not meet a requirement, so looking at the chart in relationship to requirements at each particular school should give you an idea what will ne accepted, and what it may count towards.

Yes my BFA MT D’s college took 19 hours of AP credits. Colleges vary on what they take but you’ll place out of hours with 4s & 5s. 3s can be ify. And all the AP credits were for general college core classes. Nothing towards D’s BFA MT hours. But it frees her up for MT which is a bonus. And extra FYI CAP Auditions in Atlanta registration is now open for those wanting to audition for a lot of MT schools early.

FYI registration now open. CAP Auditions.

what do people in general think about the cap united auditions ( or moonifieds) . feels abit early? seems peole say not to do your tippy top ones that early and there are ALOT of GREAT programs at Cap united…welcome input from parents or educators like @katMT or @VoiceTeacher…as with everything else in this process i know it varies by person and everyone is different, just feels like conventional comments here have been do a few in the fall but save your top/ favs for after new years??

@NYYFanNowMTdad I am not one of the pros you tagged but it seems like since some schools prescreens are due in August-October that Fall is not too early for an audition

@Notmath1 i don’t know. Maybe just me, but being prepared for the pre screens seems different than being ready for the “ best and final” live audition.

I think it depends on your kid. If they don’t feel confident and ready, then I would wait until later for Unifieds

@Notmath1 - one piece of advice I have seen here a fair amount is doing some auditions for your " not favorites" in the fall and before unifieds to work some of the kinks out so during unifieds or on campus auditions in mid Jan-Mid march you can hopefully be at your best…agreed very individual & kid specific.

Just catching up on this thread after being in vacation mode for a bit… When people talk about fall auditions, are most of these with groups, like MARCAS or Moonifieds? I looked at audition dates for schools my D is considering and don’t see many with fall auditions. Only 2 of her schools have Nov. dates that I can see, and one is a potential favorite, so she doesn’t want to audition there that early.

@toystorymom Re: fall auditions. D auditioned on campus at three schools by mid-November. One was early decision but the first two were not.

Thanks, yellahamma–I did wonder if some of those early audition dates were for early decision applicants… I don’t think at this point that my D will apply early decision to any schools, as she wants to cast a wide net. Just trying to figure out how she can get some auditions out of the way before Unifieds!

D didn’t do Unifieds but had the same idea of getting auditions in before her top choice audition in mid-November. Emerson and Syracuse were her warm ups. I think Emerson was November 1. Good luck.

@toystorymom Many of the October/November auditions are tied to early action and a few to early decision. The former is not binding where the latter is I believe. If your child is ready it is a good thing to do some of those both for a warm up and because it relieves pressure to have an option by Christmas. My daughter had about five schools on her list with fall auditions.

My son had 4 fall auditions scheduled and ended up rescheduling 2 of them until later in the winter because he decided to do the fall play at school. We’d heard the advice not to schedule schools high on the list in the fall and I still think it’s solid advice; the kids definitely get into a groove once the audition season kicks into high gear and that helps with high priority auditions. That being said, although he didn’t feel great about either fall audition, he was wait listed at both schools so even though he chose not to stay on either wait list, it was worth the experience. I think it’s a good way to get their feet wet, start to understand how the process works and to work out any kinks. At one of the schools, the difference between the time my son was scheduled (and warmed up) and when he was actually called was 3 1/2 hours so he was able to go back to his voice teacher and talk about that experience and how to better approach it if it happened again.

Also, he had several friends who had great success with fall auditions which makes sense because the schools don’t just reject or wait list every one who chooses to audition in November or December - they definitely accept some of those kids. Most of the fall audition schools are early action or rolling admission, neither of which are binding.

My son had two acceptances from November/December auditions. This let him make adjustments to his list. He cancelled auditions for schools that were “lower” on his list. He was not using these auditions as warm ups.

Thanks to all for additional clarification! I’ll look again at dates and see if maybe some of D’s schools have fall dates for early action or rolling admission. I may have overlooked those because we were thinking we didn’t want to do any that were binding/early decision. (Though it seems a lot of MT programs don’t allow MT applicants to apply ED?)