The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@secondtimemt: Not sure if this helps, or not - but this has been the norm for CCPA since I’ve been around. Here’s a bit of explanation from a number of years ago:
I would still go ahead and ask for more. But it appears the pool of funds is limited.

@rickle1 @secondtimemt @AbigCurveBall Last year, Roosevelt’s letter said the CCPA scholarship was “based upon your audition and previous achievements”. It was a good offer, but we did go back and negotiate, and they increased the amount substantially. It was entirely a merit award, not financial aid. If Roosevelt ends up as one of your top choices, it wouldn’t hurt to raise the question.

Other conservatories my D looked into also had a tuition surcharge like CCPA, due to factors such as the student/teacher ratio, the dedicated faculty not available to the rest of the student body, and the specialized facilities. Just another of the many joys associated with a BFA MT degree, particularly in an urban, high rent district!

@rickle1 & @secondtimemt Jumping in on the Roosevelt CCPA conversation. I’m not sure if this is helpful or not but my daughter’s acceptance letter has an annual scholarship offer which is at the upper end of the $10,000-19,000 you mentioned above. She also received the email saying that there would be no additional money, and they stated that was because they didn’t receive her FAFSA.
I think @onette 's advice is sound…
If this is your daughter’s top choice (or near the top)I think it’s a good ideal to let them know you are interested but that financially you need more to make it work. They will have more money as they get closer to May 1st. My daughter, for example, is going to decline her Roosevelt offer because it isn’t her dream school and she got into the one that is, so that money will go back into their pot. Not everyone that received scholarship offers is going to accept so it’s possible those funds will be available to reallocate.

I agree with @SingerDancerMom - not just MT but with all schools the longer you wait the more you get because people decline the offer and that money frees up - I would reach out and plead your case - if you have one - single mom, other kids in school, better offers from other schools - although I wouldn’t bluff on this if there are none. you have until May 1st so use the time and try to get more. Good luck :slight_smile:

Hey guys… I started a new thread if you want to take a look and participate…

@vvnstar, thanks for that link. Interesting. This is my second BFA MT daughter, and the first time I’ve seen a school handle the finances this way. We will revisit and see if there’s anything they can add. She has two other BFA MT acceptances with much better scholarship offers, so I’m not exactly leaning toward CCPA myself right now, but I do think the MTD program is right up her alley. We’re planning to talk to them and go visit as I’ve seen the school and Chicago and she hasn’t seen either, and I want her to make sure she’s as interested as she thinks she is. Plus, there’s one last school to hear from… that’s my alma mater, so it’s my favorite if she gets in. :slight_smile:

@LamaDrama regarding notification dates for NYU reg decision and Muhlenberg: last year my daughter was notified of admission into Muhlenberg on March 19. The regular decision NYU is a single day for everyone, last year it was on March 28. It appears that it is April 1 this year. We visited both schools and DD was able to sit in on classes at both by contacting the department ahead of time. At NYU she was admitted to Steinhardt, so Tisch visit policies may be different. Best of luck!

Ball State decisions coming … Andrea Sadler confirmed that MT decisions continue this week. Good luck to all!

For those waiting on Uof Arizona decisions, my D had a portal change (no email notification). Was a no. Still waiting for 8 more decisions.

So sorry, @flippedout . Hugs, and here’s to a better week ahead.

@flippedout – got the same ‘no.’ Was never very high up on my D’s list, but every no still stinks.

@rickle1 and @AbigCurveBall, were either of you able to log into Roosevelt’s site today after receiving all the emails? We’re still not able to get in?

@secondtimemt I haven’t tried as I don’t have access to D’s portals and she isn’t home from practice yet.

I did, however, go through the folder of scholarship offers she received from several schools and they were indeed FAR more generous than Roosevelt. I know the fin aid report will come shortly and am hoping for a nice surprise but the email D forwarded me is not promising. My only hope is that they categorize additional aid as some obscure grant (so not technically merit. I say that because today we received her financial package from another MT accepted program. The original acceptance letter said XYZ Scholarship for 10k but the Package listed three other grants bringing the total non loan based aid to 20k.

The other piece of the puzzle I guess we’ll need to discuss is how the grants are tied to FAFSA. We typically don’t receive aid but will this one yr because of the two kids being in school. Next yr it will go back t normal (no aid) so I wonder if the “Grants” go away My guess is yes.

Anyway we have several packages identifying Scholarship from many schools that are two to three times the Roosevelt offer so we will have to have that conversation once I get the financial aid letter from them.

@LamaDrama FYI in case you have plans to visit NYU in March or April - NYU is not offering tours, sessions or hosting events through April according to the parent email I received today. The campus is going to remote learning starting Wednesday and spring break, which begins next week, is extended for at least a week.

Wow, @yellahamma ! Thank you for that intel. How are they going to handle studio work? Any word?

We are all wondering the same thing @tsamuique ! I am personally glad they are being proactive but I think they’ll need to adjust the curriculum to account for 1.5 (at least) missed weeks of on-site studio work. I know a friend’s D said their teacher was saying they were still figuring out what to do for Tisch - the decision was a school-wide one.

Just to clarify @yellahamma 's info - on-site admissions events are canceled at NYU through April - which to me means they are all canceled. They are working on “virtual” visits. Classes will be remote starting this weds and going until at least the end of March. Next week is Spring Break.

In April if people want to know more about NYU we might start up a FB group where current parents can share more detailed info about our kids’ experiences in NYC, in their studios and in NYU. It’s so hard to make this kind of decision based upon online videos!!!

Thank you, @CaMom13 ! That would be so incredibly helpful if that Facebook group forms. What an awful situation for the school to be in - for so many reasons. I’m glad they’re being proactive and protective. I’m thinking of your kids and hoping that the school figures out something robust for them. What conundrum for educators. :confused:

@tsamuique D will be in studio tomorrow. I’ll share whatever info she passes along even though it might be Strasberg specific. She is bummed! Stay well, All.

Thank you, @yellahamma ! You too, take care!

Anybody know anything about Chapman program? My friends son got a no.
Wondering if there is an alternate path there. They were late to the game and really don’t understand this world. Only auditioned for two schools. Oops.