The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@yellahamma & @CaMom13 Thanks for the NYU heads up. Just checked out the website and yep, the tour that I scheduled last night for April 16th is gone…calendar is blank.

Here is the NYU website link for anyone that is interested in reading more.

Bummed that we didn’t tour NYU and Muhlenberg last summer. These were the last two colleges outside of CA to visit. And it appears that CA is on the coronavirus “hit list” :frowning:

Now, we will just wait it out and see if D gets admitted too either college, prior to doing anything.

March is going to be a VERY long month…

@rickle1, login worked tonight when she tried. There isn’t any information there-other than a projected total cost of $61,000 for the year.

@Jasklo The MT program there is a minor. Anyone can audition for the minor in the second semester of freshman year (or later). Can’t remember if once you didn’t get into your first choice of major, they looked at you for an alternate major. If this is a top choice school, should speak with the regional recruiters about transferring in. My D has a friend who is being accepted for second semester-she isn’t a performing arts major (schools have started doing this so that their incoming freshman profile numbers stay high; i.e. her GPA and test scores probably were decent, but not top notch). Depending on which of the triple threat skills he might think about auditioning as a dance major (dance is big at Chapman) or as vocal performance and then audition for the minor. Also, non PA majors can also audition. Hope that helps.

@Jasklo Other Christian schools in SoCal with acting programs include LMU, Pepperdine, APU. Pretty sure all are BFA’s & require audition. The CSU or UC programs in SoCal might be an option. Hate to say it, but your friend’s family might best plot a strategy for next year.

@Jasklo - did your friend’s son get accepted to a BA program? I know a number of MT kids who went to Chapman (one for VP, the others for non-performance majors) and there are a ton of performance opportunities - plays, student films, acapella groups - available to non-BFA students.

@rickle1 My D’s login still didn’t work as of this morning. I wouldn’t sweat on it at this point after reading @secondtimemt’s comment that there’s nothing much on the FA except for the huge $$$. I’m not expecting to receive any need based grants so taking good advice from the CC, we will probably try to reach out to them and ask for more (merit) scholarships if we decide to enroll.

Everyone planning college visits - call the school to be sure they’ll be open. It’s not just NYU that is going to online only or closing their doors for a period of time. As of last night, there were 40 colleges mostly in NY, WA, and CA that are having some sort of in-person shut down. I’ve been watching NY schools in particular as I have a kid at one. While his has not announced anything yet, several have - NYU, Columbia, Barnard, Fordham, Hofstra…

@AbigCurveBall and @rickle1 , my daughter did write and ask how you request more “merit-based” aid. There is a process you can follow, but they make it pretty clear that need plays an important role - and it sounds like need was looked at in the initial amount offered as well, which may be why the amounts are so much lower than other schools. We’re going to go ahead and try anyway - they did say to send scholarships from other schools for them to review. Can’t hurt. We’re planning to go see the school at the end of March and have her sit in on classes - as well as at one of her other acceptances - but the way classes are being cancelled around the country, who knows if that will be doable before they need to decide…

@CaMom13 & @MTisNutz Thanks for that info. I have passed along.

@CaMom13 and @MTisNutz My D was accepted to Champan BFA Theater Performance and if she accepts will audition for the MT minor. Any insights you have from the folks you know who attend would be awesome. I’m wondering for example if you can go ahead and take voice lessons freshman year. Also do Champan kids get work? Thanks in advance!

Congratulations @Abutilon ! CC Class of 2022 had an actor who went to Chapman for Film & TV and I know he’s been in several films (both student and professional) while attending school; their film school is one of the best in the country. I know he’s also been in stage shows so there must be a lot of cross-over. I also know an actor / VP major who mostly does a lot of partying - so I think it’s really up to the student to take the initiative to get work - I am pretty sure the opportunities are there. The one Chapman graduate I know acted in high school and did a lot of performing in Acapella groups while in college but graduated with a business degree and has since moved onto professional work outside of the entertainment industry. I honestly think Chapman is an amazing choice for performers who want professional training and also want a traditional “college experience” - I don’t know anyone who there who has been unhappy with their choice.

For those of you thinking about school visits in the coming weeks, my older daughter attends Kent State ( not for MT)…

she was notified that the rest of this week & next week class will be held remotely/virtually/online no " face to face" lessons/classes.

the week of 3/23 is spring break.

the weeks of 3/30- 4/12 remote/virtual online classes will continue with plans to resume classes IN PERSON on Monday 4/13.

My Daughter is a Fashion major & has some labs & sewing/ fabric construction classes, not sure how that or a dance class, could be held remotely/online but thats the latest on corona in Ohio…many MT programs in Ohio so I wouldn’t be surprised if others follow suit.

thats all I know right now, this was released within the last few hours

Otterbein has also suspended classes until 3/27 (in person). It appears all the Ohio schools will follow the Governor’s recommendation

Ohio State is going to online classes. Perhaps a new thread for classes canceled until a date.

@gatorbridget , we were planning to visit Otterbein on 3/27 and see the show. I’m glad I haven’t gotten flights yet, and I can’t even imagine how this is all going to turn out.

I am hoping that schools are willing to extended the May 1st deadline to make a decision. 3 schools we planned to visit in the next 2 weeks have had in person classes canceled. I am sure there will be lots more to follow. I have been spending the past hour talking my S off the ledge. He is so upset that he may have to pick a school sight unseen. CRAZY TIMES!!

Syracuse is closing through 3/30.

Could be worse… we could all be quarentined at the Chicago Palmer House Hilton! (Looking for levity… my older D is in grad school in NYC and it’s a bit stressful.)

I teach (online, so I am one of the lucky ones) at one major mid-Atlantic flagship university and another small college in far upstate NY and the large mid-Atlantic one is moving to all virtual instruction after next week’s spring break. The smaller school is on spring break at present and there hasn’t been any information disseminated yet about plans for next week. Frankly, I think this thing is going to get worse before it gets better so I wonder what’s going to happen moving into April. Thankfully, airlines seem to be very flexible with their change policies right now so if we can’t travel, we don’t lose what we’ve spent.

@gatorbridget I’ve been talking to my S (I’m still so paranoid about using his name on this board - but your S’s roommate LOL) about that news. My S is upset - not sure how they will handle the missed time in MT. He has a couple of classes that he can finish virtually. Is the musical impacted?