The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

Kent State just emailed older ( Non MT) daughter that they will go to ONLINE only for the remainder of the spring semester ( original messaging was 4/13).

Schools seem to be encouraged to be flexible with their deadline for decisions. Nothing mandated though. This totally impacts anyone on waitlists.–publications/newsroom/press-releases/nacac-update-coronavirus/

I certainly hope that if they narrow it down to 2 - 3 schools that they at least release any other offers. I agree - it totally messes with waitlists,

@Transymeg in my daughter’s case she is waiting for one more decision (Elon) and then she will be notifying those not in her top 3 of her decision not to attend. I image there are others in that same situation, just waiting for the full picture before moving to the next step. Unfortunately with the virus we are all delayed even further in being able to make final decisions since school visits aren’t happening yet (or maybe at all… sigh). I’ve heard from two schools already that commitment dates will be extended. I’m sure all of the programs will do that. But I just wanted to say that on our end we are sensitive to those on waitlists and will do our part as soon as possible!

My D released all her offers but 2 programs and 3 academic last night (this includes the one school she’ll probably end up choosing).

Last year they spread the results over 3 Friday’s. Son was in first wave, had friends accepted on the last day

It’s difficult to release when they haven’t sent financial packages. Money is definitely a mitigating factor and it is taking forever to receive all the information needed to make an informed decision!

@jupdancemom I can understand the sensitivity around it but would be really helpful to know which ones you released as people on waitlists are at high anxiety these days especially with the prospect of no school visits. TIA

@NYYFanNowMTdad she only released the schools that she got into academically; she kept the 2 programs and 1 WL for now. She was accepted academically at every school, but 1. Only 2 acceptances and 1 WL for BFA MT; still waiting on one more.

@jupdancemom got it, thanks for clarification

@singerdancermom Thanks for the comment. I do suppose most will do that. We have several offers and are going to release some this week. She is just on one waitlist that would change her choice I do believe if she got in. I know it is a crazy time for all. To add to it - I am a travel agent!!! However I will admit the work chaos has taken my mind of the waiting

@Transymeg OH MY GOSH!! Can not even imagine the life of a travel agent right now! I need to cancel our flights to see a school and think I’m going to wait until 1am to call United because I’m sure they are overwhelmed. Thankfully they added “no change” fees just in time.

My D released some schools today - Ohio U, JMU ( so sad), Ohio Northern, Temple , Tampa and LIU! Still waiting on Syracuse - but done, decided and deposit paid at Coastal Carolina! Hard to compete with the beach I guess!

Wow congratulations @DramaLove2020 ! I wish we were even close to that point yet. It must feel great!

@DramaLove2020 Congratulations on having a decision, and a wonderful decision at that!

Congratulations @DramaLove2020!! I wish your D the best of luck! I have heard great things about CC. One of my D’s good friends got in and could be joining you.

Unfortunately one of my daughter’s top choices doesn’t notify until April 1. She is not asking to stay on any waitlists at this point, but is not ready to turn down any schools either. Plus not all acceptances came with the whole financial and merit aid package info. She wants to be fair to all who are waiting and wants their dreams to come true.

congrats @DramaLove2020 cant wait to read your full final decision post

Congrats @DramaLove2020! So exciting!

@DramaLove2020 Congrats. It must feelgood to be done. We are in total limbo without campus visits.