The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@StanfordAI2019 -sadly this puts it all into perspective, you have shown through humor what a great kid ( & you are) & I feel confident though we have never met that you & strong D will persevere…say HI to Selena Gomez when she co-stars with your D.

Oh @StanfordAI2019 sorry to hear that news, she certainly has a great attitude. Sending her and the whole family a lot of extra love during this incredibly extraordinary time!

@StanfordAI2019 - So sorry to hear about your D’s health worries. My father has been dealing with lupus since his late 20’s (he is 72 now). It can be a rough road. Wherever she ends up for school, make sure you connect with a good rheumotologist to be her point person. One thing I was talking to him about today was how plaquenil (a drug sometimes used for lupus and malaria) is showing promise for curing COVID19. He told me he has been on it for 30 years so maybe it will turn out to be a benefit. :wink: My father-in-law has hemochromotosis and has done very well throughout his life as well, and hasn’t had anywhere near as healthy a lifestyle as it sounds like your D does. I know it will be a struggle, but with her great attitude I am sure she will do great.

@StanfordAI2019 I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter’s health issues. What an amazingly great attitude she has. She is going to go far in life.

@StanfordAI2019 Gut punch. I have no doubt this will not stop her. Please share with her how many of us have her in our thoughts and prayers.

Thank you all SO much for your words of reassurance. What a great group of parents you all are. I’m sure you are raising kids that are just as wonderful. Before she went to bed tonight, my D said, “It’s okay…the show must always go on…and I assume we are getting hospital masks and toilet paper in our Easter baskets this year, right?” :smiley:

@StanfordAI2019 Seriously, I think your D should consider comedy acting/ sketch, which can include singing too. This is my son-in-law’s specialty (involves writing, directing, and acting).

@Sitzprobe A belated thanks for your congrats on SCAD. And yes, it was the beginning of a nice streak. Despite a slew of subsequent rejections, scattered in have been 5 additional acceptances (Shenandoah (BFA Acting redirect), Point Park (BFA Acting redirect), Emerson (BFA Theatre and Performance redirect), American and Muhlenberg. Still waiting to hear from four schools but so happy she has choices!

@jupdancemom Any Montclair socks yet? It took over a month for us to get them after they sent the MT no so hang in there! Warning though: they are beyond ugly.

@STHmom A belated thanks for your kind words of congratulations. I have been off CC for a couple of weeks and am just catching up now.

@IStressSoDWont Just read your post about your D’s Lynn acceptance and wanted to share how much I relate to that relief. My D had all Nos (except a couple of of non-MT BA redirects that she really did not want) and then got an acceptance from SCAD–also a smallish and still developing performing arts department–but my D and I cried also. She finally knew that one way or another she would be going to school for MT in the fall. We did not really realize how unsure of that we were (and how worried and scared) until we got that admission. So congrats and may it have been the first of several other choices.

@StanfordAl2019 Wishing your daughter the best! Her great attitude will carry her far in life.

@StanfordAI2019 I have been following your journey and your D is such a ray of sunshine! You must be so proud of her and you are doing a great job raising her.

Does anyone know definitively if Elon finished all of their acceptance calls yesterday or are they still making them today?

we didn’t get one, so i guess it’s a no? portal has not been updated.

that’s okay, he was accepted to Bentley

I’m just anxious to have all of the decisions so we can move past this part.

I am so, so sad for these kids. They go through SO MUCH.
After years of training, many of them prepare specifically for college audition season for well over a year; applying to more than 20 schools, with extra applications for the MT programs,… with all of those many essays…selecting then perfecting their songs, monologues, and dance routines…shooting/uploading their audition materials… WAITING for pre-screen decisions…scrambling to schedule auditions… traveling all over the country to try to show their best selves in under 4 minutes, and doing that over and over and over again, all the while getting behind in school and attempting in between audition weekends to catchup - with grades suffering…missing countless senior social activities, parties, and special events…then more WAITING to hear from the schools of their dreams and other schools in places they’ve never heard of and wouldn’t have imagined themselves until they realized they would literally do anything to get an MT BFA… all of that work, sacrifice, and emotional pain that their friends could never possibly understand, just to get to this moment right now… The moment where their future begins to take shape and they get the opportunity to visit the schools that saw their potential and feel the warmth of a faculty and student body that WANTS them, the chance to walk the campuses and imagine themselves performing in those performance spaces… only to be in this situation… a GLOBAL PANDEMIC. No programs to visit. No traveling. Choosing a future without the benefit of knowing the most important piece of the puzzle, “Does this school feel like home?”

And now it’s even more than that… after they DON’T get their senior field trips, final pep rallies, senior proms, graduation ceremony, drama/dance senior nights, and grad parties… after missing all of these rights of passage… will they actually even be going to school in the fall?

The unknown is gut wrenching and has destroyed the excitement of this moment.

This virus and it’s disruption to our lives is hard for everyone. It’s especially sad for all high school seniors, but for ours, who have gone through this enormously difficult process, it is just simply heart breaking.

@SingerDancerMom I couldn’t agree more with all that you just wrote. It is so tough right now. My D wants to make a decision but it is so difficult given all you have outlined. I hope this passes quickly but it is hard to tell right now. It is heart breaking.

I totally agree. It also stinks b/c with all the hard work and sacrifice of social stuff this year I was looking forward to them enjoying all the FUN stuff of senior year in the spring. It is so heartbreaking. The only worse thing I can imagine is missing college senior year where you leave your dorm and thats it…you cant see your friends around town.

@StanfordAI2019 - praying for your D and your family as you learn to live with this diagnosis. (((Hugs))) to you both. She sounds like she has an amazing attitude and personality and those will serve her well as she learns a new “normal.”

@SingerDancerMom - Elon nos are coming through GA - so check email and GA accounts since I’ve known a couple of people who didn’t get an email for a message they received through GA.