The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@AnxiousNovice - those socks are ugly! LOL

@SingerDancerMom - You voiced everything I have been thinking and the despair I feel for these kids. I had seen the writing on the wall because of where we live and was praying for my kids to be sent home from school. Then when they did and my kid figured out that they were probably never going to be with their friends again and had likely had their last day of high school last week and did not even know it was just heart breaking. So many kids have been with their peers for 12 plus years and now they will all never be together again…and did not even know it. Add to all of that the heartbreak of all those lasts and special moments they are missing as seniors after all this work they put in and all the sacrifice. It is just too much loss all at once. It is so very heartbreaking especially for this population of kids.

@Ontheverge this is exactly what I was trying to convey in the 2025 thread 2 nights ago @SingerDancerMom did it much more eloquently

@modanbsmt001 @LamaDrama @flippedout I am so sorry to hear about all the canceled spring shows. I was so worried this would happen to my D. Their show was the weekend of 3/6-8 so they just got it in on time. I am so grateful. I cannot even imagine how devastated my D would have been. Hang in there. Maybe they will allow the kids to tape a performance in a few weeks and send it out to everyone? Just a thought.

Saw the announcement that the Jimmy’s were being cancelled. I know my D has a lot of friends who are seniors who were adjudicated for their region… Just one disappointment after another. My heart breaks for all the kids. Especially for the seniors. But in perspective we are alive and healthy. And the sun will come out tomorrow! But man everyone at my house is missing our hugs! So virtual hugs to everyone who reads this!

@MTSongbirdMom this is why we need the crying face response button on College Confidential. It’s just crushing.

@AnxiousNovice - Wow from none to 6 in record time! Love it!

For the record, I am heartbroken for our kids and really struggling to help mine deal with everything on the daily. I have twin girls - one’s softball season was canceled and the other one had just finished writing the Spring Project which was scheduled for auditions last week and was planning her first directing opportunity. Not to mention prom, graduation and senior fest, etc… Now, they are sitting at home in isolation doing class work and facetiming with their friends. Not how senior year is supposed to end.

My D has gotten 2 more rejections this week - Kent & WMU. Still waiting on CCC and Wright State- then we are done and she can make a decision.

Fingers crossed for you all!

Be well xoxo

@StanfordAI2019 I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter. As a fellow auto-immune disease sufferer, I encourage your family to find some support groups on Facebook that discuss ways to support good health living with Lupus. There are so many really, really helpful things you can do to combat the inflammation, etc, that comes with auto-immune diseases, anti-inflammatory protocol diet in particular can be life changing. Best wishes to your family!

@Sitzprobe Thank you for sharing the 9/11 quote. While I appreciate the positive message, I must admit that it also makes me feel even sadder for our children that these two horrible events have occurred not only during their lifetimes but at such critical points in those lives. I certainly hope that for the next cycle of big life events, they get a break.

@StanfordAI2019 I am so very sad to read your post. I had thought that Covid-19 had given me perspective on all of our anxiety about BFA MT programs but your post goes much further. I am so very sorry for your D and so amazed at her strength and sense of humor. Please know that we are all sending you and her our very best. Wish I could help in a more concrete way. If you can think of one, please reach out, message me, whatever.

@SingerDancerMom Thank you for expressing so well what I have been feeling for the last two weeks. I know that people are dying and are very ill and are loing their jobs and their businesses and all sorts of things. I do not mean to diminish any of that but, as a parent sitting by watching all that you described, it is truly heartbreaking. These are not months that can be postponed or rescheduled or that will bounce back. They are just lost.

@IStressSoDWont I hear you. My D is so depressed that I am actively worried about her. My son is obsessed with tracking the data. Somehow walking the dogs and binge watching shows and doing crosswords and jigsaw puzzles is already old.

Just catching up! Wow, @SingerDancerMom you really summed up the entire experience so many of us have been going through in a very well thought out clear way. Things are so odd right now in the world and unfortunately there is no guide on how to navigate this. My D was crying a majority of the school year about how much she had to miss. Friends were doing things without her, had such a hard time keeping up w grades, and she missed out on so many school activities with all the auditioning and prep. (She auditioned for a LOT of schools). I kept telling her not to worry, that it would be over before she knew it. That she was working hard now and then the rest of the year she could become more involved in her school activities, catch up in school, see her friends more, and just enjoy her last year of high school. .Well… that never happened. Audition season is over, everyone is on lock down, and the world is upside down right now. Praying this is over quickly.

I do think having the kids write a daily journal is a good idea. It is a great way to express their feelings, and who knows it may inspire a play, musical, book or movie in the future. It is part of their history and when they are older they can read the memories again. As we know getting older, we sometimes forget things that happen long ago(haha).

BU notifications are available. ‘No’ for us, but at least this process is almost done!

@StanfordAI2019 I hear ya, informed delivery shows wright state letter coming today…then we are done, except of course for the 4 WLs…ughhhhh

@SingerDancerMom - you summed this up perfectly.

I hate to be more of a Debbie Downer but beyond what all our kids will miss over the next two months - this crisis has exposed the fragility of live theater and all our kids should take this into consideration in making college choices…

I am a Trustee of a prominent theater group in the area - and I can say in good times we live show to show - there is almost never money left over after a season - if anything we are skimming from the next season. If this goes on much longer I am doubtful about the survival of our organization and many in the area. Even some larger theaters in the area that are in the middle of impressive renovations and seemed to have tons of money are sending emails begging for donations. And this just started - if this goes on into the summer there are going to be a lot of theaters closing their doors - maybe forever.

And then there is Broadway - a ton of shows just closed - a lot more set to open - all that money spent and they are making zero on their investments. What effect is that going to have on the ability to get a show produced in the future? We may be in for a major re-set.

My advice - make sure the program you are looking at offers acting for the camera. If this goes on for a prolonged period - beyond just the 2 weeks now proposed isolation it may get into the national psyche and affect behavior moving forward - so less live theater and more steaming services people can enjoy from their home.

I hate to be “that person” but I manage risk for a living, and while there is a roller coaster of short term risk as commerce comes to a halt - and credit in high yield freezes - the long term risk is that people may choose to not gather in large groups for a prolonged amount of time. We were already moving into a more virtual world - this may be the catalyst to get their faster.

There will still be work for our kids and tons of opportunities but it may require a slightly different skill set as musicals may go more the way of the “live TV productions” or distributed through streaming services - which is actually a lot more profitable because putting on a live show every night is ridiculously expensive.

Think if Hamilton had originated as a pay per view - $50 per household - produce it once and a revenue stream forever!

Look this could end in a week or two and the world could go back to the way we know it. But - there is a fat tail risk that this could be a major paradigm shift in how we consume and distribute all entertainment including musical theater…

Its something to think about, and doesn’t hurt to add that to your college filter as you evaluate college choices.

Oh and as I am writing this D just got into BU !!! her top choice!

@DivaStageMom congrats on BU!!

@DivaStageMom Congratulations to your D! Some great news during this tough time!

Congrats @DivaStageMom !!! Her first choice - that’s awesome news!!!