The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@RVCVRN1 we visited Hartt for auditions in Dec and again in March, hope this helps:

@SingerDancerMom I wasnt looking to start a fight. I am sure you are as hopeful as I am…fwiw my family here in NY has not left our home in 12 days & we are not sick nor have we been exposed ( to my knowledge) so we are taking this very seriously

@mindfulmom please do post your final decision details in that thread, as there are many who choose a different path in the end, im sure your journey will be helpful to them

@Shel325 I’ve been so sad about my daughter not getting a chance to visit… I didn’t even THINK to ask about sitting in on virtual classes to get a better idea!! That’s a brilliant idea!

@NYYFanNowMTdad No worries! I know you wren’t trying to start a fight. I wasn’t either. We’re all in this awful situation together trying to navigate the best we can. Virtual hug!!!

One thing not really mentioned on here is that many colleges impose a class size minimum for a class to be offered, usually 10, but it could be a different number. And that applies to all programs, including small MT programs that might have 45-55 students in the entire program with normal freshmen MT classes being 8-20. A lot of gap year decisions could result in some of these programs being suspended for a year if they can’t offer their classes.

Hi everyone - you have been so supportive. I’ve been working 7 days a week since COVID-19 hit big in US so I’m catching up on posts.

My daughter got accepted into U of Memphis BFA. That came out of the blue. She just sent in a video audition. I know nothing about the school or program so will be reading up. She hasn’t set foot on the campus. It is totally an unknown but it is the only school to have accepted her into the BFA (well UT Arlington seems to be a possibility too).

She got a nice academic deal from Oklahoma University and I’m having a hard time letting that go. (We are in TX)

@SingerDancerMom thanks and I hope she can join in on a class. Worth asking. My son has been so down too and not closer to a decision yet but at least good to see him interacting!
Oh and I can’t take credit for the idea - it was the counselors. ?

@LinnyLou That is awesome!! I am originally from Memphis and did attend there as my “second” of three schools, but there was no musical theatre program there at the time (in the 1980s). I do still know people in Memphis theatre, however, if you want me to reach out and ask about the program! The school itself (which used to be called Memphis State University) is a very old, established institution.

My main reason for not attending was that although its theatre program was strong and I did have some amazing professors there, I already knew many of them from working in Memphis regional theatre for years. And I wanted to be away from home and learning from someone new. They also did not (at that time) have the best cooperation with the music department (or vice versa). Because there was no “blend” program (MT), that made it difficult. But with the MT degree there, I know that has completely changed.

I know that I have lived in several other large cities, but I will say that the experiences I had in Memphis regional theatre growing up were absolutely amazing. Many very talented artists are from Memphis that have gone onto Broadway, film and television. It is a city that appreciates artists. (Or was…I haven’t lived there in many years!)

What did UTA say to you?

Miami = No
East Carolina = Yes (Acting)

Well my D just opened her UMiami letter and it does not refer to the BFA MT program. It is a regular decision letter that says she has been waitlisted. It reads like she applied as an undecided major.
She is not sure what to make of this.

@StanfordAI2019 _ Congratulations on East Carolina !!

@moosegirlemy2 We got the same letter. Not sure what to think either.

Congrats @StanfordAI2019 ! Nice that she got a yes today to ameliorate the sting of another no.

@modanbsmt001 - reached out to admissions for clarification. Will let you know if we hear anything!

@moosegirlemy2 Thank you! We are on a roll with the wait lists over here

@modanbsmt001 Confirmed. It’s for BFA MT. Wait list city here too. Always the bridesmaid never the bride…

@moosegirlemy2 lol love the always the bridesmade never the bride :smile: Thank you so much for confirming. Another WL to add to the list. We are on 5 now… I might be winning the WL competition :wink:

Thank you so much, that was helpful! Is your child considering accepting or does she have another front runner? He has a couple other options he is looking into, but it’s a tough choice as they are all great programs!

@songgirlsmom I sent you a message.