The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

My D got in and ran up to see it that week. Facilities are great and kids seemed really nice. She has a friend in the program who loves it.

@Stress19372919 Any time now for BoCo, for sure by 4/1. If you haven’t heard by tomorrow (3/31) check the portal after midnight EDT. Fingers crossed for you.

@Stress19372919 My S got a call from BoCo on Saturday afternoon. Fingers crossed for you.

@TheatreDad69 - wonder if they just made calls to boys? My D is being considered for CT (not MT), so it may be a bit different. She’s exchanged weekly emails with the profs / admissions over there, but no word yet. Great group of teachers over there. Most responsive of any school we’ve experienced.

Hey everyone! I’m very conflicted right now and I was wondering if anyone could give some insight to these programs or some opinions on which one’s would be best to pursue?
My choices are:
Cal State Fullerton- MT Track
San Diego State- BA Theater
Arizona State- BM MT(waitlist) should i pursue the waitlist or is it not worth it?
LIU Post- BFA Musical Theater
Cal Poly Slo- BA in Theate (I know this one is random but we have family by there)

Any insight would help. I’m not in a good place right now, since I was recently rejected from my dream school, and I really just need some light during this time. If anyone could help, I would be very grateful. Thank you!

Hugs to you @beepbeeplettuce6 . I’m so sorry to hear you got that news today. I don’t have insider info to offer you, but you do have some excellent options, which is exciting! There are many people on this board who have investigated those schools and/or have kids there. I hope they chime in. Hang in there - you will land well with the choices you have!

You might want to check out the “comparing top choices” thread, here:

@beepbeeplettuce6 As an Arizonan, I can tell you the BM program at ASU is excellent. I would keep it on the table.

@beepbeeplettuce - wow, those are some varied programs but you have great options! I can see where you’d be conflicted. I will give you my opinion but it’s only one person’s and others may see it differently so I hope you don’t end up more confused than ever! :slight_smile:

I know it’s really hard to lose the dream schools but your career is NOT your college choice. Please remember that life is long and you will be an artist in training where ever you go. YOU will make your future, not your school!

Culling your list I would personally eliminate Fullerton because of the extreme “cut” nature of their MT program. I would choose the SD State BA Theatre over the Cal Poly BA Theatre simply because SD State has a really good dept and I know nothing about Cal Poly’s. SD is also a great place to go to school.

If you want a BA with opportunities for training, I would think SD State is a great choice. If the BFA is your goal I would stay on the AZ State waitlist. It’s a great program. My third choice would be LIU - it’s a BFA and in the NY region so that’s all good but some people in the past have had very different reactions to the school after visiting than they had at auditions and since you can’t visit, that’s a big risk.

So if it were my list (and it isn’t) I would order them:

  1. AZ State (WL) - great MT program, not far from home. Affordable(? - not sure if you get in state)
  2. SD State - great Acting program and opportunities, great location. affordable!
  3. LIU-Post - could be a fit but tough to know without visiting.

Thank all of you who have replied! This is incredibly helpful and comforting. I will make a decision once I finish my tub of ice cream and pick myself up lol :slight_smile:

@StanfordAI2019 That certainly is possible! We were surprised the phone call came in late afternoon on a Saturday. They said he would have something in writing in the next couple of days. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

@TheatreDad69 – oh, and congrats on Boco! That’s a big win

got an email today from Baldwin Wallace conservatory today stating that half the waitlist was released but we remain on the waitlist, did others get that same email?? imagine so, I guess I small win but torturous nonetheless


Sorry about the rejection from your dream school. This process is so brutal.
As others mentioned, Cal State Fullerton is a cut program, and they make deep cuts… it isn’t like they have juries and as long as you’re on track you stay…when I called and asked them they said they intentionally cut something like 2/3rds or so of their kids by junior year. I didn’t even let my kid apply there for that reason. Why invest in a school that won’t invest in the student? I think they may be the last true cut school in the country.

[Hi all. Realized I posted this in the wrong thread. It fits better here. Thanks.]

Crazy and stressful times are an understatement. Need some advice knowing that there is at least some time to think things over. Very grateful that S got a Yes from NYU today. He selected All Studios so… and this is where I have to admit being somewhat ignorant of the process (hopefully that doesn’t offend so many here who are incredibly well informed and worked hard to be so).

My S is thrilled and I think NYU is his dream school. That said… I didn’t fully comprehend the decision to choose All Studios. I simply though it meant that they would place you in one of their studios upon their decision to admit. It seams the placement comes after you make a commitment to attend. I honestly know that not understanding this must make me sound like an idiot to many here.

S is extremely lucky to have acceptances from MT programs at CCM and PPU and a Theater and Performance admit at Emerson. Any thoughts on how to help guide S towards making a decision? I really appreciate the thought and care this community puts forward. Really wish I had known about CC sooner. We have lived much of the last decade overseas and which left us (and S) a bit disconnected. As always wishing everyone the best.

Something for all to enjoy the Barricade Boys lend their voices to the cause

Nope… not the last. MT @ WVU also does deep cuts. Cruel, if you ask me, which is why I convinced my niece to look the other way. BUT, it’s a great program and my son has schoolmates there and current classmates headed that way. Survival of the fittest.

@7Heartsong3 - Congratulations for your son’s many great acceptances. There’s no need to be embarrassed - NYU changed their process only last year. It used to be you heard your studio before you had to make the decision to attend. The “all studios” option is very tough on people who really want MT.

I would definitely place NYU on the table as if he was admitted to an Acting Studio and not MT. Given the other places your son is admitted to his chances of being admitted to NSB (the MT studio) are probably quite high but you don’t know … and I think the worst possible choice would be to make that decision overly optimistically. If he is open to an Acting program, that’s super and if he’s interested in academics as well as training, NYU is unbeatable. If not - if his focus is MT training above all else - I would personally tell him to choose one of the schools where he’s guaranteed the major he wants.

@7Heartsong3 - Just adding to what @CaMom13 said - you have to remember that many students admitted are NSB only - so its unclear how many spots in NSB are left for “all studios” candidates. IDK if this is information is available - it would be helpful in calculating his chances.

About the NYU studio thing…

Yes, NYU changed this procedure last year, where the admitted students don’t find out their studio placement until after May 1, whereas they used to find out before having to enroll by May 1.

Last year, when I heard of that change, I wasn’t really into it and was surprised. But this became a discussion, I recall, at my Passover Seder last year with my daughter, a Tisch grad, and my son-in-law, also a Tisch grad. I was telling them about this change. They remarked that they thought this was a positive change. They felt that applicants don’t know enough to truly choose their studio, even if they think they do (they see this in retrospect). They feel the college is very good at placing students in the appropriate studio and that most kids are very happy once in their studio. And you can change studios after two years too.

When my D applied, she wanted the MT studio (at the time it was CAP21), but said she would accept any studio, and she even mentioned her second and third choice studios at her audition interview. She was placed in the MT studio, CAP21. Music is huge in my D’s life. She indeed loved CAP21. She felt she got everything she could out of that studio. She applied to spend her last 3 semesters in the advanced studio at Experimental Theater Wing (ETW), which wasn’t even her second or third choice studio when she had applied to college! She had no clue back then what this studio was about. But while in college, she saw what the kids were doing in ETW and liked what she saw. She got into ETW and spent her final three semesters in that studio, getting everything she could out of Tisch. She still had private voice lessons. She wrote her first original musical there and starred in it senior year. She was a lead in the MainStage musical while in ETW studio as well. She, nor I, would have ever guessed she would have switched to an acting studio for the final three semesters, back when she applied to college and only applied to BFA in MT programs. And indeed musicals are her thing. But she diversified her training. I share this because there is not really a way for a teen to know all this until they are doing it in college. My D is in the professional MT world now, but she gained a great deal by doing some of her training in ETW studio, in addition to the MT studio training.

I also feel compelled to share that several of her friends who trained in the acting studios at Tisch (either all four years, or for some of their 4 years) have gone onto professional MT work, including as leads and supporting roles in MUSICALS on Broadway and in TV musicals, etc. There are lots of MT kids in the acting studios at Tisch, just so you know. I’m sharing this for perspective, given that my own kid was MT all the way when she applied to college.

I agree with @CaMom13 that it is likely that @7Heartsong3’s son, will be placed in NSB, knowing that he got into CCM and PPU for MT. But no matter which studio, he can still pursue MT at Tisch and beyond.

Congratulations on the acceptances for your son! Can’t speak to the studio issue, the kids really do get it in their head that they want to be in the big city and nothing wrong with that. As a parent I’d be attracted by the price of CCM and PPU being $30k less per year and more generous financial aid but everyone’s situation is unique. I hope your son has reached out to the accepted student (s) FB groups and get an inside perspective on those programs. Feel free to PM if any parent questions about CCM.

I’m sad today. :frowning: It’s finally hitting me that all the work my d put into this process could be for nothing. 5 waitlists, no BFA acceptances. I know she’ll be fine with the BA options she has but I wanted her to be thrilled and excited, not just fine. I’ll perk up tomorrow but tonight I’m sad. :frowning: