The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@StanfordAI2019 - I know people who heard from Shenandoah MT hmmm

Anyway - good luck to all still waiting - keep us posted!

I am cautiously optimistic that some areas of the country will reopen by June and if the reopening is done carefully enough there won’t be a rebound effect. We are planning as if school will commence as normal in August and we’ll keep planning that until told otherwise! If it’s a remote learning situation again I would rather my D take a semester off - remote classes are going fine now and for this half a semester it’s totally bearable but it’s not the same and I wouldn’t want her to spend a whole semester doing remote classes.

@DivaStageMom – it was a late add for us. Told us we’d hear by end of week. Did video, so not expecting it to hit.

Just closing for the Fall semester would be problematic for almost all BFA programs. They all usually have a very structured 4 year program of classes in a specific order that requires 8 semesters to complete.

Although that video posted by the Dean at NYU was inappropriate (and strange?), I don’t think it is fair to judge an entire university and all of the people there based on that. D is still over the moon excited about the offer from NYU and it remains a very strong contender. New York, like the rest of the country and world WILL recover and bounce back stronger than ever in the coming months and years. Imagine how amazing the performances will be on Broadway once it all opens up again?! :slight_smile:

Hi All – Is there a deadline when schools have to advise ? I thought it was 4/1; but obviously not. We are still waiting on one school – very frustrating.

So far, the risk and financial burden of moving off campus and into online college learning is on the students and their financial sponsors (parents). Something to consider when evaluating the investment value of programs.

@MadameT - imo, the fuss made over the dean’s video is a tempest in a teapot. I’m a current Tisch parent and completely unfazed by it.

NYC is suffering the worst of covid-19 now but epidemics have a curve in one area, max out with exposure and move elsewhere. My heart goes out to the people in NYC and all of NY state as the next month will be absolutely brutal and horrible but this will not last forever. Other states / areas of the country will be the “next” hotspot unless they have already implemented abatement procedures. This is a terrible time but it will pass and we all hope and pray the damage from it can be minimized in the meantime. Less than 4 weeks ago my husband and I took a fun little weekend trip to NYC to see our daughter in a Shakespeare play and NYC was totally business as usual. It seems incomprehensible now. In 4 weeks we will look back on today and feel like it was a decade ago. And so on. No one knows what August, 2020 will look like but I remain hopeful things will have gotten back to a “new normal”, whatever that is.

Still waiting to hear from Wright and Missouri.

I disagree @CaMom13. I think that NYC would be a horrible place to go to school next year and everyone who got offers from NYU should immediately turn them down and that has nothing what’s so ever to do with the fact that my d is on the waitlist and really, really wants to go there. :slight_smile: TURN DOWN THOSE OFFERS PEOPLE!!!

Hahaha! You are a trooper @BloomingGirl - thanks for the laugh and I hope that WL moves TOO!!! Turn down those offers, people!

@GeddyMcNutty We are also waiting for Wright.

Does anyone have any update on Wright? I see that there are some acceptances, some waitlists… has anyone gotten a no? Are they still notifying? They are the last one we are waiting to hear from and I just want to be done, tbh. Thanks!

@BloomingGirl - there should be a laugh button :smiley:

@BrennaK - my D got a “no” via snail mail about a week or so ago… A friend of ours is still waiting to hear as well. So you are not alone!

Hi All, I am relatively new to this forum…just joined a few days ago, hoping to see when acceptances were coming out. My D auditioned at 7 schools…did not do unifieds…and did NOT get accepted into any performance program…admittedly, she was late getting in the game and not completely prepared for auditions. Does anyone have experience with re-auditioning next year? I would like to advise her on whether or not to keep the hope alive…so bummed for her…help me be positive!

@TimeToFindInfo Thank you for the info! Sorry about the no; that’s what we’re expecting, too. I just want closure, lol!

@JewelsinEyes - there is a thread somewhere on taking a gap year - not sure where - maybe somebody can share that.

I know that I have shared this on other threads - d has two friends that did a gap year and they both had very successful years - her one guy friend killed it - just committed to Texas State - her other friend, a girl, is going to BOCO - so something to think about!

Stay positive!

Hello all! I’ve been lurking on these threads a couple of months now and only have posted a few times. I wanted to thank everyone for all of the input on asking for more merit money, it worked for us!! We are also waiting on Wright and Missouri State, but I think my D will be committing very soon now that the merit aid was adjusted. Thanks so much! This community is really great, I wish I would have found it last summer when this process began for us.

@2020MTMom pay it forward !! :smiley: post the details here for future parents and kids:

@JewelsinEyes - many, many applicants find that a well-used gap year is incredibly helpful. Try this link - it should show a list of past threads that discuss gap years for MT.

If that doesn’t work, you can use the search function (spy glass in the upper right part of the page).