The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

Covid, The Musical, Soundtrack

Nice work if you can get there

Gimme Shelter

Cheap TP’s OK By Me (Can’t get no TP at all)


Hasa Diga President Trump

My Corona

Shalom Chaverim, Zoom is a Dream

Chloroquine and Gin with a Z-Pak chaser

I’ll see you in the ICU


Don’t cry for me, Quarantine-ah

Spooky GOP Hell Dream

@MTDadandProud Did you submit all other offers in your financial appeal for your S? Or, just the most comparable? Did you submit the both the acceptance letter and the financial aid package?

@soozievt – ‘Coviet, the Musical’ is now ready to premier. When you buy tickets, it will come with a complimentary Zoom download link.

@MTisNutz - respect

@MTisNutz , @StanfordAI2019 and @CanaDad If you’re not stand up comedians already, you missed your calling !!! You write GREAT stuff. Thanks for the laughter… it’s a JOY !! Laughter is the best medicine and we could ALL use some of those kinds of meds right about now. So, THANKS. I’m grateful!!

When families are going over the financials, just remember that with student loans, for parents or students, you start repaying 6 months after graduation.

@MadameT I submitted offers from his other top 3 choices. Each would have been considered top programs. They were unimpressed.

Are there any parents with current students at OCU for MT, Acting or Vocal Performance?

@24mtjourney yes. My DD is a current junior at OCU for VP and dates and her best friend there are MT students. DM if ya want. :wink:

@chenggang Does your DD at OCU audition for the musicals too? Or just the operas? Is she planning on graduate school? My D is trying to decide if she should double major VP/MT or just do MT or VP? What are the perks of doing both? Do you have insight? My D loves the program and faculty at OCU!

@MadameT - VP and MT audition for everything. My daughter is not going to graduate school that I’m aware of… lol. VP/MT is a LOOOOOTTTT of work, but she has friends doing it and are enjoying it. Most successful people have come out of the VP program (O’Hara, Chenowith). VP is more classical and MT is more contemporary and depends on her style… you can always switch and re-audition the first two years. Music classes are basically the same the first year or two for both programs.

My daughter is a Junior, didn’t make it as a MT, but was accepted into the BM program. These are her thoughts on Mt: it’s rigorous and you will definitely better yourself when it comes to all three disciplines with emphasis on music since it’s a BM and not a BFA …coming out really fluent in any and all music. Sometimes freshman perform, but everyone is required to audition for musicals and operas. They give them opportunities to perform, but you definitely get cast more the older you are in the program. Your MT class will be close knit because it’s a small school and you know everyone. There are sororities on campus, but not big state type and you have enough time to do those if interested. Lots of MT majors get minors, but it is time consuming if you are working PT, and are cast in shows. The faculty is amazing. If you are staying in Walker (my DD), then get a three person room and be the FIRST in there to grab the farthest room away from the bathroom and you can create your own haven with a curtain. Banning Hall is newer and reserved for Honors first. Methodist is for overflow and upperclassmen… nice apartment complex with kitchenette. Honors gets to move in sooner than the others and music persons get to move in before the athletes. Scheduling dance classes can be a bother because so many dancers!! Be prepared for 4 different class schedules when signing up and be ready when they open the online sign-ups… have good wi-fi or be on 4g.

@NYYFanNowMTdad – See above

^ thanks

Thanks @chenggang for the great insight into OCU. My DD auditioned back in November for MT and VP, and was offered VP. She is primarily a music nerd but I like to lurk on this board. She is trying to decide between OCU VP, Baylor VP, and UT Austin VP. I think she is going to decide this weekend one way or another, but we have not yet filled in our chart of desires in a college experience to see how each school tallies up. OCU and Baylor are about the same expense for us after scholarships and of course UT Austin is much lower. The main sticking point for her is deciding how much of the typical college experience (sports, social life, etc.) she wants. She also kind of gets “artsy peopled out” at times–no offense to anyone here I hope–but she is a high functioning introvert and needs a little space to herself free from the drama of drama and music folks (worrying about auditions, etc.).

Take a break from Decision Making and Waiting - Andrew Lloyd Webber will stream his musicals for free online, starting with Joseph !! ENJOY… I know I will be.

In case you didn’t know… You’re welcome. Just spreading some much needed Joy today…

@OrangeJacket my S is similar in nature. IMO, OCU has a very bubbly “MT” atmosphere. The dorms are great… lots of room and privacy.

Anybody hear anything from Missouri State? My S school portal just shows the Preadm for the BFA program. Have not heard anything from the Theatre Department since he got the “In the Pool” email and told Robert Westenberg he was interested. He has received several emails from admissions. Have on seen 1 accepted student on CC and have seen a few acceptances on the MT Parents FB group.

@chenggang Thank you for all of the details! Sounds like an amazing program! I have been watching different OCU videos on youtube and the students are so talented. Your daughter must be an incredible vocalist- the complexity of classical music is crazy with the different languages and dictions! My D has to decide what to do! Feeling completely overwhelmed! In addition, I keep wondering if she will even begin in the fall due to the coronavirus. And then, even if the schools are open, what will virtual training look like in the event she needs to come back home? Hard to imagine the complete experience virtually in a performance based curriculum. My D has been doing some voice and dance lessons virtually but it just isn’t the same as in person!

Hi everyone, Anyone on a WL that is interested in Finding out if there’s movement or if people have info on that schools WL i started. new discussion group. It’s called -
Waitlists Movement, Chances, Questions. Let’s all help each other out keeping each other informed.

@chenggang - just my 2 cents on OCU and our experience there - I agree the VP program is strong. But I disagree that “most successful” people come out of the VP program. There are a lot of MTs currently working on Broadway as well as in national tours. They may not be the stature of Kelly O’Hara and Kristin Chenoweth - but they are doing well.

To clarify for those who don’t know, at OCU MTs and VPs share the same voice studios. This means they have studio classes together as well as work with the same voice professor individually. In addition, MTs have to focus on classical music through their junior year as their junior recital is classical in nature, even if their desire is to pursue just the MT degree. The school feels strongly (and I concur) that the classical training gives the most solid foundation and jumping off point for pursuing any other style of music. I just wanted to clarify for people who may be considering one or the other. They are both great programs that share the same wonderful faculty.

People should be aware that those in the BA program, Acting and Dance programs are with adjunct faculty who I’m sure are also very good. But it is a different set of professors than those who teach MTs and VPs.
I also disagree slightly about casting just based on our own experience. I can think of several times in the last 5 - 10 years where freshman were cast as leads in MainStage shows. I really think they cast based on who they feel is best for the part with little regard for major or seniority.