The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@DramaLove2020 it is my understanding that, even at schools where academics are a larger part of the admissions picture, they are considered in relationship to the audition. How this is administered will vary from school to school, but I am not sure that there are auditioned programs that will weigh the academics higher than the audition itself.

That being said, strong academics cannot hurt, and may help. You say you have strong MT skills, just that singing is your weakest. Weaker singing (with potential for growth) in context with strong dance/acting will work for you at many schools. I know where I teach some come in as stronger singers, some as stronger dancers, for us that is all part of balancing out an incoming class.

Creating a balanced list of schools is important for everyone.

Since you are a strong academic student, you may want to add a few schools that do not require an audition where you can still get solid training. At some of the schools your stats may qualify you for academic scholarships. Examples include:

Muhlenberg (optional audition for scholarships and to demonstrate interest)

Northwestern (optional MT supplement… very tough academic admit)

Skidmore (opportunity for strong dance, theater, supplement with voice)

University of Mary Washington (not sure about scholarship auditions)

Christopher Newport (optional audition for scholarships)

Schools that have a higher academic bar, require an audition, and look at academics as some part of the equation include:


I am sure there are many I am missing, and hopefully others will chime in!

@DramaLove2020 - If you haven’t read through the final decision background threads, I highly recommend it!! It really gives you a better understanding of the process and some ideas of a lot of different school options. I’m linking both the 2022 final decisions background thread and the 2023 final decisions background thread below. I would read through them both - focusing on the story narratives of various people’s journeys.

@DramaLove2020 look at University of Miami. Grades & gpa matter & their MT program tips heavily to acting vs. singing in many aspects. Might be a fit. Also TCU theater degree might be an option. One can still audition for Musicals if don’t make their MT program. Also at Michigan I’ve seen them take MT’rs with not stellar test scores who got in more on the talent audition or type … and Academic standards are not that high as some may think when in MT arena at Michigan. At least in Fine Arts.

@DramaLove2020 we got professional help to film prescreens. Look at The Broadway Collective out of NYC or Polish Your Passion NYC for aid. It was time saver for us, since D had so much on her plate on top of prescreens. Plus we parents work full time. Worth the expense in our lives. Many do themselves but it’s competitive so it really helped to get aid with whole process with coach & filming. Etc. At least y’all have the Common Prescreen App this year. So lucky & needed. Hope it saves this years auditioners time & money.

@DramaLove2020 forgot to mention both The Broadway Collective NYC & Polish Your Passion NYC only aid a small number of students. So contact early & ASAP if this seasons auditions. Some deadlines may have come & gone for prescreen aid. But incredible resources with true pros.

Old timer and a Class of '19 mom checking in here … break lots of legs in all the upcoming auditions and enjoy every (crazy!) moment of it! My '19 grad just moved to NYC 3 weeks ago and is living her dream.

Good thoughts to all of you for the upcoming wild ride!

@KaMaMom thanks a ton…I have read MANY of your posts over the years and am very appreciative that you still come back and help out…its getting real…or as they said in the great movie " Almost Famous"…" it’s all happening" :slight_smile:

Aww shucks. Thanks! Truth be told, I come back here less and less due simply to the progression of time.


Enjoy every moment … it goes by way too fast.

I am hoping someone can help me here since you all did this last year! I have my prescreens filmed - but I am worried that it is too soon and that I should do them again to get them a little stronger. However, I also know that I will always think that they aren’t quite perfect enough… it’s just how I am! How soon is too soon? And how much time and effort should I give to doing and redoing and redoing etc. etc. I just am afraid that they will never be good enough for what I want and I am stressing about something that I should just say is done and move on! Any advice ? How much time did you spend? I worked on all my material all spring and summer and filmed in the last two weeks so everything is done now!
Yesterday at 3:18 pm

@DramaLove2020 If you can, request an impartial third party (drama/music teacher, audition coach) to take a look at your videos. If/when they think they are ready, submit them.

Does anyone know once you submit your prescreens how long it takes for you to hear something?

This is probably a small issue in this whole complicated process but I have an email question. We made a new email as suggested and have been using it for college correspondence and his Accepted account. I just realized that his common app was started at a school seminar and his school email was used. Will it cause problems and confusion if different emails are used for Accepted and Common App? I’m probably overthinking here. Getting a little nervous about it all.

@MTSthistime I’m not sure if it will cause problems or not, but you might be able to change the email on the common ap account. I would check into that, and possibly contact the support team for the common ap to see what they can do.

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as @Notmath1 mentioned in another thread , seems uniquely quiet this year. maybe bc its the last week of summer, early labor day, everyone focussed on applications and essays?? hoping the discussions pick up as this process is daunting for sure.
my D has spent the last 3 weeks fully focussed on essays and applications, we are about half way there, targeting prescreen for early September filming with the goal of submitting before the end of September. we have gotten some audition confirmations already from non pre screen schools- which feels kinda cool- makes it more real…Hows everyone else doing? are we on pace, ahead or behind- not that its a competition just trying to get some discussion going :slight_smile:


Hi @NYYFanNowMTdad and fellow 2024 parents! :slight_smile:
My D just went back to school today and, like many of our kids, attends a PA school that has long hours and rehearsals on top of that. Her goal was to have all of her apps in and essays written by the time she went back to school, and with the exception of a few schools who still haven’t opened their apps, she has met that goal. :slight_smile: She has also written the essays for the schools that don’t have apps open yet, so that at least will relieve the heaviest part of the burden once the apps go live. My D’s school requires all students to audition for and perform in both the fall and spring shows, so she knew she would have to have all of this stuff done before school started or she would be in for an even more stressful year. Like @NYYFanNowMTdad 's D, she is also planning/hoping to record prescreens in early to mid September and submit them by the end of the month – and has also registered for a couple of non-prescreen audition dates as well. :slight_smile: . One big change for us was that over the summer my D realized that she wanted to apply to more acting schools than MT schools, so I’m trying to get up to speed over on the Theater/Drama major board as well. We are both very excited to begin this process and share the journey with you all! :slight_smile:

I am constantly searching for a gauge to see where I am !! So thank you for sharing. I have my prescreens filmed - have sent out just a few to schools that I am not that set on or I think are a huge reach just for fun. I am going to see how those go before I decide for sure if I am done with my filming! I think my videos are good, everyone I show says they are good - but I just don’t know for sure. I have a few auditions scheduled as well that are not prescreens and I am continuing to finish my applications. All in all, I am applying to about 22 schools - so it’s a lot but I feel like it gives me my best chance to get in somewhere! Does anyone know how long it takes to hear back from prescreens?

@DramaLove2020 varies by school. Penn state has 2 different buckets for example if you submit pre 9/30 & if you submit post 9/30…Other schools say 2-3 weeks…it usually gives you some insight to timing on either the school website or get accepted.

anyone going to the 10/26 audition at Belmont?or 11/9 at wright state? or catholic on 12/7 feel free to pm me as those are the non pre screen auditions we currently have lined up for the fall, working on 1-2 more possibly

@muttsandMT, my son applied primarily to MT programs with only one straight acting audition at Syracuse. And when it came time to make his final choice, that’s where he chose to go. A few months ago though, Syracuse added a new program they are calling the Actor/Singer track which essentially gives those kids all of the Acting classes and all of the theory and singing related classes from the MT program without the dance component. Because of when it was added last year, it involved a separate audition after acceptance; not sure how they will handle it this year. Since my son is just getting started, I can’t provide any more feedback but thought it might be something your daughter would be interested in considering.

If anyone has any questions on the Kent State program, I may be able to answer them for you.

I have almost posted a few times this week to see if anyone is as behind as my D or more to see if any parents FEEL like their kids are as behind as D.
October is her goal for prescreen filming, which feels a bit late based on what I’ve read in last year’s thread. Her focus has been much more on delivering the best possible performances in the upcoming shows she worked on all Summer before returning to her Rep Book. I’m trying to casually drop hints here and there. Coastal Carolina’s updated text in bold red on Get Acceptd that refers to “half full audition slots” 5 days after they started accepting prescreens and “unprecedented submissions” raised my blood pressure a bit. But this is her journey to take and she’s cool as a cucumber about it all. Best of luck to everyone who’s starting to plan dates and passing prescreens! This parent would also like to get some solidarity from anyone whose kid will likely be bringing up the rear.