The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@vvnstar Glad you’ve been successful too and have another perspective to offer. That’s what makes this board great. Gives a better overall glimpse of the programs from real students and families. My daughter loves it there as well as her friends in the MT and VP program. -peace

Thanks @frisbee3. D is currently of the Waitlist or Bust mindset, but I could see that changing depending on the timeline of the virus. Not only does she love her waitlists, but they were the only ones she got to tour on campus. COVID-19 hit right before we were heading to campus to meet faculty and students at her accepted schools. Just happened to shake out that way. She’s tried to attend the virtual accepted students days but she just can’t get a feel.

This is my first time on the forum. My S applied to 11 BFA programs and has been waitlisted to NYU and UMiami. He has been acting since 6 grade and has won 7 critics choice awards
and has been in about 20 Theater productions . Its all he’s ever done. We knew it was competitive, but always believed at lest one school would accept him. We are crushed and feel so horrible for him and all the years of hard work and dedication. We are at that point where now what. We were able to apply to Skidmore BS program and will see how that turns out. We definitely learned in this process and know that he should of applied to BA programs also. He said all I want is an education in Theater and it should not be this hard. He gets the rejection and it’s part of the process. Well I’m thankful for this forum and wish everyone stays safe in these crazy times.

I’m sorry @APerez . You are not alone, we are in waitlist limbo as well. This can be such a heartbreaking process - we went into this with such high hopes and the rejections can be crushing. I hope that one of your son’s waitlists come through for him and he gets to go somewhere that he loves. Keep the faith!

A lot of people can’t afford NYU and that waitlist moves!! BAL!!

@BloomingGirl we have been reaching out to many schools that offer BA in Theatre. Asking if they have extended the application process. Many have not, so as you can imagine we are scrambling. Let’s see how this madness turns out. We wish you all the best…

Welcome to the board, @APerez . I’m so sorry for your S’s disappointing audition season! Waitlists may still move - it’s been a weird season - so there is hope! Did your S get in to Skidmore or is he still waiting to hear? We loved that school when we saw it - they take their theater education seriously and have excellent music and dance departments as well. No MT per se - they’ll do a musical every few years that is department-directed - but they have a club that puts on several student-directed musicals per year.

@APerez - I so feel for you, you know your son has talent and drive and it must be a total nightmare to feel like all that application and audition work was for nothing. Hope one of his WLs clears!!!

One more thing, @APerez - Drew University, in NJ, is still accepting applications for fall 2020! They have a very well regarded theatre department and NJ Shakespeare is in residence on campus. They send kids to NYC for internships all the time. My son LOVED that school and applied to it early action as one of his BA options.

@tsamuique we emailed the admissions office last week and they advised, to have our S apply quickly which he did. Now we wait…

@CaMom13 its a total nightmare especially with everything else going on in these crazy times! We should of had him apply to way more BA programs. But as you know senior year is so challenging. He had two musicals along with all the callbacks. We are just hoping for the best. Thank you stay safe.

@APerez - first this is a heartbreaking process and I am sorry that things didn’t go better for your son.

Before some other things came through my D was going to Skidmore - she was in the accepted student’s group on FB - met some really great kids - she would have been very happy there - its a strong option even though it’s not a BFA. She said the kids were smart and creative - just like the kinds of students he would find at NYU (which I agree - expensive and this year, in particular, I bet that list will move). I believe she would have gotten all the training she needed and they do have a lot in the industry as well as working performers. Plus it was a really nice school - we did the virtual tour and were very impressed - others who went on campus loved the school and loved the town.

My advice is to think seriously about Skidmore and reach out to Miami and NYU and let them know he is very interested!

BAL and keep us posted!

@DivaStageMom Thank you for the info on Skidmore. He immediately accepted the waitlist and emailed the recruiters from both schools. Let’s see how it turns out.

@vvnstar Do you have a child at OCU? MT or VP? It is one of my Ds top choices. I agree with your statement about having a classical foundation. My Ds voice teacher (who has performed at The Met and on Broadway) was just telling D today to choose a school that will teach healthy singing that includes a classical foundation for a long-lasting, lifelong career, rather than destroying her voice before its time.

@MadameT, our D graduated in MT several years ago. @chenggang’s D is there now so she will have more up to date information than I do. But I’m happy to try to answer any questions you have. We had a great experience there and would highly recommend it to anyone in any of the performance majors. They are all great programs, each with their own strengths. Feel free to PM me with any specific questions you need help with!

@MadameT - one thing that impressed me at OCU was the focus on vocal healthy, they actually scope the kids vocal chords so they can understand their anatomy and vocal health not sure if that is common but i never saw it anywhere else. would love to hear @vvnstar or @chenggang perspective on that, they have already provided a lot of perspective in this chain.

Looking for anybody who has kids in the program or any info on SEMO or Univ Northern Colorado:)

@wishiknewtgen Reach out to @songgirlsmom about SEMO. She has a daughter there in her last year.

@MadameT @24mtjourney my daughter is currently a VP/MT freshman at OCU. She would be willing to answer any questions you have. I can PM you her number or email if you are interested. She loves it there! She is also in a sorority and it’s very doable. It is a tight knit group being a smaller school overall, but she has really enjoyed it. She lived in Walker in a renovated room which was really nice. She was recently cast as an understudy and ensemble in their last opera and was in one of their student run productions this past fall.

One thing to be aware of is that unlike the schools of my other 2 kids in college, OCU considers “full time” as 16 hours. So with the mt/vp you will most likely be paying for extra hours as most semesters are 17-20 hours and then adding in any extra dance etc. This was something that was not on my radar last year, but it really wouldn’t have made a difference in our decision. However, if you are coming in with ap, clep or other college credit that definitely helps. Feel free to ask any other questions, I’ll answer them the best I can. I do have the specific curriculum for the mt/vp I could email or pm it to you.

@MadameT @24mtjourney I wanted to add to my post above that the 17-20 hours is ONLY for the double major vp/mt at OCU !! If you do vp OR mt the hours stay around the full time 16 hours so minimal to no overages… especially if you come in with hours from clep, ap etc. for gen eds. Hope I didn’t cause any confusion, I tried to go back and edit my post above but it was too late