The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

Correction for Post #2694 (sorry for being late) Christopher Newport University (BA MT) became audition for entrance and scholarship for the Fall 2020 semester.

CNU now has Colin Ruffer (formerly from Penn State MT) and over the last 3 years he has built a great MT program. He is making amazing opportunities for his students. The BA is very much BFA-ish. The campus and theatre facilities are truly beautiful. Take your breath great. building, dorms, food… all tops. Colin mentioned when we visited that he was planning for 15 MTs for the incoming class of 2024. Check out their upcoming performance at Feinstein’s 54 Below.

My DD did thankfully end up with 3 BFA Yes’s, 2 BM Yes’s, and 2 BA Yes’s (also 2 BFA WL and her share of heart-breaking No’s). After the visit to CNU and meeting their staff… she now has a crazy difficult decision on her hands.

@suledamo Thank you! Yes, please message me! Is your daughter planning on graduate school for VP? What do you see as the added benefit to the VP degree requirements if your daughter is primarily MT? Would love your input. :slight_smile:

Good Morning All! Grateful for all your humor and generosity. Stay safe and healthy. Still haven’t heard any rumblings about moving the commitment date. Anyone else thinking of committing to a place their daughter hasn’t seen?

@Jasklo - check out this website that lists modified deadlines (deposit) and activities (admission open/tours) affected by COVID-19 pandemic

Thank you @coronado I asked high school counselors for this info over a week ago and crickets. Appreciate having a reliable source to update a giant list of still active applications. I’m surprised that so many of DS’s schools are still May 1.

@allfour1 - I guess the question would be - what does moving the deadline enable? If the school is expecting to be open in May it would enable possible applicant visits but most campuses have closed for the rest of Spring semester. Even if they restarted tours (and who would lead them with all the students gone?) accepted applicants won’t be able to sit in on classes, interview current students, eat in the dining halls, take dorm tours. The teachers aren’t in their offices to talk to, even lovely campuses can feel eerie when they are deserted! I don’t know that moving the decision deadline adds anything much for the accepted applicants and it is a definitely disservice to those on WLs.

@CaMom13 I think my only issue (not a real issue) is it just makes it more confusing for me to figure out the steps required for wait list waiting and making a choice. Son has accepted schools that require a decision by May 1 and few wait list status schools that are June 1. We need to make a big decision tree graph that I can’t even begin to conceptualize.

@allfour1 - it’s awful! It’s a mess this year and you guys ALL have my sympathy. We had it so comparatively easy two years ago and it still felt like hell! I think no matter how much information you get, how much time you have it can always feel like you’re jumping off a ledge when you commit somewhere. I was fortunate that my kids both knew where they were going to commit after doing on-site visits but they really didn’t know before then. I think the class of 2024 is going to have to work from… gut feel? I don’t even know. Magic Eight Ball? Flipping a Coin? Using a Psychic? We discussed a game a few years ago where you get the student to narrow their choice down to a top few and then flip a coin or do something else random to make the final decision. If the actor totally loses their cool after the decision is made randomly - you eliminate that school and try again.

That’s a great suggestion about the coin flip measure reaction game–also, I kept thinking about my real concern for May 1 vs June one and a real possibility for this child is that he commits NO WHERE on May 1 and waits to see what turns up. Terrifying.

I made a Excel sheet which quantitatively compares the colleges where I got accepted. Unfortunately, the metrics and weightings are probably to subjective to even trust that :confused:

Still, it’s worth a shot. I recommend my fellow seniors and parents to do the same.

You know all those COVID class of 2020 tshirts? Our kids need a tshirt about surviving this audition process during a pandemic!

@shmu61 Ditto on the weighted average comparison–across multiple factors for which we could do some research, but had to guess on many. Does anyone think a drive to the campus and at least a walk around could be worthwhile, even if we can’t get into any of the buildings? We live 2 hours from two of her choices.

@prarie – new guidance book idea: “8 P’s: 'Prepping Pre-Screens Post Pandemic: A Prescription for Prosperity and Progression in Performance”

@StanfordAI2019 was that published by Paul Peterson of Point Park Press? :wink:

@7Heartsong3 - possibly. Potentially propped up by a plethora of post-Phd’s

Something I’m concerned about beyond the May.1 acceptance date is what to do about the deferment date. I was on here with my MT girl in 2017, but her younger sister is a senior this year and has been accepted to Columbia. Sending her to New York city is giving me tremendous stress (she is asthmatic and catches everything.) She wants to go to college but not if it’s online. How can we decide if we should defer by May 15 (the Columbia University deferment date) not knowing what the future will bring and if there will be actual classes. I honestly don’t want to pay tuition for online school (and that goes for my Michigan MT as well…it honestly is just not the same education - even with everyone trying their best). Obviously we have to call the schools… Is anyone else feeling like they don’t know what to do? I’m praying things will be better by September…

YES @singoutlouise !!! Totally stressing about this!!! I do not think the schools will cancel outright and let our freshmen start late, particularly in MT, but it is NOT the same online! And I don’t know about you guys, but the online class experiment we’re in now isn’t going so great.

@DancerMTMom I think it could be helpful. Choosing a college is an art, and your instincts can sometimes help.

@DancerMTMom I think so. My D was so gung ho about going anywhere she got in and when we went to an on campus in a small town, so different from anything she had ever known in many ways, she had pause and realized she couldn’t go to school there. If not the exact school, something equivalent like urban, small town etc. Best of luck on the decision-making!

@DancerMTMom I would think it definitely couldn’t hurt if they are that close. Plus gives you a reason to get out of the house!. My D learned a lot about what she did and didn’t want by visiting and seeing campuses. She learned that while she loves the city she doesn’t like urban campuses. And she also figured out that she wanted a smaller school. Everyone is different and I certainly wouldn’t let that be the deciding factor since the campuses are closed it could be one thing to factor in. I think connection to faculty, potential classmates and curriculum were probably my D’s final deciding factors. I feel for everyone having to decide in these circumstances. Best of luck!