The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@BoogieMa I sent you a PM…hope it helps!

@BoogieMa My D and I jumped in the car on Saturday and went down to see Temple. This was her first time seeing the school and surrounding area. I have to say they have made a lot of improvements since I was last there about 6 years ago. I am sure Rider has as well. Road trip might be the best things to do. They are close to one another so you can do them both in one day. Good luck!

@BoogieMa - my D originally applied to both schools and I don’t know if this matters to your D but the academic opportunities are very different at the two schools. It mattered to my D so Rider (BA admit - not BFA!) got pushed off the table pretty quickly. We visited Temple and really liked it - she was admitted to the honors college there (with some very nice FA! I would have loved her to have chosen it!) and if your D was as well I can tell you via PM what we learned. We were impressed. I can’t compare the BFA programs as we only looked at Temple’s.

Big decision for our family and I will update a few of the threads including the final decision and schools released threads. S decided today to accept an MT offer at CCM. He’s released spots at NYU-Tisch (All studios), BoCo, Point Park, Emerson (T&P), MMC (WL for MT) and AMDA. In the end it came down to program fit, connection to other students and a financial picture that should see him graduate debt free. I was with him for all of his auditions in NYC and on campus at Michigan. CCM was the first acceptance and the only school he hadn’t visited. Thanks so very much to everyone here who offered insight and encouragement. That kind of kindness is profoundly moving and more important now, maybe, than ever. Wishing everyone the absolute best in these challenging times.

Congrats @7Heartsong3 !!! We are making a decision this week too for my DS.

Congrats @7Heartsong3 !! Such wonderful options and a great landing!

Congratulations @7Heartsong3 on not only getting to a decision, but a financially smart one too!

may have ut this in the wrong thread so I am adding it here. Can any Otterbein or FSU student/parent identify any hidden expenses that were not included in the tuition costs that you had to incur? I mean like books, paying for accompanists or Private lessons… things directly related to the educational processes.
Trying to make a decision and have all the facts I need . So very much appreciated!
I have all the info for her third option which bottom line is more money,… just want to sort this all out and be done! So much appreciated!

Total “estimate” that came with offer was within $700 at Otterbein. Initial estimate did not include voice lessons however total books were WAY less than in estimate

@bfamt424, we don’t go to any of these schools, but we did look at expenses for a lot of schools last year. Some extra expenses for MT might (but not always) include voice lessons, dance gear, conference travel, and for us, meals that were not included in the meal plans due to rehearsal times not meshing with dining times (this amounted to $100 fall semester). Some schools have an added fee for theatre or music classes (they may call that a cost differential, but that would be outlined). And like @gatorbridget said, the books were way less than estimated. I actually asked these questions last year and honestly, most schools are within $1000 of each other in terms of things that may not be outlined. It is very stressful, but it does work out in the end. BAL to you.

For expenses at Otterbein; the final semester of Senior year usually involves an internship, often in NYC. While you will not be paying the school for room and board, living expenses, including possible rent, food, transit, etc. may be costly. On the other hand, if NYC is the destination post-graduation, a student may find better deals during the winter rather than the summer, and will already know the lay of the land prior to graduation. You’ll have four years to plan ahead and find ways to save $$ in the city.

What are people thinking of doing next year if school is transferred to online because of the virus? Gap year and re audition? Ask for deferment from the school and MT program? Stick it out online even though it is very very difficult? Trying to figure out plan B and be prepared.

@bfayay I was going to ask the same. Having trouble making a decision/commitment due to the possibility that classes may continue online in the fall. Anyone else? Could anyone share their thought process prior to committing?

At this point we are full steam ahead. Aside from keeping S’s momentum and training moving ahead, I see the financial equation tipping in favor of getting college done right away. First, I definitely do not wish to invest in this process again. Second, it’s just college. These young people will have ongoing workshops and classes to take post college. Lastly, age 26 as the last year on parental health insurance sneaks up faster than you think.

Maybe I’m wrong/naive on this, but the extra year of training in workshops, etc is better to do after college, unless you don’t like your current options.

Wondering if anyone at or accepted at UMiami for BFA MT can help? My D just received a letter tonight stating “Congratulations! We are delighted to offer you admission to the University of Miami. In Fall 2020, you will begin your studies in Theatre - Musical in the College of Arts and Sciences.” We’re not sure if this is the BFA program since it didn’t specify that? Her letter may be worded differently since she’s a transfer? She’ll be calling in the morning to clarify, but will sleep better tonight if anyone can help :wink: Thank you in advance!

@MAmum1234 - I just checked U Miami’s website and the MT program is under the College or Arts and Sciences plus the only degree offered in Musical Theatre is the BFA so … Congratulations to your D!!!

@bfayay and @GeddyMcNutty , I agree with @prarie , we are full steam ahead. Happy with results so wouldn’t want to do this again, and he is so ready to go forward no matter what that looks like right now, online or on campus. Praying for the best.

@bfayay I’ll tell you what I told DS 2 days ago when the rumors and “news” started trickling out that schools might be online in the fall. Side note: Just read an article that started with a headline like “schools start planning to be closed til 2021”. When you read the article, it’s all about contingency planning. I don’t know why they have to make everything so inflammatory.

Anyway, He was upset at the thought of doing another semester online and wanted to know if the college was talking about going online for fall semester. My answer: Of course they are. They have no idea what the next 4 months are going to bring in terms of the illness and what the federal and state government are going to throw at them. They are CONTINGENCY planning. This doesn’t meant that they will put that contingency plan into place. I think there are a lot of options here. 1. The school opens as normal. 2. The school is mostly online, but the studios are open. (His school is Molloy, which is a bit unique as you know, because they have a separate studio location) 3. The school is 100% online. We won’t know the direction yet for several months so we might as well operate under the assumption that the school will open as normal in the fall until we hear differently.

It’s so hard to let go and wait. I have spent most of my life crossing every bridge 27 times before even knowing if I needed to cross it, but in recent years, I’ve finally learned that it’s not worth stressing about what you can’t control. Assume the best and let go. Cross the bridge when you find out that you need to.

I imagine that taking a gap year is an option for all kids - even those part way through a program. If we get to that bridge, we’ll cross it then. There would be a lot of questions on - can I defer my place in the program? What happens to scholarships, etc.?

If DS was in your shoes, I’d ask - do you love one of the programs? Would you commit if you knew the program was going to open like usual in the fall? Your answers to those two questions probably give you the answer on what you should do. If that “online in the fall” bridge comes, cross it then. A lot of programs will allow you to defer your acceptance for a year if that’s right for you. If not - you might be out a deposit. (or they may even refund it)

@bfayay we are moving full steam ahead. IF it ends up online my S plan it to knock out as much GE as possible up front and take a little bit in the arts to keep him engaged. A gap year is not in the cards for us.

@TheatreDad69 Sounds like a great CONTINGENCY plan!