The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@SavsMom My D is still considering Syracuse MT, so we participated in a Zoom session hosted by Syracuse Drama (including a “break out” room with just MT). The things that impressed me are (i) the affiliation with Syracuse Stage and the opportunity to earn equity points while still in college, (ii) Syracuse Studios (a full service film production and post-production studio) and the chance to be cast in feature movies and get paid (two of the student representatives on the Zoom session had appeared in some Hulu movies), (iii) the opportunity to study and train abroad, (iv) the Tepper semester in NYC during second semester senior year and (v) the Sorkin trip to LA (although you have to apply for that as it’s limited to a small group of students). I suggest reaching out to the Department and try to speak with them to get more information. Good luck with your decision!

@Daddily did they mention the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in your D’s breakout session? My daughter was really excited about that opportunity as well. We knew about the Tepper Semester and the Sorkin week but didn’t know about Edinburgh or the LA Summer program either.

@SavsMom syracuse may be in NY but Boston is closer to NYC than syracuse, no judgement on cuse as a school just addressing the “Syracuse is in NY comment”…also if she goes by lists & im not saying she should but OCU places more people on broadway than any others on your comparative list

Hmm - reversing myself!

@dramamama3 My D and I seem to recall someone mentioning that a group from Syracuse Drama did travel to Scotland to perform an original play at Edinburgh Fringe last August but I don’t recall anything more than that.

@daddily they mentioned in our group that it is a class they take in the spring and work on the play for the semester and then perform it in the summer. Good luck. @NYYFanNowMTdad very true Cuse is not a quick drive to NYC. I had to laugh because when ever we mention we are from NY we always have to say NY state or else it’s assumed we are from the city ?

@CaMom13 I missed your original post but part of it came through on my email so not 100% sure what you said but I was not at all disparaging ANY of the programs noted. was just trying to offer feedback to some of @SavsMom point…they are all great programs and cant go wrong. I also was not saying go by top 10 lists at all was just citing the last 2 years playbill listing of top colleges represented on broadway…again NOT saying these list matter was just responding to some of the earlier points and trying to be helpful

Read an article stating there is evidence Coronavirus was spreading across the country early February. Crazy to think of the audition travel we were all doing in February! Ah, February… when we all thought we just had to wait out April… Those were the days…

LOL - no @NYYFanNowMTdad - I was about to launch a detailed discussion of which programs produce the most actors vs dancers on Broadway… aaaaand then I thought better of it. I’m a data geek - I like numbers and totally geek out on statistics but it never goes over well to do too much of that here because the whole ranking stuff isn’t really meaningful for our kids’ educations or careers… and that’s what people come here to chat about! :slight_smile:

Syracuse has a lot of alumni on broadway and they also have the temper semester which tipped the scales for my son.

@mamaboyz. Unlike many schools the program is not dependent on one person. Syracuse has an incredible staff and an amazing program. My son is a rising sophomore and could not be happier with his choice.

@mamaboyz. Yep there was racist grafitti at Syracuse as well as dozens of other colleges.

FWIW, Ralph Zito from Syracuse is just taking a sabbatical. They have a plan in place for next year and he’ll be back the following year.

Since everyone is talking about Syracuse - does anyone know how big their waitlist is? This is my daughters dream school and so we wait. I just wondered what anyone knew about how their waitlist works and chances

@Transymeg Here’s what’s weird about the Syracuse WL. I don’t think my daughter was on a WL, unless not hearing anything at all equates to WL. She went from submitting a couple of extra audition videos (never had communication of any kind or saw in person ANYONE) and then boom–“Congrats you are accepted to our MT program.” We had written it off. Was there an official WL?
Also, if the finances don’t line up for us we will be releasing our spot, so hopefully that will help your daughter @Transymeg.
Don’t know yet—waiting on financial aid info. Here’s hoping you’re next in line!!

@SavsMom That is awesome for your daughter. We did get an email with a waitlist decision. You had to accept the waitlist - so I assume it went to quite a few kids. I have seen that this is also how Syracuse waitlists ALL of their popular programs and schools within the University. And yes, finances will have to line up for us too - but I think that she would understand and move on to other good offers. Right now, since she has till June 1 at her other offers - she is not yet willing to decide.

So wondering why we didn’t get any WL email. Wondering if she slipped through the cracks. My D was SOOO excited to get the Syracuse congrats email but so far the aid is seriously lacking, and so is the merit which is bumming me out.

My son auditioned for Syracuse acting track at unifieds in Chicago. They did not accept him to the program and instead offered a him the path program to Wells collage for one year, Wells collage is on probation. We were confused about that one.

On a happy note our son today received his acceptance letter off the waitlist for the BFA program at UM. Now he needs to choose Drew University which has engaged him Showing him the money or UM! We are blessed and thankful to this forum!

@APerez - U Miami, right? (There are lots of U of Ms!!!) CONGRATULATIONS TO HIM!!! That is simply fabulous and I am SO looking forward to his final decision story!!!