The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

Yes U miami! Thank you…

@APerez Congrats on the Miami admit!! What a fabulous program. My mother lives down there and kept trying to convince my son to apply but he did not want to go that far away. So happy for your son’s choices - his hard work is paying off after all!

@tsamuique my son sat for a Drew theatre class virtually and even did a reading with the theater-group . After the professor had a meeting with him. He’s feeling the love from them and now UMiami pops up. He’s on the fence and says his perspective on a BA program has changed . I’m glad he feels worthy of a BFA program after all that work and travel. But he’s always wanted to study in NY and abroad. We will see what the financial package UMiami offers and take it from there. But I THINK his mind is made up…

been a while since a nice vent… we just noticed that Baldwin Wallace extended their commitment date to AUGUST 24!!! I know thats the UNIvERSITY policy not the MT program but still…seriously…not sure what this does to waitlists and commitments at other schools etc… but seems like this will drag on through the summer…good times!

A little off topic, but I just started a thread regarding concerns with the meningitis vaccine requirement. Would appreciate any insight on this topic. Thank you

@NYYFanNowMTdad that’s crazy! Unless they’re planning for a delayed or no fall semester sort of ridiculous. Would be strange for them to make that decision now when we have no idea what will happen over the summer. I’m assuming schools will make fall decision in June (mid to late). Hope others don’t start “falling in line” as that’s what happened within one week in the spring.

@NYYFanNowMTdad wow that’s nuts. The only justification in my mind for the original extensions were when we thought we could “get back to normal” after a short, intense shut down, make visits and decide. Remember those days? Probably was less than two weeks where that was an idea! That’s as good as rolling admissions! Yeesh.

from the NACACnet website:

Baldwin Wallace University
United States - Ohio

Updated: {{Submission Date}}


Open to Admission Visitors: No

Allow Overnight Visits:

Currently Hosting Admission Events: Yes, virtual events

Physical Events:



Virtual Events:
Audience: Admitted students and their families
Making your college decision: virtual sessions for admitted students




Changed Candidate Reply Date Deadline Beyond May 1: Yes
New Reply Deadline: Aug 24, 2020

Changed Deposit Deadline: Yes
New Deposit Deadline: Aug 24, 2020

@NYYFanNowMTdad That is crazy about BW! I can’t believe how far out they are extending it. I hope it doesn’t slow things down with regards to MT. Fingers crossed for your D.

Baldwin Wallace received a C- in the Forbes College Financial Health Grade Report. Maybe the deposit delay to August 24th would help them to increase enrollment numbers?

@MTdreamin I definitely gave that some thought, seems like most smaller private universities are struggling w declining enrollment, heard similar commentary about ithaca, OCU, & others

@NYYFanNowMTdad according to posts in the BW parents FB group the U informed current students a couple weeks ago that they are exploring options for a later start. They they are also considering a longer welcome week that would begin with the missed orientation week.

@NYYFanNowMTdad - yeah, we have same issue with Point Park. C- grade. I’d actually be more nervous if I was sending my kid to one of the private NY schools (Molloy, LIU, etc.). With the legislation around “free college”in the CUNY / SUNY system especially with the developments around COVID, I could see private NY schools not named NYU or Columbia really struggling over the next couple of years. Of course, I’m sure those of you in the NY area have a more informed perspective.

@StanfordAI2019 no other knowledge here- definitely valid concerns… I also would be worried about NYC schools opening on time vs states with less cases, but thats all just conjecture

Not sure if this is an indicator for college start dates in different states, but is an interesting read.

Private and public institutions are receiving federal monies through the CARES Act.

Private colleges rely on enrollment unless an endowment.

@APerez That is wonderful that Drew was so accommodating in terms of letting him experience their classes virtually. We spent 3 hours there on a leisurely tour that felt very informative and generous in spirit - they do take their time investing in people who are interested in the college. It gave us a nice feeling too. I am glad your son is coming closer to a decision that makes him happy. Congratulations!

so with the minimal activity on these boards the past few days I am wondering which of the following is True?

A) waiting on WL movement
B) final decision made but not posting
C) final decision made but working on post
D) taking a gap year ( unsatisfied with results or Covid related?)
E) All results are in pondering a few choice ( plan on making a decision this week?)
F) other reason- please specify

For us its Option A

Anyone else out there?:slight_smile:

Congratulations. My S is a rising senior BFA MT at the U.

@NYYFanNowMTdad Just happened to be checking in and saw your post… I’m one of those who hasn’t been posting recently and can say that it’s for more than one reason! In order of influence:

F) Other–DH is now working from home full-time, and we only have one desktop computer, hence I’m now relegated to using my phone for everything! Makes posting much harder, though I’m still reading to keep up with others’ news! :smiley:

B) Final decision made! But see above… :wink:

C) Will be posting soon!

Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. I’ve enjoyed reading all the updates–good luck in making those final choices!