The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

That’s a super cool strange and unexpected twist!

@NYYFanNowMTdad Yay! Congrats to your D! Good things happen to those who wait!

Well, that’s a nice compliment for him @MTSthistime ! Coincidentally, my D got a letter today from Elon offering to waive fees if she would apply for a Fall (academic) transfer… as a junior!?! There’s no way in hades she would leave where she is … but it was so totally out of the blue that it gave us a giggle. I’m guessing admissions made some miscalculations this year on yield (and jeez - given this chaos it’s not that surprising). I feel for the admissions people but they shouldn’t have any problem filling their MT class … Elon has a top program and the student I know there loves the school.

@NYYFanNowMTdad - SO EXCITING!!! Congrats???

@CaMom13 - WOW! That’s exciting
even though he has his happy place already! Crazy year!

@MTSthistime a few weeks ago, I had predicted there would be a LOT more movement on WL this year. I had already heard from someone that the schools were more worried about making their classes. The musical theatre common prescreen – this was the first year and nobody really calculated the impact of making it easier for kids to audition for multiple programs at once. Many of them upped the amount they normally would have gone for and ended up with spots in many more than I think we have seen in the past.

Then, the virus hit. People have lost jobs, income…A lot of people have pivoted.

Both my students got very late acceptances to some schools. One after an outright rejection. I kind of think we will see more in the next 2-3 weeks!!

@NYYFanNowMTdad I literally logged in this evening to check on your family – what fabulous news for your daughter! I hope she’s found her perfect fit!

@onette - I think the pivot is the official dance move of 2020.

wow @MTSthistime congrats. just when you think u have this process figured out, ?!?!

thanks everyone for the well wishes and kind words, truly means the world to my D & I…@Dance3looks3 & @Sitzprobe THE ESPECIALLY HEARTFELT messages are really what makes this place so great…BW is a dream for my D, we will take a few days to process everything and release others as soon as we can …THEN ill start on my final decision thread which will likely be LONG :smile:

Congrats @NYYFanNowMTdad and @MTSthistime! Great news!

@NYYFanNowMTdad That is freaking fantastic! Unreal and good for your D. Happy for you guys.

@NYYFanNowMTdad That’s such wonderful news!! Congrats to your daughter!

@NYYFanNowMTdad WE GOT TIME! We are back to the days of Dickens where every detail is savored lol. I feel like we should do an office poll but instead of betting on due dates or baby weight we bet on how many pages!

So thrilled for your D about BW, @NYYFanNowMTdad !! Dreams come true. Can’t wait to hear the story when you’re ready!

And @MTSthistime , how wacky is THAT?! Nice validation for your S to get into another fabulous program but sheesh, could they stop messing with you now?

@NYYFanNowMTdad That’s just AMAZING! I’ve also been pulling for you and your D. Congratulations!


Fabulous news!!! So happy for your D!!! Lots of cheering going on for the waitlist movement!!!

Woohoo! Such great news here tonight! Congrats to all, especially @NYYFanNowMTdad – so happy for everyone!

I can’t wait to read more stories. ?

@NYYFanNowMTdad let me add to the chorus of congratulations for you and your D. BW is a fantastic program and Cleveland is a great city (even for a NYY fan :smile: ). I’m a firm believer in reaping what you sow and you have been a constant source of inspiration, support and good humor in this crazy crazy process. If you hadn’t toured the campus at BW, it is really beautiful. AND… there’s Dave’s Cosmic Subs too. :wink: Best of luck with everything!

@CaMom13 You can say that again!! But for many reasons, I think they didn’t make what some might think were the obvious choices, but certainly (IMO) the best choices for them. I feel great about their choices and the reasons behind them…