The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

D got a text tonight from Abilene Christian to say that they wanted to talk to her that she could move off their waitlist. This came as a big surprise as she only got a rejection from them and no mention of any waitlist. She went through all that heartache with each rejection and now this. This caused her to question her choices and made for an emotional night. She has already committed to Univ of Memphis, picked a roommate and so on. I think that is where she will stick but what a crappy deal.

@LinnyLou it is so crazy what is happening. Elon is doing the same thing. I guess COVID-19 is having an impact and the schools are scrambling to make their numbers. But I agree it is not what you need now. I hope she can put it behind her and be excited to go to U of Memphis. Hang in there!

@LinnyLou its totally crazy but if you are anything like the rest of us, the goal at the beginning was OPTIONS!! great to have choices

So glad to read all the positive developments!

My D got off the WL at Emerson yesterday for BFA Theatre and Performance. This was unexpected!

another classic movie clip appropriate for right now:

Totally agree @NYYFanNowMTdad - options are GOOD and if your kid has committed and doesn’t want to change that’s GOOD too! They should just take any subsequent acceptances as compliments! Don’t get mad about schools wanting your kid to attend, make them feel good about it! This process can be seriously traumatic and it has caused a number of performers I know to have years-long doubt about their talent. Make sure you start that healing now if possible.

This is going to be a fascinating year for late acceptances, might as well have a plan for if they happen and take them with a smile, regardless.

Waitlists are definitely moving! Those of you that predicted this were definitely correct. Just surprised it’s happening so soon. I’m beyond grateful to Admissions for not waiting until the Summer. I think they understand Class of 2020 has been through enough.

Our current waitlist situation:

@BloomingGirl - I am SO pulling for your D!

@NYYFanNowMTdad – good choice. That’s my favorite movie of all time.

I have heard of this happening to so many people, it is quite surprising. I even heard of two others who got a call to be added to a wait list at a school they had really been hard hit by the original rejection. I think next time around, the schools are going to have to find a way to make more balanced lists on their end too, they are not all going to get the amazing break out star and they too might have to cast a wider net. So many people I know got off wait lists or were added to wait lists unexpectedly after receiving rejections. Could be a combination of Covid and the common prescreen. This game will continue to change. I am really hoping my kid will actually commit today but she seems determined to wait it out until June and continue to chew on the whole thing. Covid concerns and the continuation of “shelter in place” in our area and NOT in others has her very spooked and despite the agony of going through all this, may end up wanting to take a gap year because she keeps hearing from places like CCP and older friends how useless video BFA training is. I personally, cannot imagine doing this again next year and not really being able to leverage anything we learned from this year. It is going to be a whole new ball game out there, I am guessing!

@Ontheverge - so many unknowns! It’s got to be hard and you’re right, the game continues to change. One thing to put into the equation is that the next few years will be hard financially on schools that are not super well-funded. If the crunch of finances hits as hard as it seems it will affect many of the smaller BFA programs - some may be ended or put on pause. Fewer programs and many students taking a gap year … the admissions math looks awful. On the other hand if you have some good training facilities near home and your D is sure she can spend a year constructively at home, that’s a tempting option. I am feeling increasingly optimistic that schools that can open on-site in Fall will do so. The financial impact of moving to remote education (and losing students + tuition and housing income) is just too much for most schools to swallow.

D is ready to commit now (6/1 decision date) but as I saw here that an offer can come even after a rejection, I feel like waiting until June 1 ! I wouldn’t mind if D’s dream school surprises her with an acceptance after the rejection! ? It’s crazy!

We were just having this conversation. She has been really happy with her top school since she got the acceptance from them and she wishes she just had the opportunity to defer instead of accepting but again, there is just so much uncertainty, and I for one am just ready to keep moving forward! I am glad that this school does have a June 1 deadline. She has already declined all her other offers and we will just wait to pull the trigger on commitment until she is comfortable.

Sigh…I do not envy the class of 2025 and while I am throwing a bit of a pity party for those of us whose kids went through this year, I am grateful that we did get to travel for the auditions safely and that my daughter had some choices that worked for our budget and her needs. I am hopeful things will get a little more normal in the coming months so they can all start their freshman year on-site in some modified way!

@Ontheverge for whatever its worth, my 2 cents PLOW FORWARD, do not do this again, especially next year…or disregard me completely is fine too :smiley:

I have said it several times. Waitlists were already predicted to have a lot of movement this year, but with the added “bonus” of COVID19, it really shook things up a lot.

I now have heard of SIX people — completely different schools — all rejections, no waitlists…who have gotten 11th hour acceptances. It is emotional but it is a chance to get what you want. If my students had had a lot of rejection or waitlists, I would have recommended them to wait until today to make their decision. In fact, I would not be surprised if a few of the ones that did reject them end up contacting them. One, in particular, where there was communication and they had already seen them, but just a bad final audition.

But I will say what I told one of them – once you make a commitment, stick to it unless you want burn that bridge forever. Theatre is a small world and you never know where you will encounter that relationship again in the future.

@Ontheverge - could not agree more about “balance” on both sides…I was thinking the same thing. I won’t mention which schools, but I was very aware of several schools who seemed to be very late with their acceptances but also seemed to be waiting for some of the ones who I saw were on multiple acceptances to get back to them before committing to others. Meanwhile, I saw the ones “waiting” give up and move on to other schools. I think, for some of them, it has sort of shot them in the foot.

While I was writing this, lo and behold, one of my students just a call offering them in a MT program they were not expecting. But they have already committed and even though now they are really torn, they cannot renege.

Very weird year, indeed…

Hey been off the board for a few days but such exciting news @NYYFanNowMTdad ! Congratulations to your d I know you had mentioned this was a top choice for her.

@StanfordAI2019 - funny on the CMU post :slight_smile:

@LinnyLou - nice to have some choices - congratulations to your D

It’s funny my d was just saying that she was hearing that Elon and Ithaca are desperate for students - one of her guy friends just got a last-minute acceptance to Ithaca - not sure if he was actually rejected or never heard back but its fun to see the shoe on the other foot. Maybe some of the colleges can start their own CC page and sweat it out like we have for the next few months.

and @BloomingGirl - hang in there - I think its coming - a lot of movement, something good will come your way.

@onette agreed been saying all year LONG before covid there would be hyper activity on WL

It’s flat out weird to see the shoe on the other foot @DivaStageMom ! Elon and Ithaca? I am kind of stunned by that - who’d have ever thunk?