The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@DivaStageMom I have been saying that all throughout this situation. Football brings in TONS of money for these big colleges. There has been talk of moving the college football season to the Spring which makes me wonder if a lot of the bigger schools would decide to do online for the first semester…

I don’t think moving the football season would influence online / in-person school decisions. Sports are major revenue producers for schools but so is tuition and tuition will be hit hard for any school that decides to operate online for Fall. Michigan makes 50 million profit a year from their football program but the revenue (200 million plus) is dwarfed by tuition and fees from students (1.5 billion). Parents and Students alike won’t go for paying Michigan’s tuition for online education, so moving football would hurt but going online for a whole semester would hurt more. I m hoping the college football season won’t be canceled but the number of spectators will be reduced (like the Miami Dolphins have proposed) or they will play without any spectators. That would work if they can get a deal to have all the Div 1 games streamed or televised.

Has anyone heard from Syracuse’s MT waitlist? I know that the latest you’ll hear is June, but I’ve heard that they send out acceptances the first week of may.

Y’all my D and her friends painted their uniform skorts (a school tradition for senior girls to paint their uniforms with their college logos and wear them on the last day); got up and got dressed in full uniform and met outside the school gates at 8am this morning to take last day of school pics. The president of the school saw them outside and came out hung over the fence and took pics with them and posted them on his FB page. I am crying!!!

@jupdancemom - what a great tradition !!! Glad they got to follow through on their tradition. These kids missed so much!

Thanks @DivaStageMom. I am too. They’re planning on having in person graduation at the end of July; hoping that works out.

@jupdancemom - That’s great - I am here in NJ with another 30 days of quarantine just announced - things aren’t looking good for us :frowning:

@jupdancemom - my D’s school has the same tradition – what else can you do with those uniform skirts anyway? :wink: I hope they are able to do that, too. I love that the president came out and joined them! So much fun!! <3

@DivaStageMom ugh!!! I’m so sorry. NJ and NY definitely are the hardest hit areas. Stay safe (and sane!)

@Logantor right?? Although our school has a FB page where people can get rid of gently used uniforms, jackets, spirit shirts etc. Which is nice because, as you said, what else are you going to do with uniforms??? Hopefully your D will just paint hers and take a pic regardless!

@jupdancemom @Loganator - My d’s school does not have that tradition - but I am going to tell her about this - its a great idea - she and her friends should do it!

@DivaStageMom yes; they should definitely start a new tradition!! It was actually started by my oldest D and her friends 2 years ago, and then the class last year carried it on. They didn’t get to do a huge group photo like the last 2 years, but a lot of the girls still did it this year and posted on social media so I’m glad they carried it on despite not being at school.

I’m so excited I’m going to put this in two places - Congratulations to @BloomingGirl’s D for clearing the Tisch waitlist! My heart is overflowing with happiness for her and for you @BloomingGirl - you have been such a great, supportive forum member and your D had such a very tough time of it this year, I know many of us were pulling for her getting a break all along. I can’t wait to hear your final decision story with the HAPPY ending! (also, I hope it’s affordable). Just so thrilled.

Thank you so much @CaMom13 !! I have read every word you’ve written about Tisch just hoping that one day my D would have the opportunity to learn and grow at such an amazing place. I really couldn’t be happier. This forum has been such a lifesaver and even on the bad days I could come here and someone would have good news to cheer me up!

@BloomingGirl Congratulations all the hard work has paid off!

@BloomingGirl you have unselfishly rooted and contributed all year long. Soak it all in NOW. It’s your turn!!!

I’m on phone or I would post the dumb and dumber clip because your chance just came in!!

Well, well, well. It is May 7th and no BFA MT that D wants wants her. Cue Frankie Valli, “So close but yet so far…” Perhaps a decent chance to write Audition: The Sequel.

I’m sure this sounds familiar to many:

After surviving until the very final WL decision, attending meetings and classes online, getting to know professors and students, D was met with disappointment yet again and offered BA/BS Theater track. This is the 4th or 5th “close call”—I’ve lost track.

Since she was smitten with the environment, we asked some follow up questions and wound up having a phone call with the department coordinator.

After hearing the description of the BA/BS, D again emphasized her desire for a performance program.

D was asked “Do you consider yourself a dancer first?” That’s an obvious “yes” for D, and that’s where it gets interesting…

Turns out her auditors for the MT audition were actually dance faculty, and they remembered her MT dance audition very well. Didn’t hurt D had sent appropriate written (yes, old fashioned and soon to be extinct first-class USPS) and electronic communications. She also followed up after being notified of being on the MT waitlist.

Coordinator said no promises, decision not theirs, but they would be willing to see if Dance Department would consider D for a BFA slot, could she please send video links?

…knock me, dear Dad, over with a feather…

D submits a video portfolio of additional performance and choreography work she has done.

One day later, she receives an offer to enroll in the BFA Dance Program.

Now having ridden the MT horses the entire tragi-comic, altogether too long movie, we drive into the sunset in our Cadillac. “THE END” flashes onscreen.

D will be a Ball State Cardinal in Fall 2020 in the Department of Theater and Dance.

Didn’t see that coming, did ya?

WOW @MTisNutz - that’s awesome! Didn’t see that coming and I am so happy for your D!

@MTisNutz It really is Nutz, isn’t it?? WOOOHOOOO!!! Again (as I told you via text) SOOOOOO happy for your daughter!!! Would I have expected this? Nope…but this year is NOT like any other…I am thrilled! She will get amazing training there!

@MTisNutz that is fantastic news! There are a lot of roads to Hollywood and Broadway… glad to hear your D will have the opportunity for a performance program. You both have a great deal of perseverance. The future is bright… cheers!

HOORAY! @MTisNutz ! I was ready for a heartbreak post, this is a wonderful turn of events! I think this journey can be quite uneven for dancers, so happy she found her home.