The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@BloomingGirl Woo Hoo! So very excited for your D I almost squealed! The wait is not fun, but it was worth it for her to get her dream!!! I know you must be ecstatic!

@MTisNutz Congrats to your D on her BFA dance. As your name says MT is nuts, and definitely keeps you guessing! But it sure is nice when things work out in the end!

I will stay staying off the boards for a bit and coming back to all this great news has made it worth it!!! I feel like I need some champagne to celebrate everyone!

@CaMom13 @onette @prarie @intheburbs @Loganator @DivaStageMom @jupdancemom @rickle1 @modanbsmt001 @MTthistime @BoogieMa @dramamama3 @Dance3Looks3 @NYYFanNowMTdad @BloomingGirl @MTDreamin @MTSongbirdMom

Thank you for the congrats and well wishes! Yes DD can audition for productions and take classes in the other triple threat disciplines while continuing to focus on her best.

Plot twist and unexpected-yes. At the same time it’s a great fit and feels like it will help her truly build what is special about her.

She is happy and so are we.

This community is amazing. Thank you all for your support along the way. And yes,


@ElizaDoolittle - I actually tried to join Crucible Cast Party - and they rejected me, too old, no parents… - that is my MT rejection story :wink:

Does anyone have any updates about Syracuse’s MT waitlist?

I think I’d feel less of a letdown right now if we were A ) actively celebrating the end of senior year with all of the related events actually happening instead of watching virtual substitutes, and B ) confident that we are prepping for their campus departure in August. So much is still TBD, and we are sadly lacking crystal balls. And, 50+ days into this in Texas, the end is nowhere in sight for me personally because I am asthmatic+ and won’t be going out and about any time soon.

On the plus side, my D is actively engaging in “next steps” as a recently committed student and Zoom calls. :smiley:

And another complete rejection turned into a acceptance today for one of my students. And there was a WL for this school. Just letting you know…things may be shifting even more than we imagine.

@MTisNutz What a twist and turn! Another good reason why you should watch a movie until the end! I’m clapping for your happy ending! ???

@onette is the student that keeps getting rejections turned to acceptance a boy? Just curious…we have not had any magical conversions on our list :slight_smile:

Just want to take a moment to thank you all for sharing your knowledge and experiences. I was a late comer to this party… I didn’t really start looking at CC until I arrived at the Palmer House Hilton and thought “WTH have I gotten myself into”. You may have seen me… I was often sitting by myself with a drink in one of those upper floor little window boxes looking down at all the action in the lobby.

Since then I have become obsessed with trying to understand this process and find the patterns. Clearly there is not transparency or full predictability with respect to WLs. I have breathed sighs of relief for stories shared here where kiddos got into schools from WLs. And smiled to hear of the possibility of acceptances after rejections. (My S had a rejection from a school then found out he was moved to the WL.) But I also know of kiddos who were on WLs (were told they were at top of WLs) who wrote letters/appeals and never were accepted. I won’t mention schools, but one of the schools had to have had spots open based on what I saw here, and the other school CCers reported was making calls to rejected students. So I can’t make heads or tails of this. I feel like a defeated 80s kid giving up on a Rubik’s cube. I am grateful things worked out the way they did for my S. Two themes I’ve read on CC hold true: cast a wide net, and most students will be accepted somewhere.

@prarie if you are a Mom happy mothers day to you & all the other theater moms that are here…its perplexing no doubt, you sound defeated, I hope thats not the case. in the end your kid will define how good an education he got over the next 4 years then we will all be at the same starting line all over again.

Again Happy Mothers day to All the moms out there- if you made it through this process you certainly have earned your mimosa, bloody Mary , glass of white wine , or other vice of your choosing :wink:

@NYYFanNowMTdad thanks for the Mother’s Day wishes! And kuddo to all you dads out there!

I’m not defeated… just puzzled by it all. A friends of mine told me from beginning to trust the process because everyone endsup where they are supposed to. I think she is right. I was determined to find the magic formula/equation for it all and I don’t know if there is one. Guess it’s a good thing I am not the one pursuing this career LOL!

@prarie puzzled makes sense 35 years later I still never solved the rubix cube!!

@prarie I feel your pain in all of this and am glad it sounds like it ultimately worked out for your S. The whole process is crazy, unpredictable, and stressful. I feel due to the common prescreen, this yr has been particularly challenging as more kids apply to more schools. Waitlists get bigger, more movement. Then enter Covid 19 and you;re asking your kid to make decisions without (in many cases) having ever seen the school, spoken to kids in the program, taken a class, etc.

We’re at an interesting stage where D is committed to an NYC program and NYC won’t be NYC for quite some time. Doubtful they’ll be ready for a full program in the fall. All the things you want in an NYC program (access to professionals, shows, etc.) won’t be happening for some time. A semester? A year? Until vaccines are available to the public? I read somewhere that choral programs won’t be aloud to practice until a vaccine is available because the nature of choral performance (standing close together, projecting - potential spray -, etc.) Wonder how that will effect ensembles in MT.

D loves the idea of her program, but the reality might be different. Lots of NYC theater kids in the same boat.

Congrats @MTisNutz !!! I am a latecomer to this news (took a few days off from the board) but I’m hopping on the congratulatory bandwagon to celebrate your D’s dream finally being realized! She’s going to a fabulous program and will thrive!!

@CBSQandA both male and female students. Two for the male and one for the female.

@rickle1 so sorry - and it’s not just NYC with the uncertainty, it’s every college and every music theatre program everywhere! BoCo is planning to announce their fall plans on 6/15, coordinating with the entire Boston academic community.

@DramaLlama18 Yeah I know it’s everyone. Very sad. NYC will just take the longest to get back to normal. Boston is pretty bad too. My SIL is on the front lines at Mass General Hospital and the reports are very sad. They are improving but far from over.

You just feel sooo bad for these kids. This will be a defining moment of their resiliency.

@prarie - It’s so funny that you said that - I haven’t had a chance to write my final story yet - but like you fate seemed to send me in some crazy directions and I came to this board looking for answers - like there was a method to the madness and I kept hearing over and over to trust the process - but at that very moment fate didn’t seem like my friend and I fought it every step of the way.

Yet strangely we went through the process and D ended up exactly where she was supposed to be. I have no idea how it happened. I was the biggest skeptic and now I am a believer. But I will say that going through the process clarifies things.

D started out wanting a BFA MT at a school that was academic because she wanted a plan B - she also was location sensitive. However, we narrowed down the list so much with all the things she wanted she ended up applying to very few schools initially. By Christmas break she had two auditions booked and was waiting to hear back from another school about her pre-screen. Panicked, she ended up applying to schools that didn’t originally meet her very narrow criteria including BU that checked every box - but it was a BFA in acting with a concentration in MT.

I remind her that we were at the airport on our way to Boston and she questioned why she was auditioning. Yet she went to the information session - was blown away by the head of the department - listened to the panel of students, had a “life-changing” audition/interview and it completely changed her mind - when we left 3 hours later, that was her top choice, and she was accepted - it was a fit.

This process makes no sense and yet it does. There are some kids who get into programs my D was rejected from, and I can say but she made more prescreens or she doesn’t have this and my daughter has that. There seems like no rhyme or reason but I have to imagine the schools are feeling the “fit” just like our kids are - and to your point, cast a wide net and I would add - leave yourself open to being surprised.

In terms of waitlists, I do think schools go by type - even though they don’t admit it - so that may explain some of the waitlist abnormalities.

@actorparent1 - NY is in a unique situation - with NYC - but personally, I think some of these less populated states have to open up. Somebody has to go first. Hopefully, they have some success and can provide some best practices.

Honestly, this has done so much financial destruction - we have to come up with creative and safe ways to open things up. There is a very large theater in my area in NJ - they have a lot of funding - are in the midst of a major renovation and their MD was on CNBC the other day saying if this lasts until January they will be out of business - which basically means every regional theater in NJ will be out of business - If they can’t make it I don’t know who can.

And we have had conversations on this board about many colleges that are at risk if classes don’t resume in the fall. So personally I am rooting for these states - hopefully, one of their successes could provide a path for the new normal until there is a vaccine - lets hope!

In other news, we received an email from the U my older son attends stating all on campus students will have private dorm rooms next year.

@DivaStageMom et al. Students and parents, like you, who have gone through these experiences have such great insights.

On the one hand, I’ve heard not to try to “read the room” because the auditors are adept at disguising how they feel and / or may come across as positively inclined when in fact they’re more ambivalent about a candidate.

On the other hand, perhaps your D’s positive feelings about the school she visited was due to vibes she was feeling about the program. It would be natural to want to attend a program where she felt was a good, reciprocal fit and where she felt wanted.