The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@dramamama3 I feel ya! Monologues are the worst. DD is so freakin’ picky. This is my favorite online resource for both classical and contemporary monologues. DD hated them all but we know one girl who did Three Sisters and received rave reviews (and multiple artistic admits) 2 cycles ago.

@Bingosings Several, but not all, require “juries” or some other regular check on progress toward the degree. Others do not admit to the BFA until after a year or two. Cal State Fullerton is a ‘non-audition’ program but they only admit 24 BFA’s after sophomore year out of 100 entering. So, like everything else—it depends. You are wise to monitor these aspects of your school list.

thought this thread that was recently started could help some on this thread:

Does anyone know how long it typically takes to hear about prescreens? I have sent out 3 - mostly schools I felt were a huge reach OR I wasn’t that invested in - just to get a gauge. I just don’t know what to expect in terms of time and how do they notify you?Through email ? On get Acceptd?

Common prescreen: Can the slates be filmed separately and then spliced in with the monologues or songs as long as they stay under 90 secs total or do they have to be filmed continuously? tia

@DramaLove2020 My D heard from her few prescreens through Accepted if she submitted that way and email if submission was through a different method. She submitted later in the cycle but it took a few weeks to hear. I think the time varies depending on the school’s timeline. Some have specific dates they review and others as they trickle in. Someone else may have more information.

@mamaboyz Since common prescreen is new you might want to ask a school involved. Last year we were told that the slate could be spliced unless the school specified one continuous clip. But I don’t like to assume anything with something important!

For MT common prescreen, each song and slate is separate. Each should be 60-90 seconds. Here is a good list of the requirements.

Actually it says the slate should NOT be separate, in the link you provided
“There should not be a separate “slate” video, rather slates are to appear at the beginning of each piece”

I apologize / I should have written it a little more coherently. What I meant was each slate COMBINED with song should be separate. I was lazy with my usage of “and.” What I intended to communicate was “no continuous videos of both songs/slates/monologues.” It is very well-written on the link I posted. ?

@crazytheatregoer @ElizaDoolittle
@DramaLove2020 re: Kent State MT program… my D is a junior at Kent.
The MT program typically seems to yield 25 ish kids each year. I would disagree that they have a class under 20 kids although i do not know how many are in the freshman class currently. I know my D told me they had more kids audition this past season then normal. I am attributing this to the fact that MT programs have become very saturated with kids auditioning & also Kent was listed on a top programs list not long ago
& I know that attracts people to the program and got it publicity etc.

I agree there are typically a regional Ohio draw , so large number of my daughters class are from Ohio.
My D ‘s class I believe is at 25-26? students now. ( she has since switched majors out of MT as of this fall).

I agree the dance dept seems active & is popular. You can indeed test out into a more advanced dance for MT if you have more advanced skills. The previous MT specific dance teacher retired last year and they have someone new.

the town of Kent is nice and downtown is thriving. Lots of events and shopping /dining . The school itself has a very well known school of fashion & attracts lots of OOS students for that major. My D has a slew of friends in f design etc. the school also seems to spend a lot of money on new buildings and upkeep. Landscaping and campus always looks nice etc. it’s a large campus but very manageable.

If you have any specific questions feel free to message me I may know the answer.

Yes I understand there should be a slate at the beginning of each audition piece. The question is can the slate be recorded separately and then edited in to the beginning. So when taping you are not constantly also having to record the slate over and over.

Also, does anyone know when the ONSTAGE BLOG listing of top 25 BFAs will be released? Last year it was end of August. Are they doing it this year?

@mamaboyz Re: the slate. Last year my daughter just slated before each take. I think she used it as centering moment, so it never annoyed her to keep doing it. I only have our experience to go by, but I’d be worried about the slate not transitioning smoothly into the song and thereby being distracting to the watcher.

we did pre screen recording yesterday & D did slate before each piece. it was as @BrennaK stated a good moment to collect and focus, it was not an issue for her at all. she did it before each take for each song and monologue. it really wasn’t difficult at all to just slate each time before each take, good luck…glad to have this task completed for sure.

Feeling a little manic. I went through the audition process last year with my daughter (which was successful and the previous year, which was not successful- you can read the story on the 2023 final decision thread). Son was geared up to take a gap year for a number of reasons, the biggest being he wanted to take some extra dance lessons and voice lessons. So, I was really looking forward to having a year off from the chaos and stress. Then he did a college audition workshop and he was invited to a final audition, and we thought, “hey, it’s a great program, you should do this.” It’s turned into a “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” style scenario where it’s “if he’s auditioning there, he might as well audition here” and now we’re doing a full audition season. I’m still tired from the last 2 years, to be honest. And now we’re scrambling to finalize song selections and get prescreens filmed and essays written.

Note: having been through this before, here is brief summary of my convo with my son as we’re starting this process: “You NEED my help. There is a lot of stuff to keep track of, there are a lot of details to handle, communication is very important. I’m not here for moodiness, or you feeling that I’m nagging. This is expensive, stressful, and all consuming. We are a team. I will check your email. I will check your portals. I will tell you what you need to get done, and you’ll do it. I will ask you if you’ve done it. You will not blow me off.” << I said this all while we were on a call with his sister (who is currently at Shenandoah for MT) and she totally agreed with me. I know there are opinions that this process represents their first steps into adulthood and the application process is a good time for them to learn the realities of not being on top of the details. I think there is too much for a normal teen to handle on their own. It is a great mentoring opportunity. We draft emails together, we follow up on details together. Once they are in their programs, then it’s all them.

Anyway, here’s to another crazy year!

Does anyone know if doing a school’s summer program automatically gets your prescreen passed? I heard this might be the case with MPulse.

Thanks @MTisNutz.

@SuddenlySeeMore My daughter did CMU summer program before her Junior year and YES that was the case, but I don’t think it was the case with all programs AND I heard that CMU may have changed their policy on that as well now.

At BOCO this summer at the end of the program the seniors were allowed to audition for the school.

Does anyone know how long it takes to hear back from an Emerson prescreen? They allow you to pay a fee to do just the prescreen before you do the application and I did that but I am not sure what to expect time wise