The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@onette Your two students seemed to apply to many programs and garnered many acceptances, which is so awesome! Where did they each choose to enroll?

@CaMom13 My D took a speaker to Chicago Unifieds but did not end up needing to use it for any of her auditions. I’m interested in joining the FB group and will pm you about that.

@CaMom13 S did take a speaker to Chicago Unifieds and at least one school who said they would have live accompaniment did not, so better to have a speaker for every audition just in case. I believe Webster was the only school with accompaniment, and he loved singing with them.


I love that they are trying to be creative. I just wonder where the incremental cost is going to come in associated with much smaller classes. I worr

FYI, @CaMom13 - before you go to too much effort round this, I know someone else mentioned this already, but there is already two great groups around just this topic. Super helpful wealth of information, consider searching MT and parents and BFA Dreams on facebook. Just helps keep things coordinated. Helped me a TON but I do like the anonymity of CC compared to FB for various reasons so I totally get the need for both, but I have been able to ascertain who’s who on here from some people.

Thanks @Ontheverge - yes, I know of both FB groups, thanks! We’re doing something a little different and (deliberately) a lot smaller. :wink: I won’t go into details here because it’s not really the place but I appreciate your info.

@CaMom13 I have been corrected by my D- she says she DID use her speaker for many of her Chicago Unifieds auditions! My only excuse is that it all seems like it was a year ago now…thanks, pandemic.

LOL. Okay! Noted @BoogieMa , thank you!

@CaMom13 Montclair University required speakers at the NYC auditions.

@CaMom13 Pace University at Chicago Unifieds required a recorded accompaniment and a speaker.

@CaMom13 my D used the recording at NY and Chicago unifieds. I don’t recall all the schools but it was quite a few. We also needed it for our on campus audition at Boco since it was when the school was still on winter break.

Recording or speaker @modanbsmt001 ? I was specifically wondering whether a speaker was a required piece of equipment for those Unifieds or optional. It seems like for Chicago, it’s required.

@CaMom13 I would be prepared with both. In some cases you could hook up to a speaker that was provided but in others you needed to use your own speaker. We bought the OontZ Angle 3 Ultra bluetooth speaker from Amazon and it worked fine when it was needed.

@CaMom13 My S didn’t end up doing Unifieds, but he was scheduled to do about 7 auditions there, so he did have to prepare for them. I’d have to look back to see which schools specifically mentioned the need to bring a speaker, but some definitely did. We decided it was nice to be able to control that aspect rather than relying on being able to connect to an unknown speaker, so he had an inexpensive one lined up to bring with him.

@CaMom13 - You need a speaker for NY Unifieds - Penn State surprisingly had an accompanist for my d’s audition - but not the day before - I think that was the only one that did. So bring both a speaker and sheet music just to make sure.

We brought a Bluetooth speaker, but I also had a backup portable CD player with batteries and a CD with all her music on it (plus sheet music). I was slightly paranoid and wanted to be prepared LOL

@CaMom13 My son only needed his iphone for the CCM audition, but they had a speaker to plug into. Carnegie and Ithaca had accompaniment for piano.

@soozievt - not the ones you might think!!! Lots of anguish over choices. Lots of actors. The girl’s mom has joined CC and I think she will post her story, but they just experienced the loss of a close family member, so it may be a bit. The young man just gave me permission to share his story – I just have to write it up!! :slight_smile: I will add it…I just wanted their permission first. There were some interesting “last minute” acceptances that didn’t ultimately change his decision, but did disrupt things a bit.

@BoogieMa @allfour1 That is wild! I guess it just depends on which school. I know both of the kids I work with used their speakers at many auditions. I know that Temple and Otterbein had accompanists, but Otterbein had them use speaker. The girl was also asked to do a French classical song that the Otterbein accompanist played (so they used both??). I had them bring bluetooth speakers but to choose speakers that allowed an optional cable because I have been in environments where Bluetooth didn’t work. I had no idea how the hotel would be with that, so always have a backup plan! I also had them bring a small backup speaker…just in case! Thank goodness, they didn’t need it! Their primary speaker was the UE Wonderboom and it worked great!

Belmont announced the following yesterday:

Start date is still in August
Classes on Labor Day
Fall Break is canceled (to minimize fall travel)
Last Day of 1st semester is Friday, November 20th

Some class times/days may be extended
Hybrid of online and in person classes for all students
Full remote learning will be offered for the fall semester to anyone who feels more comfortable with that option for their student/family